The search reaches a critical point

It was 7 PM, and the streets of Washington DC never seemed crueler in Valentine's eyes.

"Where are you…Where can you be?" Gabe who sat in the front passenger seat said in a tortured tone.

The two men have been roaming the streets for a solid one hour, Valentine drove slowly checking every single place that Summer's brother was able to think of. He had contacted Gabe telling him that Summer had gone missing and the two of them have been searching together for Summer ever since.

"She's okay, she has to be," Valentine didn't sound much better than how Gabe sounded earlier.

His phone rang just then, and he took the call that he had been waiting for immediately.

"David," the name Valentine spoke went out in a warning.

"Mr. Hosek, none of the hospitals in town have her name submitted. Every detective in Washington is looking for her, but the police wouldn't accept to open a case for a missing person before 12 hours have passed,"