All about memories

Summer's blue eyes opened lazily once more, the light in the unfamiliar room told her that the sun was either rising or setting, but she had no idea which one was it.

Her righthand nagged at her, and when she lifted it up, she saw the clear tube and felt the needle that was inserted inside.

"Ugh," she groaned, remembering something closer to fiction than reality. 

"Are you thirsty?" A concerned voice asked, it was followed by the feeling of a warm hand that squeezed her left hand. She realized just then that his hand had been on hers for a while. 

"You…" she turned his way.

He smiled, "Yes, me, you better get used to it,"

Summer was about to object but the stern look on the stranger's face had her changing her mind, and the pain in her head was too much for arguing right now,  "Where's mom and dad…And Mike," she still wasn't too thrilled about seeing how different the Gabe from now is than the one in her memories.