I go still at her words, “What do you mean by that?”
“I could sense it,” She taps her chest. “He felt different.”
I don’t know what different means to her but it is true that he hadn’t been acting like himself.
Despite what Aliya said about her, Kayla has not revealed anything about what she could be. But since she seems to be a little forthcoming right now, I ask, “Are you settling in okay?”
She nods.
The little wolf puppy wriggles out of her hold and she releases it.
“Kayla, if I ask you a few questions, can you answer them for me?”
Kayla looks hesitant, “I know you want to ask about my family.”
“Can you tell me what happened? Why were you living in the woods?”
She curls into herself, her arms wrapped around her knees, “I ran away. That bad man was hurting Rain and I ran away. She told me to run.”
Rain must have been her sister, I think to myself.
I put my arm around her shoulders, “It's a good thing you ran away. Your sister wanted to protect you.”