Chapter 164- For Elise (Part 2)

Chapter 164- For Elise (Part 2)

The moment she closed her eyelids, an extremely blissful feeling invaded her very existence. It was so beautiful, so paradisical, yet also weirdly sad.

All her life, these sounds were what she heard for hours and hours on end. At some point, she fell in love with the piano and even decided to spend all her life learning everything that could be learned about this musical instrument.

As much pain as she experienced because of it and as much as this instrument was technically the reason she lost her whole family and lived through hell. Yet, not even for one second did she ever hate the piano.

It was her only time of freedom from her horrible life, after all. How can she hate that? How can she hate the only colorful thing in the sea of her monotonous days? That would only make her fall deeper and deeper into the abyss.