Chapter 165- Serious Power-Up (Part 1)

Chapter 165- Serious Power-Up (Part 1)

"Hah… Hah… Hah… Ugh, fuck!!!" Rin squinted his eyes as he glared at his right side. There, he could see his whole arm, covered in dried blood and in a horribly bad shape. His fingers and the palm of his hand were skinless as if it was peeled off like a banana.

His face was pale, probably from the sheer amount of blood he had lost and also because of the huge injury that cut his face horizontally. The scar sadly damaged one of his eyes and made it basically useless.

However, the most dangerous and by far the most gruesome injury was the one he had on his chest. From as down as his left kidney and as high as his left shoulder blade, a huge sword slash dug deep into his flesh and revealed his bones.

The blood that kept dripping down and creating a pool around him was alarming to say the least. It was in fact quite impressive how he was still capable of standing or even staying unconscious for that matter.