You've Made Us Proud

Jiang Ling'er politely said, "Grandpa, Dad, Uncle, I'm home."

She knew that the elders were all pleased with her performance.

Old Master Jiang smiled and said, "My amazing granddaughter, you've really made us proud."

Jiang Ling'er smiled and replied, "Grandpa, you're too kind. I just performed normally."

Seeing his granddaughter so humble yet confident, Old Master Jiang was even happier. He said, "You speak so confidently. I watched the live broadcast, but I'd still like to hear your thoughts."

Jiang Ling'er smiled and explained, "During the live broadcast, I kept my responses official. I honestly didn't feel much. Although the competition questions were challenging, they were well within my capabilities."

Old Master Jiang nodded and said, "Seeing your confidence makes me very happy. Let me share two pieces of good news as well. First, I've already kicked Jiang Jun out of the house, and your father has successfully divorced Lin Lin."