Uncle's Past

Watching Jiang Sheng's retreating figure, Old Master Jiang couldn't help but feel helpless and deeply concerned.

Jiang Ling'er noticed the hint of sadness in her grandfather's eyes and glanced at Jiang Hua.

Jiang Hua sighed softly, unsure of what to say.

Old Master Jiang, looking at Jiang Ling'er with curiosity, began to speak, "Your uncle had a girlfriend during his school days, and they were both medical students. They were inseparable, a perfect match. However..."

He paused for a moment, sighing before continuing, "Later, both of them started working at the hospital. One day, during an emergency, a patient couldn't be saved, and the patient's family blamed your uncle's girlfriend, threatening and maliciously slandering her. Unable to bear the pressure, she ended her own life."

Jiang Ling'er was shocked by this revelation, only now realizing that medical disputes could escalate to such extreme levels due to aggressive family members.