Chapter 2: The Fifth Cycle

Oceanus Castle, Arendelle

24th September 2016

Dear Aria

I hope that you are happy. I apologize for not being able to keep you safe, and for not being able to let you see the beauty of life. Dear heart, never for a second think I did not love you, for you are so important to me that even your father could not measure up to it. So, child listen to my story so that you would not carry out the same mistakes that I have made in my life

A cycle. What a common word right? A word whose meaning could be understood by many. From the non-magical beings to the magical beings. All have their own thoughts regarding it. Some non-magical would call it a complete set while others would call it a device to travel from one place to another. Likewise magical would call it a natural process that would repeat after it ends. For things that begin at their end are called to move in a cycle.

For me, the Cycle is hell. It is torture, my nightmare. Why would you ask? You may think it is because I find it boring to do things in repetition or is it because I have a terrible balance that I cannot use but am forced to learn it. Nah, not accurate at all my sweetheart.

There are many cycles in our world. Our world runs in a cycle itself. Sun and moon rise and set in a cycle. We live only to die and then to get reincarnated to live again. We take from the world and give the same amount in return. When I was young I had always been fascinated with cycles. I had always wondered who had made these cycles or if were they just as they are naturally.

Now, from the fascination that I had when I was younger to the dread and fear I feel in the present, the cycle has always been a part of my life even when I didn't want it to be. Well, you still didn't get the answer to why the cycle became my nightmare and my personal hell did you?

To explain the reason let me tell you my definition of the cycle. It was one thing about the cycle that stuck throughout my life. For me, the cycle was the natural birth of anything from its first emergence as life to gradual growth to complete maturity which leads to growth in wisdom as well as loss in strength and will end until nothing is left, and at the end, it would slowly collect little life here and there to give rise to the new one. No one would know if it is the old one or a new one. It would forever remain a mystery as the ones who knew the old ones were no longer there to see it.

This was the beauty of the cycle for there was so little we know about it yet instead of being afraid of it we get even more fascinated or obsessed with it. Everyone becomes. Do not deny it as there is always one person or a thing or even an incident that keeps you fascinated in life. After all life despite all its mystery is beautiful. Despite the ending being so unknown and hopeless for I have not heard anyone surpass it, we crave for life, we crave and desire to live it till the end. Even I a person who regards the cycle as hell, still find myself obsessed with life or should I say living.

Allow me to ask a question if in your life you get a chance to go back in time to do everything with no possible consequence will you take it? Well, you may say you have not lived to answer the question then sweetheart asks yourself after living another life alright? I believe most people would answer yes. Of course, there may be a few exceptions with their own circumstances but most would answer yes and accept the proposal after all who doesn't have a few regrets in life?

I had been given such an option, well it was without consent anyway. Though I would have accepted it regardless after all who wouldn't? When I was dying for the first time I had many regrets. Another aspect would be that I had been quite young you see around 32 years of age. Having not even lived a quarter of my life span I had not completed so many of my dreams. I had not been able to propose to my crush, despite him being my killer, so you know so I had countless regrets.

Hence, when I woke up on my bed in the orphanage as an 8-year-old, I was completely thrilled at my second chance at living. I promised myself this time I would make the same mistake and actually mend my relationship with him. It was going all right at the beginning but the result was the same, I still died at the hand of my lover at the young age of 28. I couldn't even survive as long as my first life.

This time, I woke up again in the same room on my bed in the orphanage as 8 years old. This time I did not feel happiness and joy no I felt dread but I suppressed it to the back of my mind. I thought for a long time why I got killed by him again. I thought it was because of my dreams and my ambition. I decided to no longer pursue my dreams and forget my ambition. They are not all that important in comparison to him and right at that instant, I went wrong. Any good person would tell me that this is not good and that this is not healthy. But, I did not have any such person, so I left them all in the dust, my ambition, my dreams, everything.

I studied and learned magic and many ancient texts, I was powerful and was regarded as a brilliant teacher at least in my previous lives. So, I decided to become a teacher. But still that time once again I have been killed by the same person at the age of 36 and I was woken up on the same day on the bed in the same orphanage located in the same street as before. Nothing changed, everything was just like before it was only me who changed.

The cycle repeated once again. At present, it is the fifth cycle. Four cycles of birth and death have been completed. Four cruel death at the hand of my own beloved. The fifth cycle is ending. This cycle was the cruelest yet the happiest. Be proud child, for you had been the sole reason for my joy as well my biggest despair.

Still, it is ending once again at the hands of the very same person whom I couldn't help but love as I was born to love him with his name on my wrist written in golden script. for it was written in the skies and heaven above for me to love him. I am to die at the hands of your father again. But this time I shall fight your father with my little strength to avenge you. So give me the courage to fight him, okay, please I beg you.

With this, I conclude with my introduction. I am Thomas Nero Wilson, the Supreme Duke of Arendelle, the soulmate of Alex Black, father of late Aria Lilith Wilson and this is the story of my life and death that I have written to my daughter in hopes she would live a better life.

Your Loving Father

Thomas Wilson