Chapter 3: Soulmates (I)

Many kingdoms, territories, and countries lay within the mortal realm. The mortal realm was divided into two regions as a whole. The first region was the largest and the place where the non-magical resided likewise the second region was where the magical beings lived. The magical world is completely isolated from the non-magical one with the use of many arrays and runes.

The magical realm has given extremely high importance to their inheritance. As magic is said to be inherited from one generation to another, magical are proud of their ancestry. Of course, some people do not follow their family traditions with a desire to crave a new path, while there are some who do not have any knowledge of their ancestry. Still, there are a few minorities in the population who oppose their family motto and disregard them.

The magical world also includes various magical creatures and beasts. The biggest difference between the two is intelligence that is found in magical creatures that is absent in the magical beasts. The relationship between the humans and the magical creature is not that good. Both races think of themselves as superior to the other race. The ones who have it the most difficult are the half-bloods. Half-bloods are born through a union of two different races. It doesn't matter if they were born from two different magical creatures, they still would not be respected.

Still, within the magical realm, few half-bloods are known for their talent or strength Thomas Nero Wilson is the best example. He is from an unknown and abandoned orphan who rose to become the duke of Arendele, the third largest territory that could be inherited by a descendent. Being a half-blood himself, he understood the difficulties their condition caused and made Arendelle the first territory to welcome and employ half-bloods. His easy acceptance and lack of prejudice made him very popular among his people.

But despite being so popular, he never could impress his soulmate with his thoughts, he could never fulfill his dreams. It was one of the reasons why the citizens of Arendelle despise and hate Alex Black for thinking himself too good when he was the one not worthy of their lord. It was a common sentiment that they all share.

Despite thinking all this, the citizens of Arendelle didn't know that today was the day their lord would die at the hands of his soulmate. That today was the day their lord would leave them giving them the whole territory, leaving them to face the world alone as he will face his soulmate again.

Castle of Arendelle

Kingdom of Arendelle

Within his room, Thomas was looking at his wrist in which a name could be seen written in gold script. While looking at the script he shivered. It could have been because of cold or dread, no one could know the reason. In front of him was a letter that was written haphazardly. One could understand the letter even its meaning but it was by no means proper. From the way the letter was written, one could notice that it was more like the writer forgot he was writing a letter somewhere along the way.

Right that instant, a bell rang as if announcing someone's entrance. The moment he heard the bell ring, Thomas stood up hurriedly and injured his palm with a sharp point of his table. He took his palm and stared for a while. The blood was flowing drop by drop on the envelope. Instead of stopping the bleeding, he clenched his hand drawing out more blood. He then moved out of the room and went to the hall and started waiting.

The bells stopped ringing and the door of the hall opened. A person entered. He was dressed in armor and carrying a golden-colored sword. He looked surprised to see Thomas standing there as if he was waiting for the other's arrival. Regardless, the person bowed which was returned by Thomas, and started speaking, "It was a surprise to see you like this Duke Wilson. Regardless, allow this one to introduce myself. I am." he was interrupted by Thomas. "I know who you are. You are Alex Black, the heir of the Black family. I know why you've come this fine evening to my castle."

Still surprised Alex Black asked, "Then, pray tell why have I come to your castle." "You have come to kill me." Hearing the blunt answer, Alex was surprised and shocked. "Since you know the reason why I have come, why are you unarmed and not calling the guards?"

Thomas looked at this person. He couldn't understand how this person could still smile after killing his blood. How could this person be so cold-blooded to have no remorse? How could not feel any grief for his daughter? How was he capable of killing his soulmate without breaking the bond? Sometimes looking at him always happy, he couldn't help but hate the other. Why could he have happiness when all I could feel was sadness? Isn't he meant to help me, love me, protect me, cherish me?

It was not the first time he thought about this and it certainly would not be the last time. Thomas looked at him and smiled sadly. Alex seeing him smile instead of responding felt a sudden tug in his heart. Because the smile looked so sad and beautiful. It felt heartbreaking to see the other smile so tragically like that. He got a sudden urge to erase and kill the person to make him sad.

"I have come to die. I always knew it would be in your hand. But before you proceed, I would like you to accept my daughter Aria as a part of the Black family. I wish you would give her a proper identity. Please, I beg you." Still, shellshocked Alex accepted. He didn't understand why but he accepted it as it was a wish of a dying man. Hearing him accept Thomas took a dagger and stabbed his wrist. The very wrist showed him the identity of his soulmate.

"What are you doing?" Alex shouted. He had taken his sword from the sheath when he saw Thomas drawing a dagger. Still smiling, Thomas said, "I am removing a hope of having someone to accept me for myself. I am punishing myself for not being able to fulfill my promise to my daughter. I am punishing myself for not being a good lord to my people and many things." While saying so he didn't stop stabbing his wrist.

He started moving towards Alex dropping the dagger, he grasped the sword with his uninjured hand and impaled himself near his chest. Pulling it out he said, I have allowed you to kill for many cycles. This is the first time I committed suicide. I pray to any deity above to give me someone else as a soulmate in my next life. If not destroy this bond in itself."

Saying Thomas collapsed due to extreme loss of blood. The only reason he had been standing was out of sheer willpower and strength. Alex couldn't understand what was happening. Why was the other not defending himself but instead killing himself? He couldn't understand what the other was talking about at all.

Right at that moment, a tear drop fell from Thomas's eyes. The moment it dropped, Thomas died. Alex stood there staring at the teardrop in horror. He recognized what it symbolized. It was the tear of despair.