Chapter 4: Soulmates (II)

Right at that moment, a tear drop fell from Thomas's eyes. The moment it dropped, Thomas died. Alex stood there staring at the teardrop in horror. He recognized what it symbolized. It was the tear of despair.

Alex couldn't understand what was happening. How could a person who had been perfectly fine until yesterday kill himself today? How was it that he was able to bare the tear of despair? He had been told by his family to assassinate Thomas. He'd accepted it as it was his duty. But surely the information given to him was not wrong. As he was standing looking at Thomas's body, he remembered his last wish.

Daughter. Thomas Wilson has a daughter. He was not informed about the existence of his daughter in the information. He ran and started searching for Thomas's rooms. It took a while but he finally found it. He was panting as he looked at the room. He pushed the door open and entered the room. The room didn't look like it was inhabited by a person daily. It looked like a hotel room. It was tastefully decorated but didn't have any personal belongings.

He went past the bed and opened the door for the study. Inside the room, the work table and chair could be seen. He moved toward the table and looked at it. There was some paperwork about the territory. There were the plans he'd made for territory. He found it, a letter he had written to his daughter. Reading the letter, he couldn't understand many things but the main point was that Thomas Wilson has been living the same life 5 times till now.

And that in every life it was me who killed him. He believes that I am his soulmate and I killed his daughter who is also my daughter. But how can this be true? I am not his soulmate. I don't have a soulmate. He is wrong, right? And how could I have a daughter?

Thinking so, he once again ran back to the hall. Nothing had changed, Thomas was still lying there. The blood was still flowing. His hands were shaking as he tried to reach for the wrist. It felt so wrong to disturb him right now. He looked at peace. He found himself scared to see the wrist. He looked at the wrist, but he couldn't see anything as the other had stabbed himself where the mark was supposed to lay.

He started using healing magic to repair the broken skin. As the skin was stitching itself, he saw the golden script forming his name. It was beautiful as it was meant to be. The hand fell from his hand. He felt hysterical. He couldn't believe it. The only thing running through his mind was that it cannot be true. I am not his soulmate. I cannot be his soulmate. This was the only thought that was going on in his mind.

But it made so much sense, didn't it? Thomas was one of the strongest mages and sword-wielders. I had no chance of defeating him. I came here to fail to fulfill my duty. To think that I killed him in every life. Every life where he thought of me as his soulmate. Every life where he gave up so many precious things. Every life he thought of himself as not good enough for me desperately trying to fulfill non-existent expectations and conditions when I was ignorant about him. And all I did was kill him.

Suddenly he felt the air changing. The magic was churning, Alex could feel it, but didn't care. He was just thinking about this person who didn't give him up even after hurting him, destroying his dreams, and many more. He started saying, "I will give your daughter a place in my family. I promise to fulfill all your dreams and aspiration. I will protect your territory from other's harm. I will find the truth of our situation and punish them."

Still seeing the proof of the bond, he felt disbelief at the current circumstances. The soulmate bond was the most sacred bond in the magical bond. It was a bond that could transcend life and death itself. Why was it incomplete? Because despite knowing everything. He could not feel what the other had felt for himself.

Right at that instant, the wards in the castle started contracting. He looked up and saw two people arriving there. They were none other than Alice and Azure. Looking at the scene, Alice was shocked and decided to question the only person who was alive, "What has happened here? Would you mind telling me?"

Alex didn't respond. He still kept on thinking about what was wrong with the bond. He didn't notice the other person at all. Seeing Alex not responding, Azure stepped forward and touched his shoulder. As if out of shock, Alex looked at the other person. Finally getting the other person's attention, Azure decided to go straight to the point."What has occurred here? We would like you to recount it."

Still, hysterical Alex asked angrily, "Why should I? Will anything change if I do so?"

Looking at the other person, Alice replied gently, "Yes, We may be able to change it. We've come from the palace of despair because of the citing of the tears of despair around this castle. I would like to ask you what has happened here. Please, we may be able to help you with your problem."

Alex gently placed Thomas's hand on the ground and stood up from the ground. He picked up the bloody sword and held it. Every grief and confusion was removed from his expression. He looked like a noble who came to conduct business. If it were not for the blood on his clothes as well as the tear tracts, no one would have guessed that he had been grieving for a person.

He stood up and looked at the new arrivals properly for the first time. He sheathed his sword in its scabbard and said in a calm tone, "You said that you could fulfill my wish. I would like to ask why? Why would you fulfill my wish?" He went straight to the point. He didn't look like a person whose wish or any desire was about to be fulfilled. He was calm, too calm in his case.

Alice looked at the other person strangely but still said, "As you know the tear of despair has fallen. According to the information we have, the cause was a single person which has been unprecedented. We would like to help the said person fulfill his desire."

Alex, hearing her say that said, "Nothing special happened, it's just a death of a grieving father. Nothing more, nothing less. Right, and the person you have been looking for is dead. He died by my sword."