Chapter: 5 Soulmates (III)

Alex hearing her say that said, "Nothing special happened, it's just a death of a grieving father. Nothing more, nothing less. Right, and the person you are looking for is dead. He died by my sword."

Listening to the other person, Alice grew worried. If the person who gave rise to the tear of despair has died then nothing could be done to prevent his crowning. Since she didn't know the person personally, she couldn't take on his despair and the only one with the clue is this weird creepy guy.

Gripping her dress with more force, she requested the person, "Please, I beg you to tell me about this person. I wish to help him. I am not helping him because I am selfless or because of my duty. It is because of my selfish desire. Still, I would never want any person even my enemy to feel such despair." Saying so, she gave a respectful bow to Alex. She was followed by Azure who gave the same response.

Alex stared at them for a while. He didn't speak a word and suddenly he smiled. It was a very gentle smile, though Alice found it creepy for no reason. The environment itself was creepy as they were sitting sofa from where they see the corpse very clearly. They were facing the corpse. She felt that this guy should have chosen this place purposefully.

She cleared her throat and asked, "This sir, I would like to know about exactly what happened here. What caused the coming of the tear of despair?" There was a tense silence in the room. After some time, Alex spoke, his voice hoarse due to grief, "Actually, I don't know what happened."

Taking a deep breath he continued, "I had come here to fulfill my duty as expected of the heir of the Black family. He was waiting for me in the hall. He knew the reason why I came today. He then asked me to give his daughter a proper identity and started stabbing his soul mark. Finally took my sword and killed himself."

Alice blinked her eyes. She looked at Heir Black as if asking him if he was speaking truthfully. Feeling her disbelief, Alex smiled wryly. "It's absurd, right?"

"Yes," It was Azure who replied this time. "Could you please elaborate a little more?"

Taking deep breaths, Alex asked, "What do you know about Soulmate bond?" Alice held her hands together feeling bewildered at the question, "Soulmate bonds are regarded as one of the unbreakable as well as the most fragile bonds. It cannot be broken by an outsider even if he is a god but it can be destroyed if he is a part of the bond."

"The origin of the bond is not known to anyone. It is said that they are formed only when two people feel a great deal about the other. It doesn't have to be romantic, it could be anything brotherhood, parental even hatred and a bond require both individuals to feel the same way. This is the reason why it is so rare." After saying so, she looked at Alex asking about the reason why the soul bond was mentioned.

"The person you are looking for is named Thomas Nero Wilson. He is the Duke of Arendelle, a Halfblood and this is his castle. I do not if it is the truth but he believed that he has lived his life four times already and this was his fifth. He had a daughter named Aria Lillith Wilson whose sire said to be me. Lastly, I am believed by him to be his soulmate."

Azure feeling strange asked, "What do you mean by believed? You mean to say Thomas Wilson was having a delusion." Hearing that Alex immediately corrected, "No, actually most of it should be true. It is strange because I do not have a soulmate." Saying so, he showed his wrist to prove his truthfulness. "But if you see his wrist you would find my name on it and it is authentic."

"This is not possible, are you sure it is true and what do you mean by him living this life already?" Alice asked. She felt her hair standing for some reason. Alex smiled and said, "I found it in a letter, and believe me when I saw it I also found myself in disbelief. Regardless, how did you say you would help him? I would like to know. After all, it is pointless to think if it is true or false. He died thinking it was true, then let us believe it is true."

Agreeing with him, Azure said, "We would be able to fulfill one desire with the power of tears of despair. It would greatly relieve the person's despair as well as decrease the power of the tears of despair. Hence, we would like to ask you what you think would be his greatest desire. Something that could help him feel a little hopeful."

Alex stood up and walked towards the body of Thomas Wilson and looked at it and said, "His greatest wish was to have someone else other than me as his soulmate or have the bond broken. He wanted someone to love him, protect him and cherish him. That's all."

It was such a simple wish to be protected and loved. To think he was so desperate for affection. She felt it was a pity she couldn't change the soulmate bond. She moved towards the body and called out, "Azure, we start." She raised her arm in front as if she was holding an object. The silver scepter came into existence and started shining, its power could be felt.

After some time the scepter stopped glowing, and she felt shocked because the magic failed. It didn't work. She once again repeated her action, but nothing changed. The bond didn't break if anything it became even stronger. Feeling helpless, she said, "The spell is not working. The tear of despair is not responding at all. The bond is not breaking."

Everyone was silent. What could they do, his first wish was impossible and the second one could not be fulfilled. Azure and Alice could feel the despair rising as a part of the godhood of despair. It was rising rapidly. It wouldn't take long for him to take on the godhead.

There was no solution. As they were helplessly waiting. Alex who had been quietly standing suddenly snatched the scepter. As she didn't expect the other to take the scepter, he took it easily. Seeing this, Alice tried to get the scepter back, but before she could do so Alex repeated the spell.

This time it worked. The scepter shined beautifully, and the despair receded. Seeing it worked, Alex smiled happily and pushed the scepter back to Alice, and said, "It worked. I knew it."

Azure asked him, "Why did the spell work this time?" He was also quite surprised with the result. Alex still smiling said, "Didn't you say that the tear of despair had fallen because of his despair and grief? Since we don't know what exactly Thomas Wilson's wish is, I decided to let the tear of despair work it out. I left the decision to it."

Alice still quite angry at his behavior said, "And you couldn't inform us. Anyway, you should do what you were supposed to, we need to leave. Azure, let's go that stupid bitch should be starting a council already." Saying so, she disappeared in a flash of light. Smiling helplessly, Azure said, "Regardless, Thank you for your help." He gave a bow and disappeared similarly.

After their exit, Alex looked at Thomas's wrist where the soul mark lay. His name was gone replaced by another in a language he didn't know. He believed the other would be glad to have his bond restored. Though if Alice had seen the name she would have been shocked for it was written in the language of origin, ie. the language of the god.