Chapter: 6 Ancient One

God Realm

Magic Domain

"The magic is rising. Something is changing, my lady of magic. It would be best if you were more careful. The Ancients are rising." said an extremely strange lady. Her voice was hoarse and rough to the ears. She looked weird because of her dress and her eyes.

The lady was dressed in white clothes that covered her body from her neck to her toes. She had beautiful hands with ashen skin, like those of a young lady. Half of her face was of an extremely old lady, while the other half was that of a beautiful young lady. Her eyes were blank and silver in color. She was Klothos- the Goddess of Fatum- and was blind. However, her blindness didn't make her look pitiful. Instead, her frightening precision and intensity left people questioning their own safety.

Klothos was present in the hall of magic, before the goddess of magic, Iris. Iris was sitting on a throne, holding a glass of wine in her hand. She was wearing a crown with violet gems and a violet dress. She was as beautiful as Alice, but unlike Alice's innocent and cute demeanor, Iris was a noble and graceful lady. She looked comfortable and was savoring her wine, slouched on her throne.

Iris suddenly sat up straight, her eyes sharp, as if she was joking, "Alright, Miss Fate. So, do you know what would change? If it would be good or bad for me." She then asked, "My dear, who is the Ancient that will be rising? Do tell," with a sweet smile.

Klothos laughed hauntingly, taking a deep breath before looking at Iris. "Little lady of magic, you should know who I am talking about. Don't you feel it? Don't you feel the very magic you rule singing? It is rejoicing, it is welcoming. It is celebrating the welcome of its master. Don't you feel it's rebellion? Don't you.."

The sound of shattering glass interrupted Klothos. It was the glass from which Iris had been drinking. Feeling angry, Iris screamed, "Shut up. Shut up. I said shut up. He will never come back. He is dead. I killed him. I am the goddess of magic. I rule over magic. And you get out of here. You are not welcome anymore."

Klothos gave Iris a mischievous smile and spoke, "As you say, little Iris. Here's a piece of advice from an old lady, if you'll accept it: never forget your original identity, sweet little mendicus." She then left the hall, still giggling like a child.

Klothos, the goddess of destiny, was known for her enigmatic personality. Her predictions had always come true, until now. Iris was anxious to ask Klothos all her questions, but even her predecessor couldn't control her. Klothos was a free-spirited lady who didn't like restrictions. She was charming because of it. 

Iris didn't trust Klothos, not that Klothos had given her any reason to trust her. Klothos had been raised by Iris' predecessor and remained fiercely loyal to him even after his death. Iris couldn't help but feel bitter about how devoted everyone was to him. It wasn't just Klothos; most of the gods who survived the era of divinity were still waiting for their ruler to return and rule over them. 

As Iris got lost in her thoughts, she felt a strange sensation. It was not a magical feeling, but something entirely different. The wind was howling, and as she moved towards the window, she noticed that the weather was changing rapidly, which surprised her. After all, the palace was her domain, and only she had the power to change the weather. No one else should have been able to do so.

The sudden illumination of the beacon left Iris horrified. Why was it alight? It only happened when a new god or goddess was born, and not just any god, but the god of despair. The thought of someone ascending without any trial made her wonder what had happened in the mortal world. How could that foolish girl allow it? It was Alice's duty to prevent the ascension of the Deus desperationis.

Deus desperationis was a unique godhood, with only one god who had ascended, yet even that person was not accepted by the godhood. It was one of the oldest godhoods, and no one knew who established it. The name was changed to God of Despair later on. The only information available had been passed down by the previous ascendant. He warned against allowing anyone else to ascend the godhood, giving the warning in his last breath.

However, the reason why ascension became forbidden was due to Iris's predecessor. In his words, the late God of Despair had died because he had been tormented by the godhood itself. If someone were to ascend to the despair godhood, they must have lived a very difficult life and be desperate. Instead of helping, the godhood of Despair would torment them further until they destroyed the world to be free from the torment and despair.

Despite her hatred for him, she respected the brilliant, wise, caring, and frankly mad genius who was her predecessor. Everyone even his enemies knew not to contradict his warning as the consequences were even more frightening.

Iris whispered "Divinus Nuntius". "Come to the court, everyone, especially the Palace of Despair. We need to talk."


Mendicus: Thief

Fatum: Fate

Deus desperationis: God of Despair

Divinus Nuntius: Divine Messenger