Eevee (the normal one)

The first Pokemon I knew in my life, was Eevee. Or Mother Eevee as few Pokemon have called her. When she took me in, she named me Artemis. She also said that I scared her because I fell to the ground and began to look like I was possessed.

Eevee's POV many pretty things to wear. Oh? Well, how could I have forgotten this? I picked up the shiny collar that a human made for their mate, and I put it around my neck. "Don't I look gorgeous," I asked Shinx. Shinx paused in his sorting and turn to look at me. "Uh, yeah," he said a little hesitantly. "It's just too perfect for this snowy weather if you ask me," I said as I looked at my reflection.

Shinx sighed turning back to sort out 'my mess' for about the five thousandth time, "Sure." I grabbed my bag and walked out with Buneary hopping behind me. I'm a collector of human things as you can see, whether it be a dropping that the human didn't pick up, or a raid at a Pokemon trainer's camp. one. "Look at this shelter. It looks like an Abomasnow attacked. Oh Buneary, look at this! I think these humans were collectors too! Look at all these...Pokemon...heads?" No, no, no! This was a Pokemon hunter! "Mother Eevee," Buneary called. I turned towards Buneary, who's ears were turning every which way.

"What's that crying sound," she asked. Hm. So I'm not hearing things then. I put my bag down and begin searching around. "You search too, Buneary." "Okay." Buneary and I looked, well I looked in every place around the camp. Honestly Buneary, do you have to look at every bush you see? Unfortunately all I could see were Pokemon heads and skins.

The noise. It was somewhere around here. "BUNEARY! Stop shoving your head in bushes," I yelled. "But it has a lot of twigs," she shouted back. "Ugh. Every bush has a lot of twigs Buneary! Now help me look!" Buneary went to look under the skinned Pokemon. Ew. I looked under heads. Even more gross than the skins. Definitely ew. I looked under skins.

Oh gosh, how do humans even like this? Uggghh. I think I'm about to give up. But there was another shelter. I hadn't checked it yet. I went to the other shelter, and the noise was louder. But it was also very smelly. Going inside,  there was the hunter, lying on the ground dead. "Hmph. They deserved it."

Buneary hopped to my side. Being curious as to see what was in there. I slowly wandered around the shelter. "Be careful Buneary, anything in here could be a trap." Now that I think about it, the human could be faking their death and waiting for some random Pokemon to come find whatever the sound is. I slowly looked to the side of me. There was something...that wasn't a dead Pokemon. I carefully sniffed it.

I've seen how Pokemon hunters lure their catch. Food. This one lures Pokemon with curiosity. "How clever...," I murmured. But I'm no fool. Unlike them who will go for the bait. I took a deep breath. "Well you may as well just go ahead and laugh at me. Because whatever is under here, must be absolutely, most terrifyingly, too disturbingly, gross."

I carefully pulled the skin off. And at that moment, it seemed as if I had forgotten why I was even here. A human child...and it's still inside its egg! No Eevee! You must resist! Grrr! But it's just... "Mother Eevee, look! It's a human child!"

"I am aware of that."

"Can we take it home? PLEEEEEASE?"

"Buneary, you know what Charizard will say!"

"He won't say anything. And besides, it's so cute!"

I sighed deeply. She's got a point. It really does look cute. I searched around for something to keep the small human child warm. -scoff- Why the shelter of course. Duh. I just have to tear some of it off. And away we go! With all my strength, I pushed the human child out of the shelter. "Oh, wait, my bag. Can't forget about that. Now, let us go--human child? Human child?"

The human child squealed as it slid down the river, which had been frozen over. Buneary and I screamed in a panic. And we quickly ran after them. "Human child. Human child. Human child. Human child. STOP LAUGHING TINY HUMAN THIS IS NOT FUNNY," I shouted to the little human. I have to run faster, and with this snow being so deep, I have to leap higher. Quickly, I jump on to the icy river, but I ended up slipping on the ice. I quickly got back up and continued running. "HUMAN CHILD! COME BACK!" With my hind paws I pushed myself forward to get in front of the human child.

One more push forward, and I slid in front of the human child to stop them. You're not going anywhere. Buneary quickly caught up and stared at me with eyes wide open. Why do I feel my hind paws dangling? I look behind me, and I see what looks to be a waterfall. Frozen. But it's still a waterfall. AND I AM ON THE EDGE!