Buneary (Autism and ADHD)

Buneary was the second Pokemon I met. She showed me every bush, and how they had a lot of twigs and sticks which annoyed Eevee quite a lot. 

Buneary's POV 

I have to get help! "Don't worry Mother Eevee! I will get Charizard for you!" "NO! DON'T GET CHARIZARD," Eevee yells loudly. Charizard is our best friend, because he is very loyal. And he is very helpful too. I hop quickly to Charizard's cave, where he is sleeping very quietly without a sound. Ooh, a twig…No, I have to focus. You see, Charizard can't make any noises. So no one knows what he is saying.

Oh look! We're here! I lightly tap Charizard on the snout. Charizard slowly opens his eyes and blinks. He is either frustrated, or tired. Charizard's blows a puff a smoke through his nostrils.  "Mother Eevee...um...Mother Eevee is stuck on the edge of a frozen waterfall," I say quietly. Charizard's eyes open wide. And I squeak as Charizard picks me up, grasping me in his claws.

Charizard quickly takes to the sky. We are going very fast! And it really wasn't too long before Charizard landed and dropped me. I fell right through the snow. And now I am cold. I dig my way back up, Charizard had already rescued Mother Eevee by the time I reached the surface. Oh wait, we can't lose the human child again! I hop over to Mother Eevee and Charizard. "Charizard! Look what me and Mother Eevee found!" Charizard looks in my direction, and he jumps back and his wings immediately flares in panic. His eyes are wide, and he has to say not a word for one to know what he wants to say. 'What. Is that. Creature?' The human child rolls, falling out of its egg. Aw! It's even trying to walk to Charizard!

Charizard lifts his foot, trying to avoid being touched by the human child. I look at Eevee, suddenly remembering what she said earlier. "Mother Eevee, why did you not want me to get Charizard," I ask. "Nevermind what I said Buneary," says Mother Eevee, "Okay?" "Okay." The human child looks at Charizard and smiled.

"I don't think Charizard likes it," Mother Eevee whispers. The human child drops onto Charizard and giggles, hugging Charizard's foot. "Charizard doesn't like this," I say to Mother Eevee. Mother Eevee sighs deeply. "That is what I just said Buneary." I lower my head. "Oh." Charizard panics again, flapping his wings so fast they look like they are fluttering. Charizard glares at the human child with wide eyes, and pointed at it. "It's a human child," said Mother Eevee, "You're fine Charizard."

I watch Mother Eevee as she leaps onto Charizard's tail, climbs up his back, and onto his head. Mother Eevee sits and bends down so that she can look Charizard right in the eyes. "Relax," she says calmly, "Now be a good dragon Pokemon and say 'hello' to your new cousin Artemis."Charizard frowns and lowers his head....

"Mother Eevee, what did you name the human child?" Mother Eevee palms her face. Then looks back at me. "Did you really forget THAT quickly?" I look at the ground guiltily. "Sorry," I murmur. Mother Eevee sighs, then pats me on the head. She then smiles and says, "Her name is Artemis. Did you get that?" "Yup," I say nodding, "Artemis." I look back at Charizard and Artemis. Charizard stares at Artemis in curiosity, as she plays with his tail fearlessly, visibly resisting the urge to flick her off.

Charizard carefully picks her up with his claws, but before he set her down... "Charizard," Mother Eevee exclaims, "you're so brilliant!" Charizard's gaze turns towards Mother Eevee, and he looks at her with confusion. "I have been thinking for hours about how I could take Artemis home!" But it's only been a few minutes...I hop onto Charizard's back. "Will he take us for a ride home," I ask. "Only you two," she replied, "I mean, it shouldn't be so hard for Charizard to handle should it?"

Charizard blows smoke through his nostrils, clearly showing that he is very frustrated with this task. But, he eventually nods, and he follows Mother Eevee back home. I watch Artemis all the way. She looks very comfortable being held by Charizard's claws. But the way Charizard looks at her, he looks at her quite concerned. "Is she ok," I ask Charizard. Charizard begins to look worried. Mother Eevee looks at the child. "She's probably tired," she says, trying to sound assuring.

At home, Charizard carefully set Artemis down. And she must have been very tired because when we come home, she falls with a big thud, and messes up Shinx's progress.  

Fact: One moment they're as calm as Master Yoda. A few seconds later they're bouncing off walls like Sonic the flippin Hedgehog (that makes us ADHDers tired)

Fact: For most ADHDers, they could drink a gallon of coffee. It will either make them tired, make them calm down, or it'll have no effect.

Fact: Unfortunate ADHDers, they can get distracted very easily. And they can also be very forgetful.

Fact: Don't ask me how or why, but people with ADHD tend to be quite messy.