Shinx (OCD)

Shinx was as they would say, neat and tidy...but also very soft. He was also the first Pokemon name that I learned to say. Well, somewhat. And for that reason, everyone just loved to cuddle with him and ruffle up his fur. He, like me and Buneary, was adopted by Eevee. She said she had found him not too long before she found me.

Shinx's POV

"COME ON! I JUST FINISHED SORTING THOSE," I yelled. The human child's eyes rolled back, and they tremmored and shook. Everyone, including the look on Charizard's face, was panicking. "Why did you bring that possessed human child into our home," I asked screaming. Eevee simply huddled under Charizard's wing and watched as the human child threw itself around on the ground.

We waited for what seemed like a long time before the human child finally stopped flopping around. "Charizard, is she okay," Eevee whispered. Charizard shrugged. While still tremmoring, Charizard gently touched the child with his claw, and it twitched. "Get it out," I growled, "please."

Buneary then threw a kick at me and started biting a my ears. "OW! OW! WHAT DID I DO?" Buneary hopped off, and I started to groom my fur. "She's not leaving, she's staying," Buneary said firmly. I gave my fur one more lick then looked at Buneary. "Fine. But you keep her away from meeeyahhh...ew. Get this thing off my paw." "It's not hurtin you," said Eevee. "It's drool is getting on my paw," I growled. Eevee scoffed.

The human struggled to get up, but it kept falling to the ground. Charizard then put a claw underneath the child to keep her on balance. I just don't understand how Charizard could even cope with the child's drooling. I'd throw her off if I were him. Unfortunately no one knows how Charizard feels about anything since he can't roar or growl. I mean, it's quite a good thing I guess because he's really quiet...but at the same time no one ever knows what he wants. Not even other Charizards....speaking of Charizard, why is he staring at me with that awkward face?

"No Charizard. I don't want cuddles. You'll mess up my fur," I growled. Charizard smiled and picked me up, grasping me in his claws. "Let me go," I roared. I started squrming, trying to release myself from Charizard's tight grasp. Charizard then gave me to the human child. And the human child hugged me tightly. I growled deeply. I am officially ruined.

Charizard set the human child down, and it still clung on to me. "CUDDLE PILE," Buneary shouted. "What?" Buneary quickly jumped onto me, wrapping her arms around me like I was pillow.

I looked up at Eevee and Charizard. "Help." But Eevee simply stared in awe, while Charizard dipped his head 'goodbye' and left. It was only a matter of seconds before I could hear Buneary snoring.

I looked at the child, and it had fallen asleep. "You didn't name it did you," I asked Eevee. "Of course I did," she replied happily. Of course she did. "Ugh. What did you name it," I asked. "Artemis," was Eevee's simple answer.

That Evening...

I guess I fell asleep. Wait, where's Eevee? "Eevee?" I shoved everyone off and walked out, tried to anyway. Snow had completely covered the entrance, and now it was freezing inside the den. Where's a fire type when you need one? I called Eevee one more time, but she was in a deep sleep. I guess I'll have to dig a way out myself.

So it wasn't just snow, it was a blizzard. Oh hi Charizard.... Wait, "CHARIZARD?" Charizard quickly sat up. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE," I asked trying to shout above the wind. Charizard tapped his claws together, then pointed at the snow. "And what about the snow?" Charizard started drawing in the snow. And I tried to translate them. "A hill? No, a cave. It got blocked a bunch of rocks. the snow. Ugh, why can't you talk? You become sad? Scared? Worried? About what? Or who?" Charizard looked down with a guilty face. Oh please don't tell me. Please don't-- "YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT THE CHILD!?"

Charizard nodded slowly. "She's fine Charizard. She's asleep. And honestly, she doesn't need me to stay warm she has Buneary!"


Every part of me froze. Tiny footsteps run up behind me, and the little nuisance falls onto my back.  Unbelievable. "Charizard. Get this thing off of me." Instead, Charizard stared with his eyes wide in awe, while the child just kept saying 'Shi'. "EEVEE!"

Eevee ever so slowly walked out of the den, and yawned. "What is it Shinx," she asks. "The child won't get off," I growled, "and it keeps saying this weird word!" "It's trying to say your name, Shinx," said Eevee.


One year later...


I sighed deeply. "What, Artemis?"

"Look at this rock I found!" A rock? Really? She comes to me over a rock? "Go show it to Buneary," I growled. "Okay," said Artemis happily. But before leaving, she came up to my side and hugged me tight.

I went back to digging out a path. These snow storms are starting to become more annoying than Artemis and Buneary combined. "SHIIINX," the little nuisance calls, yet again. "WHAAT," I called back. "There's a bright light," Buneary shouts. A bright light? "Where," I asked. Artemis comes running back, almost panicking.

"Where's buneary," I asked. Artemis hugged me and started crying. "She was taken away!" "Who was taken away," asked Eevee in a panic. "Buneary," I replied. Charizard landed in front of us and started throwing his hands everywhere. "What is it, Charizard," I asked. "Did you find Buneary," Eevee asked.

Charizard paused, then nodded. "Well what are you waiting for," I yelled, "show us where she is!" Charizard's eyes narrowed, and he began walking into the forest.

"It's a human..." said Eevee. The human immediately looked in our direction.

Maybe if we stay perfectly still... "More Pokemon," they exclaimed.  Oh no. "Haha! It must be my lucky day! First A Buneary, and now a Shinx, an Eevee, a Charizard, and...and...A child?"

Charizard quickly grasped us all in to his claws. And held us against his chest. His teeth were bared. "Eevee, what are those things in their bag," asked Artemis. "They're Pokeballs," said Eevee, "they must be a Pokemon trainer."

Facts that got off the web:

OCD is a disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas or obsessions. To get rid of the thoughts, they feel driven to do something repetitively.

Somewhat obvious fact that I just learned today:

People with OCD can in fact get along with someone with ADHD.