Thank you peeps!

I want to say Thank You to all of you who have been reading Raised by Eevee. It means a lot to me. To be honest, I was originally creating this story for the people out there who were called different and weird. But let's be honest, on the inside, we're all weird no matter what way it may be.

Okay, okay. I know. Sometimes what we may have makes it hard to believe that. Trust me I know. It has its ups and downs. For example, my brother has Autism. He may be quite anti-social, but he is very smart and writes very good poems. As for me, I have ADHD. I get distracted easily. I also fidget A lot. UUgh, jeez...finding an upside of ADHD is hard. But I know that I am very creative. As for you, you might be in a wheel chair, who knows. And I bet it gets boring sitting there for a long time. But in my opinion, that doesn't matter. You could have the talent of a singer or a comedian! You may be deaf, but you may also be an amazing artist whose drawings and paintings are worthy of being in an art museum.

Y'all be the amazing person that you want to be. Not who everyone wants you to be.

Fact: Did you know that you are an amazing person? And no one should judge you for who you are.