Timothy (Bipolar Disorder)

Timothy was an emotional roller coaster. One moment he's happy, and the next he's emotionless or crying on the ground. I don't get it. Especially after that argument he had with his sister, he just randomly started smiling....and being happy. Not that it's a bad thing, but to become happy that quickly after arguing?


(It's A little hard to use Timothy's POV so Imma use Iris' instead.)

Iris' POV

We left the hospital that afternoon. Artemis held on to her Eevee tightly, but her not being strong enough, the Eevee started slipping through her arms. "Let me hold her," Timothy said offering to help. Artemis looked at Timothy for a moment. Her hands were underneath the Eevee's arms. Artemis sighed deeply. "Okay." Artemis set down the Eevee, and it panicked as he picked it up. "It's okay, Eevee," Timothy said smiling as he pet the Eevee's head. "Timothy, where are we going," asked Artemis. "We're going to Kanto," I said excitedly.

Timothy giggled as Eevee climbed on to his shoulder and sat. Her eyes widened as if she had never seen this part of Sinnoh before. "How long until we get there," Artemis asked. (Correct me if I'm wrong) "Not too long," I replied. Questions upon questions. She hasn't stopped asking questions since we left. "Iris, can we take a break," asked Artemis. "Alright, fine," I said almost paranoid. Artemis and Timmy sat on the ground, talking. Artemis then took out the Pokéballs and stared curiously.

"How do I get Shinx out of this thing," she asked. "It's simple, just press this white button," said Timothy as he pointed to a white button in the middle of the Pokéball. Timothy pressed the white button, and Artemis gasped excitedly as a Shinx appeared in front of her. "Shinx," she exclaimed happily. Artemis picked up the Shinx and held it tightly in her arms. Timothy sighed then layed on the ground.

"Here we go again," I murmured. I looked down at Timothy. So did Artemis. "Why are you sad, Timothy," asked Artemis. "I don't know," said Timothy. "You were happy a moment ago," said Artemis. "I know," Timothy said in a numb voice. I sighed deeply. "Timmy, you need to get over losing our baby sister. You know we checked that place many times and she wasn't there."

Timothy stared blankly at the sky. "I'm not thinking about our baby sister," said Timothy, still sounding numb. Eevee, Shinx and Artemis tilt their heads in confusion. "Then what are you pouting over," I asked. Timothy quickly stood up. "I'm not pouting over anything," he yelled angrily. I backed up. "Okay," I said calmly.

He's been like this for a long time. But I wonder sometimes...how long? How long has he been like this? Has this started since we lost Isabell? Or has he been like this all his life? Timothy dropped to his knees and started crying. Eevee cautiously walked over to Timothy, then put a paw on his knee.

"Eevoi?"  Timothy slowly looked up, seeing Eevee in front of him. She was curious, but she also seemed concerned. Timothy picked up Eevee and held her tightly against his chest. Perhaps too tightly...Eevee squirmed, trying to get Timothy to release her. But instead, he smiled and nuzzled her on the head.

I'm going to be sad when Artemis is finally home. Her Eevee friend really seems to have a comforting effect on others. "What was your sister's name," asked Artemis. "It was Isabell," I replied, "we left camp for a while so we could secretly talk about how to get rid of our mom. And possibly grow up to do something totally different than what she does."

Eevee looked at me curiously. "What happened then," Artemis asked. "We came back a few hours later, and the campsite and everything was destroyed," said Timothy, "our mom was killed. And our sister was kidnapped." Artemis looked at the ground, being sad, but then she quickly lit up.

"Maybe we can try to find her too," said Artemis. "But what if we find your parents before we find our sister," I asked. "I dunno," said Artemis, shrugging, "I really hope we don't though. I want to stay with you guys and see other Pokémon." "You can still see other Pokémon," said Timothy finally, sounding calm, "especially if they live in another region."

Timothy starts hyperventilating again. Please don't. Timothy please don't. WHY ARE YOU UPSET? I began to think of something cheerful. "Uh, um...Ooh! Look at the clouds," I exclaimed, pointing at the sky, "They're so...fluffy. Yeah. Look how fluffy they are." I sighed. Even Eevee seemed like she was having enough. This is going to take a while.

Fact: bipolar disorder is in fact practically an emotional roller coaster.

Fact: bipolar disorder is a cause of depression and for some suicide...unfortunately. So if they start getting in their depressive state, please watch them.

Fact: bipolar disorder can make it seem like one is seeking attention, but it's really best you don't make assumptions.