Rockruff (deafness)

Rockruff is an unusual pokemon.... Despite being deaf, he's somehow able to predict my seizures (or as Shinx would say: predict when I was about to be possessed)

(I'ma probably switch POVs in this one) 

Artemis' POV 

It takes a while for Timothy to finally get himself together. Timothy continues to carry Eevee on the way to Kanto. I'm surprised how patient she is with–

Did it happen again? I open my eyes and Shinx is sitting in front of me, glaring. Sorry Shinx. I take a small nap to regain some of my energy. At this rate, I'm pretty sure we're never going to get to Kanto. I wake up a few minutes later to Timothy going crazy again. -sigh- "THIS DAY IS SO AMAZING," he shouts.

Meanwhile in Kanto...

Rockruff's POV

GRRRR!! You may have won again, car. BUT I'LL BEAT YOU NEXT TIME! Crossing a road in Kanto is very hard. Especially when you can't hear anything. I met a Stunpike once and they told me that I should use vibrations. But I don't know what vibrations are...Great. It's raining. I limp back home to my box. I've been hit by many cars on these streets. Yet I'm surprised I'm still alive. Actually, if I'm being honest, I like the rain. It feels good against my fur. WOOAH! "Lemme go! Lemme go! LEMME GO! HALP!" I look at what seems to be a Lucario staring right back at me. And oh boy does he look angry.

Lucorio's POV

"HEY, PUT THE KID DOWN" I say, getting closer. "Easy there," says the human. Easy? I scoff at this, walking over giving a low growl. The human reaches their hand out slowly. I know this trick. And I won't fall for it again. I charge up an aura sphere about to blast the human but I stop knowing it'll hit Rockruff. The human carefully sets Rockruff down, and slowly steps away. I growl at the human before rushing over and holding the Rockruff gently checking for any fatal injuries. "Hey kid you okay," I ask. The Rockruff simply tilts their head in confusion. Maybe I need to say it more simply... "Did they hurt you at all?" I ask, trying to be as simple as possible.

Rockruff's POV

What's he saying? "I what." The Lucario looks around. I'm not ignorant. I promise. I just...can't hear. The Lucario moves his mouth. The look on his face clearly shows that he is getting paranoid. They then look around before drawing in the dirt in front of him 'Are you okay?' it reads. I looked up at him and nod. I then roll out of Lucario's arms and onto the ground. I then erase what Lucario had written and wrote a message myself. 'Thank you.' Lucario smiles softly despite moments before looking like he was about to hurt several people for looking at him wrong. I continue writing on the ground and then I tap at Lucario.

Lucario's POV

Huh? I look down at the dirt to see another message saying 'Can you take me home'. 'Where ya live kid?' I wrote so I could take him home. Rockruff points his nose somewhere across the street, then looks back up at me. I nod then I pick Rockruff up and quickly jump across the street between cars and set rockruff down once across but I wince looking at the bandage on my leg.

Rockruff's POV

He's hurt just like me! I paw at the bandage on Lucario's leg, and look up at him with concern. 'I'm fine, focus on your own injuries okay' Lucario draws with his aura powers before turning and walking to a nicer looking human by the opening. When Lucario reaches the human, Lucario turns and gives a nice smirk. Clearly, this human saw what Lucario tried doing to the one human that picked me up. They are very scared. Then I see Lucario and the human laughing and high fiving as if they were friends.

Lucario's POV

"You really showed them Lucario," says Brooke patting me on the head. "Yeah, anything to help a wild," I say despite knowing my trainer couldn't understand me. Brooke was the only human I ever trusted. He acts weird sometimes. But he is still a good friend. I then go to walk with Brooke home, but something doesn't feel right. So I nudge Brooke and point to Rockruff, who is stepping onto the street...again...why? "WHAT ARE YOU DOING," I ask, yelling, before running over stopping Rockruff, picking Rockruff up and walking to Brooke.

Brooke's POV

"What happened to him," I ask, noticing the injuries on Rockruff's legs. "Lucar," Lucario responds, seeming concerned. "See Lucario," I say, pointing at the injuries, "He's very injured. Use healing pulse." Lucario glares at me showing he doesn't know that move. "So I will take him to the pokemon healing–," I yell. Lucario quickly covers my mouth while glaring at me. "Sorry," I whisper.

To be continued... :D

Mixed Facts for today:

-We've all heard that dogs have powerful senses. But did you know that dogs have the amazing ability to sense one's emotions and see oncoming seizures, heart attacks, and other medical conditions that would cause one to pass out/fall?

-Sign language is how deaf people communicate. Kind of an obvious fact. I know.

-Not all seizures come with a warning. Some seizures come unexpectedly.