Lucario (Intermittent Explosive Disorder)

(I'ma switch POVs on this one too)

A few moments ago…

Artemis' POV

"Are we there yet," I asked. "No," said Iris. It really felt like hours. I let Buneary out, And we pointed out new things along with Shinx. "Look," exclaimed Buneary, "up ahead! Look at all the buildings!" "That's Kanto," said Iris. "Kanto looks very big," I said, being concerned. "It also looks kinda scary…," Shinx said quietly. All watched as a Lucario started to attack another person. But then it stopped.

"HEY," Timothy yelled, "IT'S GOING TO GET THAT ROCKRUFF!" Iris ran forward. "Iris slow down," Timothy yelled. Iris tripped, rolling down the hill. "I'M OKAY," she shouted. Everyone sped walked down the hill. And we then saw what seemed to be the Lucario trying to hurt the Rockruff. Then the Lucario looked around as if he knew he was being watched.

Eevee's POV

We all panicked and jumped back. Except for Buneary who was continuing to stare at the buildings. "Buneary," I called loudly, "BUNEARY!" Buneary then jerks her head and looks at me. "Huh?" "Why are you staring at the buildings," I asked, annoyed, "They're just buildings!"

Buneary does this a lot. She stares off into the distance and doesn't hear a word I say. "It's kidnapping the Rockruff," Timothy exclaimed, "we have to help it!" "Excuse me, 'we'," asked Iris. "Yes," said Timothy, "Honestly, do you really think I'm going to do it by myself?" 

Back in Kanto

Brooke's POV

"Come on Lucario," I said, motioning with my hand for Lucario to follow. Lucario picked rockruff up gently and followed me closely. But then suddenly… "STOP RIGHT THERE," a person yelled. I look behind me and there was a person trying to catch up to me. I began to panic. The streets were already loud enough as it was.

Lucario put rockruff in my arms and got into an aggressive/defensive stance between me and the other person. Rockruff is soft. Like lucario. "You need to get away from that Lucario," said another person, "it's dangerous." I looked at Lucario. He simply shrugged, not understanding the situation. "Umm, Lucario is my friend," I said. Shortly after I said that, Lucario began to glow brightly, signaling he was going mega again without a keystone.

Nononononono NO! I wrapped my jacket around Lucario, which often calms him down and the glow stopped and Lucario was normal but still glaring with daggers at the other people. "What do you mean 'friend'," asked the person. "Well, well," I began hesitating, "he is my friend." Lucario then took rockruff again and showed the people rockruff was hurt and they were trying to get it healed. 

Lucario's POV

"What happened to him," a little girl in their group asked. "I don't know," said Brooke. "My guess is that he got hit by a few cars and somehow survived," I said. "How did he get hit by a few cars," the little girl asked. Wait, she can understand me? "Okay one, Rockruff is deaf and two, HOW THE HRCK CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?" I exclaimed. "Well, I was raised by pokemon," said the little girl. I blinked several times before looking at rockruff and holding it closer.

"Well raised by pokemon or not you ain't touchin' rocky," I said, giving rockruff a nickname. "Rocky," the girl asked, giggling, "that sounds funny." "Shut up, that's all I could think of," I said, holding a glowing paw out facing the girl. "They're going to fall," Rockruff said, trying to speak, "THEY'RE GOING TO FALL!" I tilted my head at this confused lowering my no longer glowing paw.

Rockruff barked, then rolled out of my arms again. But then suddenly, the little girl's eyes started rolling back and she started shaking. IS SHE POSSESSED? "Oh no not again," complained one of the persons. I quickly stepped over catching her as she fell, making sure she didn't hit her head, and my paw began glowing again as I placed it on her forehead.

Please heal please heal please heal please heal. I took a deep breath, nervous, knowing healing pulse was hard to learn but I did my best by using force palm fused with a weak aura sphere. Rockruff looked up at me. With an 'I told you so' look on his face. What? "It's a medical condition. Healing won't work," one of the people said.

I then blinked, seeming to recognize it and I covered whatever her name was's eyes to block any possible sources before picking her up walking to the person. A few minutes later, the seizure started to calm down. I looked at her curiously, and Rockruff started licking her hand. "She'll be okay," Brooke then said, "I think." I nodded, gently setting her down and looked at Brooke curiously before I grabbed a stick walking to some dirt writing something. Rockruff limped over to the dirt as well trying to see what I was writing, but I kept blocking him.

It's not a message for you silly, now go on. I then signed the group over pointing to the message 'what is your name? And call me luke i prefer that name' it read. Rockruff peaked over me, reading the message. "Luke," Rockruff said curiously. I smirked and nodded. "My name's Timothy," one of the persons said, "And that's my annoying sister, Iris, and the little one is Artemis." "Nice to meet you," Brooke said in a sarcastic-sounding voice, "I'm Brooke." I walked over to Timothy, holding a paw out as if to shake.

Cautiously, Timothy held out his hand. Why is he so scared of me? I can't be that scary, can I?. "Uh, nice to meet you too…Luke," Timothy said nervously. I smiled, shaking his hand happily before turning to Brooke and blushing but only a small bit. "Um…I have to go," Brooke murmurs. "Why," Iris asked. "Well, we have to take this Rockruff to the medical place," Brooke said.

"We'll come with you," said Iris, "and besides, maybe we can also get Artemis checked up on while we're there." I gave a cold glare as if to say he still doesn't trust us. While still glaring, I walked over to Brooke and hugged up against her. Brooke hugged me back. I smiled then looked at rockruff again before looking at its ears and injuries.

More Mixed Facts for today: 

-Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is usually caused by some form of ptsd or feelings of not being good enough for anybody, and in some semi-rare incidences it could be both.

-Something that many people with Autism and ADHD have is hyperfocus. Basically, it's when one focuses strictly on one thing. 

-You should not do what Lucario did when Artemis had a seizure. Always give them space, and never hold them (unless they're on the concrete and you're trying to prevent them from further harming themselves)