Brooke (Autism)

Yeah I know. I know. I already did a chapter with Autism. But this is Autism by itself. Now on with the story.

Brooke was a weird person. Especially when he was in public places or on the streets. He'd play with just about everything. And he made a lot of noises.

(still switching povs...)

Brooke's POV

We reach the pokemon hospital in very little time. I don't know why they would go to a pokemon hospital to get a human person checked out. I look at Luke. He is very happy, which is usually a rare occasion. I still remember meeting Lucario. I was very young.

About 5 years ago...

I sat down at the table and watched Mom. She was making waffles. And I always loved them. Especially when she puts chocolate chips in them. I rocked back and forth in my chair excitedly, and I flapped my arms. I was too impatient to wait for the delicious waffles that mom is really good at making. Mom set a plate of waffles down in front of me. It was filled with chocolate chips and covered in gooey syrup. I squealed happily, and I quickly ate them. When I finished, I went back to my room. I wonder what my friend on Minecraft has been doing. My dad says my room looks like Outer Space. As you can see, I really like space. I also like Minecraft. My walls are painted in a dark blue and covered in glow in the dark planets & stars. Now my drawers, they almost look like the chests in Minecraft. My carpet is the only thing not Minecraft or space. I like it being soft. "Hey Brooke, you wanna help me and Talonflame in the shop today," dad asked. The shop? I nodded. But first I need to grab some things. I grabbed my bag, and I packed a few fidgets. I also packed my laptop so that I can play Minecraft. I like going with dad to his shop. There are a lot of interesting things there. Sometimes people even bring in new things. We got to dad's shop and there are lots of cars waiting. There was also a person hurting a Lucario. Why? The Lucario, in tears, ran off from the person down an alleyway. I want to help him. I open the car door and immediately there were thousands of sounds all at once. It was so loud. It was too loud. I have to go inside. My dad opened the door to the shop and I ran inside, and I hid behind the desk, where I covered my ears tightly and began rocking myself. My ears were covered, so that I couldn't hear all the commotion outside. But I could still see it...the Lucario was in front of the window now with the human being strangled up against a wall, his paws glowing brightly. I'm terrified. Dad? Are you seeing this? Other people eventually surrounded the Lucario strangling the person, and tried to strangle him. Then the Lucario glew a bright light and it was amazing, but also scary, Lucario had gone mega, without a keystone and looked more furious than before, he then threw the person he was strangling to the side breaking their arm and scaring everyone else as he turns to face them. I began hyperventilating, and rocking myself more quickly. Then, the Lucario turned and saw me... he looked at me, and I don't like being looked at, he locks eyes for several seconds before he walks into the building over to me, and simply pats my head smiling, reverting to normal. I wanted to scream for help. But I couldn't speak. I can't speak. I opened my bag and take out my laptop and headphones, but before I did, my dad tapped me on the shoulder, making me jump. "Look at this Brooke," he said with a smile. It's round. I slowly stood up, then took the thing from my dad's hands. "It looks like a planet," I said. "Yes it does," he said, "and it spins too." My dad takes his hand and spins the planet model. I smiled. This will be perfect for my collection. "Can I keep it," I ask. "Of course you can," my dad chuckles. I leaned against the corner, happily spinning the little planet model. Then I looked at Lucario. He tilted his head before making an aura sphere and spinning it similar to the planet model. It guess. Then Lucario went outside ripping a pokeball off the injured person's belt loop and threw it far off. He is very angry.

Lucario's POV

"That stupid human always pushed me around," I muttered, taking off, going to a place where hopefully I can be left alone. I sat down looking at my scarred paws giving a slight sigh, that girl seemed nice unlike my old trainer... I sat there pondering what to do next for a few minutes. The day went by quickly. And I still didn't know what to do. Then I hear a young voice. "Hey dad, it's an abandoned building. Can I look inside?" Oh no. I try to find a hiding place quickly. I looked around but couldn't find one so I ran in the opposite direction of the voice. "Let me come with you," said another voice, but it was older. I froze where I was, looking over my shoulder confused. I then hear footsteps running behind me. I turned to face whoever it was getting a force palm ready. No one was there. Am I hearing things? Please don't tell me I'm going insane. Suddenly I start hearing somewhat loud noises. I cover my ears to drown out the loud sounds before looking around. I look in one of the rooms, where I saw the little boy from earlier, covering his ears, and whimpering.

Brooke's POV

The loud sound goes away, but the thing that was being loud was also very scary. I felt something furry touch me on my shoulder and I panicked. I looked to the side of me, and there was a Lucario. No...the Lucario that I saw earlier while I was at dad's shop. He doesn't seem so mean now. The Lucario knelt down, looking at me with a concerned look on his face. "Lucar?"

Lucario's POV

"Hey you okay kid?" I asked, concerned being careful not to scare them more. The little boy looked at me for a while, then began petting me on the head. "Furry," they muttered. I smiled and nodded before picking the kid up, holding them close as I walked out of the building with them. The kid held on tight, smiling with content. Once outside I set the kid down "look kid don't come here again okay it's dangerous," I said. The older human eventually came out of the building as well. "I see you've found a friend, Brooke," says the adult. Brooke nodded, then hugged me tightly. Ack! Maybe...too...tight. Help. I tap Brooke's back as a way of saying loosen up. Brooke lets go. "Can I take him home," Brooke asked. "You know what mom is going to say," the older person says. "I know, I know. I'll have to take care of him," Brooke said, rolling his eyes, "and I will." "Take care of me," I asked curiously. "Come on Lucario," says Brooke, "let's go home!"

Brooke's POV

I'll never forget that day. He looked so funny when I told him to come home with me. "Hey, we're here," says Timothy. We are? I look up in front of me, and there was the pokemon health center. I like this place. It is quiet. "Welcome," says Nurse Joy, "How can I help you today?" Lucario walks up to the desk, then places the injured Rockruff in front of her. "Oh dear. Well that's certainly a problem," she says. Well obviously it is. Otherwise I wouldn't have brought him here. Lucario nods, taking a piece of blank paper off the desk and a pencil writing 'Please hurry and help him,' it reads. "Will do," says Nurse Joy as she carefully picks up Rockruff and takes him to the back. I hold my hands against my chest. I am scared. Iris puts a hand on my shoulder and I jerk away, squealing. Lucario immediately starts growling. But then suddenly, the lights start flickering. Nononononono. I hug Lucario tightly. I'm terrified now. All of us then scream and panic as the lights turn off. Completely.

Fact: People with Autism may not show much Emotion, but that doesn't mean they don't care or have feelings. I know because I see it in my brother everyday. People with Autism are mistaken for not caring because they don't do anything to help someone who is sad. But in reality, most of the time they're trying to comprehend what's going on, and what they should do to help.

Fact: Just because one is Autistic doesn't mean they're smarter than everyone else. Some Autistic peeps need help doing everyday tasks and for some they have trouble speaking.

Fact: People with Autism are not really a people person. Hence why they're often sitting away from the crowd.

Fact: Everyone thinks that there is a cure for Autism but there really isn't. However there are medications to help.

Fact: Like ADHD, Autism is not caused by vaccines. It is something that one is born with.

Fact: As for those of you who don't know, stimming is repetitive sounds and/or movements that one with a neurodivergent mind does to cope with emotions. Examples may be swaying or saying "woah".