Zeraora (blindness)

(Switching POVs again :D)

Rockruff's POV

Huh? What's that? There was a pokeball in a room next to me and the nurse that had the word 'blind' written on it and a picture of a lightning bolt. Huh. I wonder. There was lightning that was starting to surround the pokeball. Something is getting out.

Then a large thunderbolt hit the pokeball knocking me and the nurse back from the force and once the light from the bolt was gone, it revealed a pokemon neither of us had ever seen before. The pokemon was growling loudly and walked to the entrance but ran into the door frame. "Ow…" he growled loudly. My ears perked and my eyes were wide. Jeez. Lemme just say if I heard that, "you are just loud," I mutter.

The nurse stood up, still holding me in her hands and walked to the door. You're not going to do what I think you're going to do…are you? The pokemon felt around before his ears perked a bit. "I hear you little one," he growled, turning around, continuing to be loud. The nurse then placed a hand on the pokemon's head. He roared, slapping her hand away and grabbing it tightly.

"Wha's your problem," I ask loudly. "That's none of your business," he shouted. -ahem- "ARE. YOU. SAD," I asked, continuing to yell. The pokemon glared, twitching his eye, before letting go of the nurse and feeling around the door. "DO YA NEED HELP," I asked. "QUIT YELLIN," the pokemon shouted, sending a bolt of electricity out, missing me entirely. "WELL YOU STOP YELLIN FIRST," I shouted back.

Iris' POV

We were all confused as to why there was a constant back and forth barking and roaring. "What do ya think is goin on back there," I ask. Brooke simply shrugged. "I don't know." The lights flickered back on. "Well there's the lights," said Timothy. We hear another loud roar echoing through the halls. Lucario's eyes widened.

Then a yellow and blue pokemon walked out of the room. They had a pure white eye color and was seemingly looking around. "Where's Nurse Joy and Rockruff," I ask, whispering to Timothy. "Zer?" the pokemon said facing my direction now. Ehhh… "Rock rock rock rock." Rockruff was running back through the hall. And his leg still wasn't healed. For an injured pokemon, he can surely run pretty fast.

"ROCKRUFF! RUFF RUFF RUFF," Rockruff barked. The pokemon quickly jerked around. "ZERAORA ZER," the pokemon roared. Lucario looked at Brooke with a confused face. "Lucar?" Brooke simply shrugged. The Zeraora eventually grunted holding its head as if it had a headache and shut up. 

Zeraora's POV

"What is going on, how long was i even in there," i said holding my head from the pain and the fact i couldn't see. "In where," asked the same voice that kept annoying me. "The pokeball" I growled "who even are you." "Rockruff," Rockruff barked, "And you?" I was silent for a few minutes trying to remember before I responded "Zeraora. Y'know… you seem pretty nice when you don't shout," I said with a smirk. "What did you say," Rockruff asked, tilting his head.

I twitched my eye. "He's deaf. He can't hear," said another voice. "Then how was he conversing with me earlier," I asked, irritated. "You were yelling," says another voice. "Okay who is talking? I can't see you…" I asked. "I'm Lucario," said the voice, "And if you hurt Rockruff I will personally beat your–" "Relax Lucario," said another voice. But the voice sounded so sweet. Unlike the others. "Don't tell me what to do, Eevee," growled Lucario.

I sighed then went to walk out but I ran straight into what felt like a wall and I felt my body hit the floor from the force of the impact. I then heard a young voice laugh. "Hey, quit laughing! It's rude to laugh at a blind pokemon y'know!" I growled, my fur sparking. "It is rude, Buneary," said Eevee. I scoff blushing slightly in embarrassment and get up feeling around. 

Eevee's POV

I walked up to the Zeraora and place my paw on his drooping arm. The Zeraora looked around in my general direction but not at me directly, "Who's touching me," he growled loudly. "Me. Eevee. Now keep your hand on my fur and I can guide you out here." The zeraora glared but then grumbled as he put his paw on my head letting me lead him.

"There you go," I said. Zeraora glared a bit but didn't say a thing until we got to the door where he seemed upset now and gave a sigh. "Are you okay," asked Artemis. "It's nothing… just… nevermind…" he said, feeling his way outside. Lucario quickly blocked the door.

"NO," he shouted. "Get out of my way," Zeraora growled. "I'm sorry. I can't do that," said Lucario. "I said out of my way!" Zeraora growled, putting his paw on Lucario's stomach, his fur now sparking even more than before. Suddenly Lucario was pushed back by a massive jolt of electricity letting Zeraora past him. Zerora looked around. There were so many sounds. "Ugh, now I know what it's like to be hit…I guess," said Lucario.

Zeraora's POV

It was so loud out here compared to inside the building but I pressed on, feeling for the outside wall of the building using it to guide me through the city but before I knew it I got lost I had no idea where I was. "I really should've listened to him but it's too late now," I said with a sigh.

I felt around to get a feel for where I was and realized I was in an alleyway and sighed sitting in a corner. Suddenly, I feel something slimy touch my fur. I just buried my face in my arms growling ready to electrocute whatever it was, if I could aim. When I felt it again I grabbed whatever it was sending about 20 volts of electricity through my paw to whatever it was.

And now it's touching my leg. "Grr leave me alone," I shouted, sending about 50 volts all around me now. "Look Pikachu," says a voice, "It's another Zeraora!" I looked around getting ready to send more electricity out but I waited to see what, whoever it was, would do. "Who are you," I growled loudly. "I'm Pikachu," one of them said, "And this is my friend Ash." I glared at where I assumed the voice was coming from

"Why are you here," I growled. "Why am I here," asked Pikachu, "more like why are YOU here?." "My reason is none of your business. Now answer my question," I growled louder, my fur visibly sparking more, I waited for a response as I tried to walk closer feeling my way over. "Um…" Pikachu seemed hesitant to answer for a moment. "If I remember correctly, Ash and I are going to a gym." "Oh really, and I suppose the human is going to try and catch me," I ask irritably.

"I wouldn't think–" "Come on Pikachu! We gotta go!" I glare curiously and I follow them, quickly following the sound of their footsteps not sure of how hidden he was. "Zeraora," Eevee calls. I jerk around. "What," I growl. I could hear the footsteps fade as the trainer got further away. "Ya know there's really no use in you going to a gym if you can't see," said Lucario. "LUCARIO! MIND YOUR MANNERS," Eevee growled loudly.

"Yeah and last I heard, a Lucario couldn't control himself in a gym battle, they go mega then lose all mental stability," I teased before running after the footsteps of the trainer again.

Lucario's POV

"Grrr… COME BACK HERE YOU PUNK," I shouted. The Zeraora was of course much faster than me but ended up running into the glass doors of the gym falling flat on his back "owww" he groaned. I stood tall over Zeraora.

"Well, I think we both know who won this round," I said in a teasing voice. "Yeah yeah yeah. -scoff- whatever," growled Zeraora. He got back up feeling the door before trying to open it. "Need my help," I asked. "No," growled Zeraora, "Now go away." Zeraora felt around on the door, trying to find the handles. I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh. "I can hear you ya know," growled Zeraora, "Now are you gonna stand there laughing, or are you gonna get over here and help me?" "Oh, but I thought you didn't need help," I said in a teasing tone.

Zeraora gave a glare before kicking the door open, irritated. "Ok, I guess that's one way to open a door," I said, "but you're not going in there without me!" "Yes I am," said Zeraora. "Not you're not," I growled, "I need to see who I was replaced with." "You don't need to see anything" Zeroara growled. Once he heard announcements say that the challenger was one pokemon short of participation requirements Zeraora ran after the sound of the voice and stood next to the Pikachu and trainer with a sigh.

"GOOD LUUUUCK," I said, yet again teasing Zeraora. They glared then shortly later the match started once it was Zeraora's turn he did a lot better than I thought dodging nearly everything and using counters.

Zeraora's POV

I don't know what kind of pokemon this is. But I do know that this pokemon is shaking the ground. That gives me the advantage. With the constant pounding, I'm pretty sure I can tell where he is. "Alright," exclaimed Ash, "Zeraora, use Thunder Punch!" "I don't know that move," I shout losing focus now, I get hit into a wall by the opponent  but I recover quickly.

"Hey I wasn't ready yet stupid," I said to the other pokemon. "Let's at least have an honorable fight," I said, getting into a stance. "Thunder Punch," said Lucario, "it's when your paw has a ball of lightning on it. And then you slam it down on the opponent." I growled and shot electricity at Lucario and judging by the fearful yelp, I assume I nearly hit him.

I then got on track with the fight and jumped onto my opponent and struck the opponent with around 500 volts. "Down in one hit," exclaimed Lucario. "You just don't know when to shut up, do you," I asked, growling.

"Probably not," Lucario teased. The pokemon must have been weak for me to be able to knock him out in one hit. 

Lucario's POV

The gym trainer then takes out another pokemon. It's an Umbreon. But they were trembling and shaking in fear. The others entered and we watched. Something was wrong. Zeraora began to charge up an attack. "ZERAORA WAIT!"