Zeraora's Renovations

It's been a long time since Zeraora has been in his apartment. The place is very dusty and extremely messy. With the help of Zeraora's new friends, he is going to give his apartment a complete make over.

Later that night…

Zeraora's POV

I stand by the window. I can hear footsteps coming close. "It really is beautiful, isn't it," Lucario asks. "Yeah," I said. "There's a huge moon and so many stars," said Lucario, "It's just…amazing." I smiled. I remember nights like this. Except instead of Lucario being next me, it was Timmy and Iris. I miss those days.

"OH LOOK," Lucario exclaimed, "A shooting star! Oh,no, wait. That's just a satellite." I gave a small genuine laugh for once, which for a second came out as a small squeak which made me blush in embarrassment. Lucario then started laughing and snorting. I can't help but to keep laughing. Eventually we both calm down enough to talk again but we remain silent.

Lucario's POV

My stomach starts growling. I didn't have any dinner. "Are you hungry," I ask, "Cuz I'm hungry. Do ya know what? I'ma go get a snack. Do you wanna snack? Okay. Sure."

"But I never said–"


Zeraora smacks me upside the head "Keep it down before you wake everyone," he growled. "Sorry," I murmured.

Buneary POV

I layed on the floor, staring at the ceiling. I can't sleep. So much has happened today. I look at the wall. It's red. Just like that one flower I saw by that little bush. So this is a city. It's big. Umbreon. He sounds scared. Maybe he wants to go home. I sit up, and I gently tap him on the back. He jumps. "Are you okay," I ask. "I'm an Umbreon," he murmurs. "I shouldn't be scared. Why am I scared? Umbreon's aren't supposed to be scared!" I hear footsteps. "Uh-huh."

"You didn't hear what I said, did you?" The two of us look at the hallway. Lucario is walking into Timothy's room. He probably misses Brooke. But then, "Lucario has often been quite solitary," I murmured. "We have to find out what he's doing," I whisper to Umbreon. "Um, ok," said Umbreon, sounding quite unsure.

Lucario's POV

"Lucario…what are you doing," Buneary asks me. Oh no. "It's nothing. Go back to sleep youngen," I said softly. "But I can't go back to sleep," said Buneary. I have no words to say. Umbreon also peeks in. "I can't sleep either," he whispers. I sigh. "Just… try to go to sleep okay? I need to do something then I'm headed back to my room," I said, partially lying. "I can't stop thinking about stuff," said Buneary. "And I'm scared," said Umbreon. "Scared of what," I asked. Then there was a knock on the front door. I went to open the door, but Zeraora had already beat me to it. It was a very tired looking Gallade with two boxes of pizza and Zeraora handed the Gallade several dollars and took the boxes. "I had already ordered some snacks, y'know," Zeraora said.

The four of us sat in the living room, and shared the pizza. Ya know, sometimes I wonder… "Zeraora, how is that you can walk around this place with ease, yet when you're out on the streets you walk around like you have no idea where you're going," I asked. "Well," Zeraora began, "I've memorized this place. And the streets? Obviously I've not a clue where I'm going. Especially when there's cars on the road. And there's also the fact that it feels like the city has changed a bit since I've been in that pokeball."

We all hear a door open, and Shinx comes walking down the hall. "Oh, hi Zeraora," he said tiredly. "Hi Shinx," I said. "Is there somewhere I can sleep by myself," Shinx asked. "Oh yeah sure," Zeraora replied, "but you're not going to like it." Umbreon immediately gagged. "What," Shinx asked curiously. "The baby room hasn't been taken care of for two years," said Zeraora, "also meaning that there's a trash can in the room filled with two-year old dirty diapers."

Zeraora gave Shinx a smug look. "Why hasn't anyone done anything," Shinx asked. "Well I dunno," I said. We all looked at Zeraora. "Zeraora. Weren't you the caretaker," Umbreon asked. Zeraora's eyes were wide. "Uhh, why can't Lucario do it," he asked. "I mean, he didn't mind the smell of the dead corpse," said Shinx.

They all turned to look at me. "Oh trust me," I growled, "I did mind. I just–" "So why did you touch the fake dead corpse," asked Buneary. "Because I was curious," I said, "Dead corpses are one thing, dirty diapers however–" "They're disgusting," Buneary interrupted. I blinked slowly. "Yes, it is very disgusting," I said.

Buneary's POV

It was silent for a moment. "So," said Shinx, "there's only two of us, being Zeraora and Lucario, that are tall enough to get rid of those diapers." "Only one way to settle it," said Lucario. "I literally can't do it because my nose is more sensitive than normal, otherwise I'd be more than willing," Zeraora said. "Then use a clip," said Shinx, "you have clips right?" "Clips of Yu-gi-oh the movie? Yeah," said Zeraora. "Nononono," said Shinx, "not those not those. I mean the clips that you would use to hold things—" "Ohhh," said Zeraora, "uhh, lemme check the kitchen I might have a few."

Zeraora then went into the kitchen. I looked back at the wall. It's a nice color. It really is. It's loud outside. So many sounds. "I'm back," said Zeraora. I perk my ears and I look at Zeraora. He kept poking his eyes as he kept trying to put a clip on his nose. "Let me help," said Lucario. Lucario took the clip from Zeraora's paw and placed it on his nose. "There," he then said, "that should help." Zeraora sighed deeply.

Zeraora's POV

I walked down the hallway. I opened the door to the baby's room, and walked in. "Okay," I murmured to myself, "you can do this." Since I was blind it was easy for me to ignore the sights, but the mushy feel of the diapers was quite disturbing nonetheless.

When I finished up I immediately hopped into a bath despite hating water. After the bath I walked into the living room wrapped in a blanket. "That room needs some serious renovation," said Umbreon. "This entire apartment needs renovations," said Shinx. "Couldn't agree more," I said. "Maybe we can go shopping for some materials tomorrow," said Lucario, "And maybe while we're at we can get some–" "Paint," Buneary blurted. "SHH," said Shinx. "Yes, paint," said Lucario, "now stop interrupting me." "Okay," said Buneary.

The next morning…

Artemis' POV

"Shinx? Shinx? Shinx Where are you?" We've been looking for the pokemon. And we've been looking all over for them. "Lucario's not here either," said Brooke. "Neither is Zeraora," said Timothy. "What about Umbreon," asked Iris, "has anyone seen him?" We all shook our heads. We're screwed.


Umbreon's POV

I took a deep breath, then sighed. "Alright crew," Lucario said, being hyped up, "I've already written down a list. We need paint, we need light bulbs, we need decorations, we need a new bed for Artemis' room, and we really need a new couch for the living room." "How are we supposed to carry a bed and a couch into the apartment," Buneary asked. "Good question…," said Lucario, "Uhh…we can just order it." "And then we're gonna have to build them," I complained. "Yeah, well we're gonna have to build them no matter how we get them," said Zeraora.

We begin looking around. Lucario and I look up at the ceiling. "Ya know last time I came to a store, the ceiling started caving in," I murmured. "Yeah? Last time I was at a store, the ceiling DID cave in," said Lucario. He heard me. "That must have been scary," said Buneary. "It was," Lucario then said. "I bet you screamed like a little girl," Zeraora teased. "I did not," Lucario growled. "You guys, focus," said Shinx. We came across the paint section.

I may not be good at fighting, but I do know for a fact that I am a home–modeling perfectionist. "Okay, so maybe–" Lucario started. "There's no 'maybe' in color picking Lucario," I said, looking through the different colors. Lucario scoffed. "Trust me Lucario, I know exactly what I am doing," I said, "so my thinking is, we get sky blue for the living room, and maybe we could get lavender and pink for Iris' room; and for Timothy's room–"

"Let me stop you right there," said Zeraora, "Let me choose the colors. I know Timothy and Iris better." I guess he has a point. "Sky blue for the living room, that would actually look nice. For Isabel's room, we could possibly use peach and coral," said Zeraora, "for Timothy's room, I'm thinking we should use some nice forest colors. He likes those. And for Iris' room we should do something that makes it look ocean-y." "I think I might have an idea for that," said Buneary. "What about the other room," I asked. "Good question," said Zeraora, "We'll use…purple and amber."

I look around. "Hey, where's Lucario," I ask. At that moment, Lucario comes racing in our direction with a shopping cart. "I've got…a shopping cart," he says, trying to catch his breath. I give him a glare. "Yeah sorry, the guy…was being a complete…jerk and..he wouldn't let me…get the cart." "Yeah, well you didn't have to beat the guy," said Shinx.

Lucario's POV

Zeraora glares at me. "Whaaat?" "Quit beating people up for stupid reasons," Zeraora growled, smacking the back of my head. Ow. I rubbed my head. "He literally asked me to fight him for it! He even punched me," I then said. Zeraora shakes his head. We pick out different paints and put them in the cart. Buneary grabs a few brushes and rollers. "Tell me Umbreon, what do we got," asks Zeraora. "Not much," says Umbreon, "not really anything that'd match the Timothy and Iris' rooms. But we can try to find something for Isabel's room."

"So what do you think we should get," asks Shinx. "Well, seeing as though she was two years old when she was taken from me, she's probably four years old now…" "So we need stuffed animals," I said. Zeraora shrugged. "Okay, so we need to get light bulbs and then we'll go," said Shinx. "Hey ima go somewhere else real quick okay? I need Buneary to come with me," Zeraora said, picking Buneary up. "O-k…uhh, see ya later I guess."

Zeraora's POV

I took Buneary to the arts and crafts aisle. "So what does Umbreon look like," I ask. "Why do you ask," Buneary asked. "Because I wanna make him a plushie of himself to help calm his nerves in stressful situations," Zeraora said with a smile. "Or perhaps we could just get something simple," said Buneary, "like this mushroom plush. It's soft, and it's squishy. Here. Feel."

I took the mushroom plush, and it really was soft and squishy. "Alright. Fine," I said, sighing. I still couldn't see what it was, but I trusted Buneary. We go and we pay for the plush and the paint. I'm actually very excited for this. I squish the plush. I think there are a few beads in it. But it feels so satisfying. I hope Umbreon loves his gift. We get home. And I could do nothing but smile and think of how my apartment will look after it's been painted. Suddenly, I hear Umbreon scream.

Umbreon's POV

My brother charges up a shadow ball, and throws it at me, I quickly dodge it. "ESPEON I SWEAR IT'S ME," I scream. Espeon has been like this ever since we both evolved. Yes. We evolved on the same day together. And he immediately attacked me, and said I wasn't his brother! Can you believe that? I mean he also left that day too. I'll never forget the look on his face. That glare of death. It was scary.

Mixed Facts for today:

-People with ADHD and Anxiety often have a hard time sleeping. Often because they're always thinking.

-Certain textures, sounds, or smells can often have a way of calming one down.

-People with ADHD tend to be quite impulsive. I has no explanation for why they do this but...