Olivia (tic disorder)

Shinx also seemed to think that Olivia was possessed. I don't think she was. But I really think the twitching was very weird.

5 years ago…

Espeon's POV

"THIS IS IT," I said excitedly. I whack my brother on the head, Umbreon, trying to wake him up. finally we will be adopted! Umbreon and I have been in and out of Pokémon adoption centers nearly all our life. And finally this will be the day!

A Pokémon trainer picks me up, and holds me in her arms. "You're going to make a little girl very happy," says the trainer. What little girl? She pets me on the head, then takes me away. "Wait, you forgot Umbreon," I shouted, "Please! You have to go back and get Umbreon!"

This trainer does a lot of walking. She finally comes to a stop. A few minutes later, a bus comes to a stop, and she gets on. I think I fell asleep, because it felt like we teleported. Wow. This must be her house. And the place is so huge! If only Umbreon could see this.

The trainer walks into the house, and then up a big staircase. Everything in here is just so big! She then opens a door, and walks into the room. And turns on the light. I can't help but be curious as to why this 'little girl' was in bed. "Olivia, didn't I tell you to get out of bed," the trainer yells. The girl, who I assume is named Olivia, sits up and stretches. She gasps. "Is that an Espeon?" Yes. I am an Espeon. Surprise. "Is he mine," Olivia asks. "Only to protect you," the trainer says.

Protect? I can do that. Ya know, if anyone ever decides to adopt my brother, I feel bad for them. My brother Umbreon, he's over dramatic sometimes. Olivia then looked at the trainer. "Mom, can I go outside," she asked. So the trainer is her mom. "Bring Frost with you too," the trainer said, "he needs some sunlight." "Okay," said Olivia.

Olivia shook a hybrid looking pokemon that was laying next to her. "Wake up Frost. We're going outside," said Olivia. The pokemon yawned looking up with a confused look. Come on, wake up," Olivia said, again.  "Fine…," the pokemon said, getting up out of bed. I'm more curious. They had a bandage over their left eye. Why?

Olivia gets out of bed and runs out of her room. The pokemon looked at me with a glare of what seemed to be confusion. "Uhh…," I said awkwardly, "greetings?" "Hi… name's Frost, and despite my looks I am an eevee," Frost said shivering. Fascinating. Frost climbed onto Olivia's shoulder shivering while breathing small clouds of frozen breath as if he were in the middle of a winter's night.  "OLIVIA, BRUSH YOUR HAIR FIRST," said the trainer. Olivia's head dropped. Frost gave a quiet laugh jumping down and running off coming back moments later with a brush for Olivia.

Olivia looked back, then at the door. "I look fine," she said as she walked out the door, being accompanied by two other humans in fancier clothes. Frost followed after, still holding the brush in his mouth, knowing that she'd sit down on the bench in the flower maze. Although once in the maze Frost dropped the brush next to Olivia's feet before curling up into a ball shaking more than before as though he was colder.

My tail twitched. Maybe if I curl up next to him, he will be warm. But whenever I did I could feel the cold radiating off Frost's fur like metal in a Blizzard. This is fine. It's hot out here anyways. And I'm suffocating in this awful heat. Frost looked at me confused before sighing a cold breath and getting closer. So I was warming him up!

"So… how long have you been evolved," Frost asked. "A little over three years," I replied. "You're lucky… my old trainer ruined my chance at evolving. I was supposed to become an umbreon but that night, with a single gym battle, ruined that," Frost said, beginning to tear up. I gently nuzzled Frost. He looked at me, tears in his eyes as he rested his head on me, crying. Suddenly, we hear something slam against the bushes. We both perked up. It was Olivia. Frost jumped up rushing over to Olivia.

Frost's POV

She was twitching again. "Is she going to be okay," asked Espeon. "I think so," I replied, "Her mom said something about her having some sort of disorder in which she has a lot of ticks. At least that's what I think she said…" "Huh," said Espeon, "that must be horrible."

I sat with Olivia, placing my paw on her arm. She does this sometimes. It happens unexpectedly, She'd twitch and make different noises. Like whistling, or popping sounds. I looked at Espeon silently before blowing onto the ground making frost appear on the ground. He then laid on it as if it were a cooling pad.

"Mooorrre," Espeon begged in a moaning voice. "Why do you need more," I asked. "It's so hooot," Espeon complained, sticking his tongue out. "Ffine…" I said blowing small puffs of cold onto him cooling him off. Olivia's twitching eventually calmed down and she scratched me behind the ears. I gave a quiet purr as I leaned into the scratches.

Olivia's POV

"Frost, why are breathing ice on Espeon," I asked. Frost turned away. "Eevah," Frost said quietly. Frost flicked his tail, sending the brush towards me. He looked back at me, but with a smirk. "Fine," I grumbled. I picked up the brush, and I carefully brushed my hair.

I don't really see the point because it was very short. Espeon jumped onto the bench and curled next to Frost. "Espeo." Frost chirped. Those two really like being together. It's nice that– "blblb." they're getting along so well. I looked around. The guards weren't there to watch me.

I sneak out of the garden while Frost and Espeon talk to each other. I don't like it when mom keeps me here at home. I've overheard her a few times. She's ashamed of my tic disorder. And my dad ran away because he was scared. But it's ok. It really doesn't bother me much. Sometimes I think she's getting me these Pokemon so I can have someone to accompany me instead of her.

I stood at the fence. Everything looks so amazing. And this time, no one is stopping me from seeing what could be out there.

Espeon's POV

Frost and I eventually fell asleep from the sounds and our leveled out temperatures. This place is peaceful. I might bring Umbreon here someday. I sigh happily. But then I feel someone start pulling at my ear. "What," I ask, annoyed. "Olivia's missing," Frost exclaims.

My eyes opened wide, and I looked at Frost. "We have to save her," I said. "I KNOW," Frost said, nearly growling. Frost and I searched the entire mansion, as well as the entire yard. "ESPEON," Frost calls. I turn to Frost. The gate is open. This isn't good.

I don't know what reason I must protect for, but whatever reason it is, I know it has to be horrible! I darted out of the gate, Frost trailed behind me. We looked all over town for Olivia but she was nowhere to be found. "I am going to panic like my brother Umbreon if this hooman does not get found," I said panicking.

"Hey watch where you're going kid!" some pokemon said angrily from a distance. Our ears perked. "That must be where Olivia is," I said. We followed where we heard the voice from and found a very angry looking lucario standing over Olivia. "H-hey," I shouted, "You there! Leave her alone!" The Lucario turned to me with a cold glare and seemingly bloodshot eyes as parts of his fur began to glow. "Oh cheese," Frost murmured. The Lucario then hit us with a powerful aura sphere. I hit him back with shadow ball.

Other humans begin to look at us. They start to surround us. Some of them, on the Lucario's side, have nets. "Please, this doesn't have to end violently," said Frost, "just let us take the human and you can be on your way." The Lucario grumbled. He looked behind him and noticed the people holding nets. He glares. "Grr, alright fine," the Lucario growled. His fur stopped glowing.

Olivia's POV

Espeon and Frost look up at me. "What," I ask. Frost gives me a glare. I sigh, then I sit on the sidewalk. "Sorry," I murmur. "Eevee Ee," says Frost, sounding agitated. Then frost turns turns to espeon and chatters a few words. But Espeon continues to stare at me. "I'm not going home," I say. "Es esprrrreon," Espeon says. "Come on Espeon," I say, "I'm old enough to leave!"

Then Grost turned to face me again giving a glare. "Are you really on his side," I asked, glaring at Frost. "Vay ee Eevay" said Frost. I grumbled. Frost glared at me. "Pleeease," I begged, "You know mom won't care!" Frost shook his head disapprovingly before grabbing the pokeball off the ground. It'd fallen when I was attacked by the lucario.

I sighed sadly, then stood up. "You two are no fun," I murmured. Literally, all I've ever done my entire life is stay at home because mom is too ashamed of me and she refuses to introduce me to people outside the family. Frost sighs then looks at Espeon nodding before trying to push me in the opposite direction of home. "Wait where are we going," I asked. Espeon smiled. Frost pulled my map from my pocket and pointed to the pokemon adoption center.

They start chattering again. "Why are we going there," I ask. Frost pointed to Espeon before grabbing a stick and horribly drawing an Umbreon in the dirt with the stick. "Uh…ok," I said, still not understanding. Frost ran off with Espeon to the pokemon adoption center. "Hey," I exclaimed, "Wait for me!"

Once there, frost was sitting at the door looking into the window. Espeon's ear twitched. I, myself, looked through the window. Espeon went inside looking around. Frost and I follow him inside. He seemed concerned. "Espe," he called. "Snivy, vey Snivy," said a Snivy. Espeon's ears dropped. "Espeon," said Espeon, sounding sad. "Are you okay Espeon," I ask. Frost nuzzles Espeon as to comfort him. Espeon shoved Frost away and walked out.

Frost and I quickly followed after. Frost seemed worried for Espeon as he chased after and blew ice onto Espeon's paws, freezing him where he was. Espeon growled.

Espeon's POV

An umbreon suddenly turned the corner, jumpscaring me. Look, I really didn't mean to hurt the guy, but it was natural instinct. Yes. I hit them. With a shadow ball. And they screamed. But they shot back. I swear ever since I hit that guy he has never stopped following me.

Present day…

Espeon's POV

I tilted my head. "Umbreon?" "OH FINALLY YOU SNAPPED OUT OF IT," he shouted. "Snapped out of what," I asked. suddenly a zeraora stood between us giving a low growl "what in arceus' name is going on here," he growled. "Family meeting," I replied, "Now Umbreon, take a seat."

Umbreon plopped down. "Now listen," I said, trying to explain, "there's another Umbreon and they've been following me around ever since I accidentally threw a shadow ball at them." Olivia starts clicking and twitching. "Oh great, last thing we need is another possessed person," said a Shinx.

"Hang on shinx i've heard this before, she has some weird ticking disorder. She involuntarily makes weird sounds and twitches at random times," Zeraora explained. "Hey! There you all are! You guys left me behind…" Frost exclaimed, breathing heavily as he walked over. "Oh, sorry F-f-frost," said Olivia. I jumped and immediately turned around and blasted Frost.

Frost glared at me. "What was that for," Frost asked, growling. "Sorry," I said. Frost huffs before nuzzling up to me, I could feel the coldness of his fur now. I lean against him, warming him up. Frost smiles. "Anyways, so when and why did you come here," Zeraora asked.

"We're traveling the world so Olivia can become the best pokemon trainer," I exclaimed. "Hah! How about you battle me then, should be easy seeing as how i'm blind" zeraora said with an enthusiastic tone. I looked at Frost and smirked. "Alright then," Frost said in a competitive tone, "bring it on fur ball!"

Artemis' POV

"Uhh…they're about to fight each other," I said worriedly. "AND THEY CAN TAKE THE FIGHT OUTSIDE," the desk clerk yelled from down the hall. Zeraora then walked past me with the two eeveelutions behind him going outside.

Lucario then grabbed mine and the other girl's hand running after. "Where are we going now," she asked. "As if I would know," I said. "To watch the fight!" Lucario said. "What fight," I asked. "Fight," the girl then asked, "who's fighting? And how do you understand him?" "It's…complicated," I said.

We reached Ren's gym and we saw zeraora and the other two getting ready to fight 2 v 1. "Don't worry I approved for a 2v1 fight makes it more fun!" Zeraora said. I looked at the other girl. "I think Zeraora is challenging you to a battle," I said. The girl's eyes widened and she ran excitedly to the Espeon and what seemed to be a hybrid looking Eevee. "OKAY," she said excitedly, "Frost use quick-attack!" Zeraora smirked and just before the quick-attack hit, Zeraora stepped aside so it'd miss. Iris goes to stand behind Zeraora.

Iris' POV

"Good start Zer," I said, "now use plasma blast!" Zeraora grunted, then ran up to frost, his claws sparkling and glowing before Zeraora swung at frost just barely missing him but still grazing him. Now Espeon was giving a smirk. "Espeon Espe." Zeraora glanced over at Espeon, quickly redirecting the attack to the ground.

"Zera!" he shouted as he did so. Espeon quickly dodged and immediately hit Zeraora in the chest with a shadow ball knocking him into a wall. Zeraora got back up looking around and perking his ears up. Espeon trilled happily. Zeraora then looked in Espeon's direction holding a glowing blue palm out which launched an aurora beam out bee-lining towards Espeon at a great speed.

Suddenly, Umbreon hit Zeraora with dark pulse. He trills. "Umbreon Umbre re re," Umbreon exclaims happily. "Zer zer," said Zeraora. Iris knew zeraora was trying to tell umbreon to stay out of the fight. At least that's what she thought she knew.

Zeraora went to Umbreon, who was trembling a little, standing outside of the arena. He smiled then gave Umbreon a gentle pat on the head. Zerora went back to the near center of the arena looking around, listening. His ears turned in the direction of Frost's footsteps and ran towards it charging up close combat. "Frost, dodge," Olivia shouted. Frost went to jump away but Zeraora was now right behind Frost and made contact with close combat knocking frost into a wall leaving a small crater in the wall.

Olivia exhaled deeply. Frost got back to his feet. He looked at Espeon and the two nodded. Espeon and Frost stood in one place. And without a command, Espeon used shadow ball, distracting Zeraora, and Frost used ice beam while Zeraora was distracted but zeraora didn't move, he looked more terrified than anything before he used plasma fists on the ground shaking the whole arena and than he raised a paw in the air, a tear rolled down his cheek, something caused him to surrender. Espeon tilted his head. "Espe?" "Z-zera…" zeraora said then walked off the arena.

"Umbrrrreon," Umbreon asked curiously. Umbreon was now trembling. Once everyone was treated I found zeraora in his room in a corner trembling. "Are you okay Zeraora," I asked. He grabbed a blanket next to him and hid within it. I wonder what made him so scared he ended up surrendering.

Zeraora's POV

Umbreon placed a paw on my hand. "Zeraora. Are you okay," he asked with concern.I remained silent thinking about several years ago when my gym trainer abandoned me. "Zeraora," Umbreon asked, a little tremor in his voice. I look at Umbreon teary-eyed. "Did I hurt you," Umbreon asked. "No it's not you umbs" Zeraora said shakily. Olivia then walked up next to Iris, with her Eevee in her arms. I sighed and hugged Umbreon crying…

Facts for today

Having tics is a little bit like having hiccups. Even though you might not want to hiccup, your body does it anyway.

Sometimes they are caused by stress or excitement. Or it can come out of nowhere.