Another Somewhat Free for All

7 years ago…

I had just finished a fight here at the electric gym when another trainer came in with a glaceon and some other pokemon i didn't recognize, but they looked like a dark type. "Who are you? Don't you guys know we're closed for the night now?" I said to the pokemon and the trainer, the trainer looked oddly familiar though.

My trainer gave me a pat on the head. "Don't growl at our guests, Zeraora," they said, "surely we can do one more battle can't we?" "I guess…" I said with a low growl. "C'mon zeraora lighten up, you're getting some good level ups from this!" my trainer said, I gave a low growl, getting into position when I recognized the pokemon, and the trainer. "Typhlosion and Glaceon…and Owen?" I asked, confused.

As far as i knew the news said they had gone missing several weeks ago, I guess my trainer hadn't noticed it was them yet. "This will be a two v one fight, remember to fight fair once one trainers pokemon are all out the fight will end challengers choice of who goes first" the ref said.

Owen pointed to me signaling I'd go first so I lunged at the Typhlosion with a roar as I used hidden power ice, shooting a flurry of snow at them but it didn't seem to even remotely bother them. "Not too bad…" said Owen ,calmly, "But I bet you weren't expecting this…Glaceon, use Aurora Beam. Typhlosion, use shadowball."

I jumped to the side just barely avoiding both attacks so in turn since I hadn't learned close combat yet I used counter, sending glaceon flying back into a wall which took a lot out of me so I was slower now. "Again," Owen shouted. I was hit this time and hit a wall, my eyes were now covered in ice so I could barely see but I pushed on. I ran up to the Glaceon and used plasma fists knocking glaceon out finally but I hadn't noticed typhlosion right in front of me.

Before I could react, Typhlosion used flamethrower, and pounded me onto the ground. I couldn't feel my body or face…I couldn't open my eyes either. It was as if they were frozen shut. I twitched my ears. I could hear the sirens of a pokemon ambulance.

A few hours later…

Nurse Joy's POV

"Here's your pokemon," I said, giving the trainer the pokeball. The trainer looked long and hard at the pokeball, then he said quietly, "Throw it away. It's useless." it was the trainer's glaceon, but before i could stop him the trainer walked away.

All that he left was a letter that had said ~to: owen~ which I guess was the trainer's name. Then the gym leader came in "Hey don't worry about giving Zeraora back… he deserves a little retirement…" they said, seeming sad. I looked to the back room where zeraora was recovering. A few days later, Zeraora went home fully recovered, but he was still limping. So I followed him home.

We reached a hotel, and went to a room down one of the halls. He opened the door. There were two kids playing on the floor, and a little baby laying on the couch. The kids looked at the door and smiled. They dropped everything, and they ran straight to him.

"ZERAORA" "ZERAORA" "ZERAORA" "ZERAORA" "ZERAORA" "ZERAORA"  "ZERAORA, YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!"  "HEY ZERAORA I FINALLY FOUND MY RACE CAR!" Zeraora then used a signal, telling them to calm down. "Zera zer," he said quietly. Zeraora looked a little upset.

Zeraora's POV

I'm a failure. I picked up Isabel, and sat down on the couch. She looked at me, and smiled. I really can't help but smile back. But even then, I still feel like I've failed.

Frost's POV

Present time…

I still didn't know much about Espeon, he never talked to me very often. I was curious about him. "Hey Espeon, why are you always staring at the sky," I asked. Although I knew he never really stared at the sky… "I'm not staring at anything," he said, looking towards the very top of the hotel.

What could be so interesting about the top of that hotel, that he has to stare at it for hours? I looked up at where Espeon was, confused. It was a pain to see with only half my vision available due to my eye. I sighed and took the bandages off showing a nasty scar over my eye.

Espeon continued to stare at the top of the building. "Espeon? What are you staring at?" I asked. "Someone's up there….it looks like Olivia," said Espeon. "What would she be doing up there," I asked. Explain shrugged. "It looks like she's trying to protect herself," Espeon then said.

I tilted my head "is she on the second floor or something?" I asked. "Roof," was Espeon's simple response. Hearing that I ran up to the roof to see what was happening.

Timothy's POV

"Ee ee ee ee." Frost ran quickly down the hall with Espeon running behind him. "Where are they going," asked Brooke. Lucario shrugged. "Maybe we should follow them," said Iris. We followed Frost and Espeon up the stairs, Half way up, Umbreon dropped to the ground, panting.

Umbreon's POV

"I'm not fit for this." "Do you want me to carry you," asked Lucario. "No," I replied. For a few moments Lucario stared. I stared back. "Too bad," said Lucario. And he picked me up in his arms. Lucario went a few steps forward and motioned for everyone to follow him. I looked around. "Hey, where's Brooke," I asked. "Probably downstairs playing on his Nintendo," said Lucario.

Frost's POV

We reached the roof. Olivia was staring off into the distance with Dewott sitting by her side. "Olivia! You're okay," Espeon exclaimed. "Of course she's okay," said Dewott, "I've been sitting here with her." I smiled. "It's been a while Dewott, you don't usually come out of the pokeball, why's today different?" I asked.

"Actually it was Olivia who let me out," said Dewott. "Huh… okay well still it's odd not seeing you in the pokeball, and to be honest I almost forgot you even existed," I said with a cold laugh. Dewott gave me an unamused glare. "What? It's true." I said.

I then went to sit on the other side of Olivia. I sighed deeply, and shivered a little. I looked up at Olivia, thinking something was very wrong if she let that annoying Dewott out for once. "Ya know, I'm kinda starting to miss home Frost," Olivia said. "We can go back if you want? Mum's probably worried sick with how long we've been gone," I said, seeming eager to go back.

Olivia simply pet me on the head. I sighed and laid down when we all heard a door open. "You just had to be on the roof, didn't ya," said Lucario, panting. "Shut up, you're just unfit and not as athletic as us," I said. Lucario growled. "WHO YOU CALLIN UNFIT," he barked. I smirked and walked around the roof and looked down the side to the ground seeing a zoroark who looked like they were having an anxiety attack against the building. "Hey is she okay? Umbreon you know more about anxiety than me," I said.

Umbreon stared at the zoroark for a moment. Then he shrugged. "I just have anxiety in general. I don't know what her problem is." I sighed then made an ice slide all the way down and slid down to the zoroark who was looking around frantically while freaking out about something. The zoroark looked at me and somewhat calmed down. Shortly later Lucario slid down after. "Hey, you alright," I asked. "No, my trainer went into the store and hasn't come out in TWO HOURS," the zoroark said, freaking out. "Well, maybe they have a lot of groceries," said Lucario, scratching his head. "But why would she need that many groceries," the zoroark asked. I shrugged. "Well maybe they just need to get a certain type of brand, and finding specific brands is kinda hard ya know," said Lucario.

"Uh, hey, why don't you come up here with the rest of us where it's safer," I said. The zoroark stared. "But what about my trainer?" she asked. "We can help you find her…or him," said Espeon from above. "Mmmh…. O-okay…" the zoroark said, not seeming too sure.

Lucario looked up. "Hey Zera, can you lend us a paw over here," Lucario shouted. "No need to yell i'm right behind you" zeraora said standing behind lucario. Lucario immediately jumped and screamed, making Zoroark scream as well. "Uh, Zeraora, how did you even get there," asked Lucario. "I've been here…" zeraora said, unamused.

Lucario stared for a moment, before blinking a few times. "Ugh, whatever. Help me get this zoroark up to the roof.'' Lucario said. Zeraora nodded and held a paw out to zoroark. Once on the roof, Zoroark gasped. "Timmy is that you," she asked. "And Iris," said Zeraora. Zoroark jerked her head to look at Zeraora. "I know," she growled, "now you and I are going to have a talk later." Zeraora gave zoroark a glare.

Artemis' POV

Zoroark hugged Timothy tightly. It was as if she had completely forgotten how scared she was. The Zoroark then looked at me. She walked over to me and picked me up. "Look Zeraora, she has Emerald eyes! Just like Izzy," Zoroark giggled. Zeraora gave a look of unamusement. "I can't see them, I'm blind," he said. "Who's Izzy," I asked.

Zoroark went silent and stared at me. "How do you understand me," she asked. "It's a complicated story," said Lucario, "which I have never been a part of." "Then how do you know if it's a complicated story," zoroark asked. "Because I've heard it so many times," said Lucario. Zeraora sighed and looked around, despite being blind. "I've never seen you around here before," zoroark said, "what brings you here." "I'm looking for my parents," I said. Zoroark put me down. "Hey, am I the only one hearing this?" Zeraora asked his ears twitching like crazy. "Hearing what," asked Shinx. "That loud screeching sound" zeraora responded.

We looked over the roof. "Charizard," I shouted. Charizard was walking around in front of the cars, panicking and flapping his wings. I looked inside my bag. I was missing a pokeball. "That's Charizard," I said quietly. Zeraora jumped off the building landing on his feet without any casualties and pounced on charizard "calm down you big brute!" zeraora said, managing to keep charizard down. Charizard, with all his strength, lifted his head up, and shook Zeraora off, sending him flying into the hotel doors. Hey, where's Brooke?

Brooke's POV

I looked outside the hotel doors. Zeraora is good at fighting. If you're wondering why I'm by myself, it's because I don't always like being around people. The group is growing. It makes me nervous. So I'm staying down here and playing Minecraft on my laptop. Suddenly luke pulled me back as zeraora got launched through the doors at me, zeraora was now badly wounded and burnt from the charizard's tail….Wait…where's my…my…MY LAPTOP!!! NO! NONONONONO!!!! When I looked around, Luke had it in his arms. It was not broken. I leaned against Luke and sighed. I began flapping my hands nervously.

Zeraora tried getting up but then Luke got up again and put a paw on zeraora's chest as if telling him to just stay down before walking to the door, his fur beginning to glow as he growled. "NO," Artemis shouted, "WAIT! Don't hurt him!" Luke's fur stopped glowing and he looked at Artemis. "Lucar?" "He's my friend," said Artemis, "and he's very scared."

Lucario's POV

He's scared? Heck. That thing had me scared! I looked at Brooke. He was now rocking back and forth. I simply huffed and continued back outside to charizard irritated now after they not only hurt Zeraora, but caused Brooke to be scared.

Artemis slowly approached the charizard. She wasn't afraid of him. Despite how angry he looked. "It's okay Charizard," she said calmingly, "they won't hurt you." Charizard lowered his head, and Artemis carefully placed her hand on his snout. She then leaned on him, as if she were tired.

I began to smell something strange. The same strange smell that I did last time when Artemis fell…I immediately ran over to Artemis, worried now, but at least I was able to catch her before she fell to the ground…again. I gently set her on the ground and looked around before running to a nearby hospital and picking up Nurse Joy over my head and running back with them.

When I came back, Artemis was kind of okay. But the doctor checked on her anyway. "She's going to be okay," said Nurse Joy. I'm actually quite proud of myself. Once I turned to face everyone again they were all giving a shocked expression and I knew it was because I actually helped and cared for someone other than myself and Brooke.

Once again, I feel very proud of myself. I pick Artemis up and take her back to the others before going back to Charizard glaring at them dead in the eyes. Charizard glared back, blowing a puff of smoke at me through his nostrils. My fur began to glow again as I let out a very audible growl.

Brooke's POV

Artemis put the charizard back in its pokeball. I walked over to the desk, here I found a globe similar to the one dad gave me. I picked it up and swiped my hand against it. It didn't spin. It's supposed to spin. I then went to Lucario and showed it to him. "It's not working Lucario." I tried to spin it again. But it still wouldn't work. "See?" Luke looked at it then bent one of the poles then spun it successfully "luca-car" he said. I smiled.

Lucario's POV

Brooke gave a huge smile and laughed as spun the globe. I smiled, I enjoyed seeing Brooke happy. I turned back around. There were some people who had just come in, and some of them, being the younger ones, were giving Brooke very judgemental glares. A kid from the group walked over to Brooke and tapped him on the shoulder. And if it's one thing that I know, Brooke does not like other people touching him.

Brooke shrieked, trying to shove the kid away. "Dude chill," said the kid, "I was only trying to get your attention." I walked over with a soft growl just to show I was protecting Brooke. The kid seemed to ignore me. "So why are you getting so excited over a spinning globe," the kid asked, "also can you take some control over your Lucario?"

Brooke remained silent. He looked at me, as if he thought I had the answers. I then grabbed a marker off the desk and went to the whiteboard by the entrance and wrote on it *My trainer has autism, and it entertains him. I am also his guardian so I apologize if I come off as rude or aggressive, just you scared my trainer so I was making you back off* I wrote. "Autism," the kid asked, "isn't that when the person is very stupid and–" "TONY," shouted one of the adults, which I assumed is the mom. Zeraora immediately covered the kid's mouth.

Tony's POV

"Zer…" the Zeraora growled. "There's no need to be rude like that Tony," said mom, "and you know I've done told you a dozen times NOT to call anyone stupid!" Then the lucario pried zeraora off me and then looked at mom. Mom smiled at the Lucario and patted him on the head. "I'm sorry," she said to the Lucario, "you'll have to excuse my little boy. He can be rude sometimes." The Lucario looked at me then smiled with a small laugh. "Luc" he said then went over to who I assumed was Brooke that he mentioned.

Lucario's POV

I slowly took the globe from Brooke's hands, and put it back on the desk. Oh great. Not that smell again. Come on Artemis. Let's not do this today. Please. I stared at Artemis intently. She never twitched. She never fell. I took a deep breath. This abyssal stare she is doing is creeping me out. You know what's scarier? She's staring right at me. Brrr. Artemis then jerked her head a little, startling Umbreon and Zoroark. She then looked to the floor, and the strange smell faded. Artemis looked around, blinking a few times. Rockruff and I remained confused. Rockruff looked at me. I looked back at him. I knew we were both thinking the same thing. She was supposed to fall…but she didn't.

Umbreon's POV

It's a staring contest between Lucario and Rockruff! "A staring contest between Lucario and Rockruff," Zoroark said excitedly. "Did you just read my mind," I asked. "No," said Zoroark. "Then how did you know what I was thinking," I asked. "I didn't," said Zoroark.

I gave Zoroark a very suspicious look. "Are you sure," I asked. Zoroark glared and crossed her arms. She then perked. "But what if I can," she asked, her eyes wide. My eyes opened wide. "Oh me gosh! Maybe we are telepathically connected," I said. Zoroark gasped. "Try to read my mind! What am I thinking right now?" I stared hard into Zoroark's eyes. She stared hard into mine, with her paws pressed against her head.

"Can one of you tell me why you two sound like you're constipated," asked Espeon. "Quiet Espeon! I'm trying to read Zoroark's mind," I said. Espeon glared. "HOME," I blurted. I blinked. "That was what you were thinking, right?" "That was EXACTLY what I was thinking," said Zoroak excitedly.

Espeon's POV

I rolled my eyes. Such a child, those two.

Facts for today:

-I'm a little hypocritical about this, but absentee seizures are not funny. It's just the explaining that makes me laugh…As my brother puts it; one moment I'm very social, next thing I know I'm staring at the seagulls

-Just because one has Autism, doesn't mean they're stupid. There are actually people with -Autism that have invented/created things that we enjoy using today.

-Most people with Autism do not like crowds because for them it's overwhelming.

-When someone has separation anxiety, they will often be very stressed over someone leaving them that they care about. They often panic about what is happening to the person.

-When someone has a seizure, don't immediately call an ambulance (it is quite unprofessional). Instead, time the seizure. If it lasts longer than five minutes, then you call the ambulance.