Coral (Adrenal Insufficiency)

Brooke's POV

More people came into the lobby. It is loud. "There are a lot of people and pokemon in here Lucario," I said, rocking myself. "Luucar" Lucario said with a quiet growl. I took Lucario's paw and squeezed it tight, signaling that I wanted to leave.

Lucario's POV

Although the place wasn't very busy, I knew that Brooke was bothered by the sounds that he heard all at once. I picked Brooke up and looked for a clear path and walked out with him. I set Brooke down, and he pet me on the head. I smiled sitting so Brooke could reach the top of my head seeing as how much taller I was than him. I perked my ears, hearing the sound of someone drinking from a water bottle. I turned my head and there was the desk lady.

Brooke's POV

Does she not like the loud lobby either? Lucario got up, and went to Coral. Coral is the desk lady's name. I saw it on her shirt. It said Coral. I like Miss. Coral. She is nice. But she is also always tired. Iris says that it is because she is up all night. Lucario placed a paw on Miss. Coral's shoulder. And he tilted his head. "Lucar?"

Coral's POV

I looked up to see a Lucario staring at me. I saw the bandage on his leg. I knew who's Lucario it was. It was Brooke's Lucario. "Uh, don't worry. I'm okay," I said, "I'm just...tired." Lucario continued to stare at me with concern. He blinked a few times, then looked at Brooke, who was up against the wall, rocking himself.

"Is it getting too loud for you Brooke," I asked. Brooke slowly nodded. I've been told that Brooke is Autistic. And I've also been told that people with autism like to keep to themselves. But I've been having some nice conversations with Brooke. He sits behind the desk with me, and tells me a lot about galaxies and planets, while happily spinning in the other desk chair. "You are tired," said Brooke, tilting his head, as if to ask. I sighed. "Yes Brooke," I replied, "I'm very tired."

Brooke then crawled over to me and sat. Lucario sat next to him. "Miss. Coral." I looked at Brooke. "Yes Brooke?" "Are we friends?" I stared at Brooke for a few moments, then I gently patted him on the shoulder. He flinched. "Of course we're friends," I said, smiling. Brooke then smiled and started rocking himself again. "I like the desk chairs," he said, "they can spin." I nodded. "I know."

Lucario gives a yawn. "You're tired too, huh Lucario?" Lucario nodded. I sighed deeply as I looked at my watch. Break time's over. "Well, I have to go back to work, Brooke," I said, "you wanna come help me behind the desk?" And at that moment, Brooke perked up. Lucario gave Brooke a look that said 'do whatever I don't care'.

Lucario's POV

Miss. Coral stood, and Brooke did as well. And just as Miss. Coral left, Brooke grabbed me by the paw, and dragged me along. Happily following Miss. Coral back to the lobby. I groaned unamused, letting him drag me as I didn't want to move.

We got back to the lobby, everything had calmed down. There were fewer people. Brooke releases my paw and he goes behind the desk, and sits in his favorite chair. Of course all of the desk chairs spin, but that one specific chair was his favorite.

I growled to myself wanting to leave and go to bed. "Come on Lucario," said Brooke. I sighed. My eyelids were heavy, my ears and my arms were drooped. I tiredly walked through the door, going behind the desk, and like that, I dropped to the floor.

Coral's POV

I gave a slight chuckle as Lucario started snoring quietly. I turned to my computer and turned it on. Brooke took out his laptop and his headphones. He turns on his laptop. "Playing Minecraft," I asked. "No," he responded, "I am going to watch YouTube videos. I am going to watch Stampy because he is my favorite. And he plays Minecraft." Brooke put on his headphones and opened YouTube. Brooke laughed and rocked himself as he watched the video on the screen. Many of the costumers gave Brooke judgmental looks and murmured amongst themselves.

I could barely hear what they were saying. But I could hear a few people saying 'stay away, he might be contagious' or 'ignore that lunatic'.... Suddenly, the door burst open. Lucario immediately jerked up from his sleep. Everyone watched curiously as the man dragged a Lycanrock into the lobby, but the Lycanrock procrastinated. "Come on...useless Pokémon!" Lucario peeked up. His fur immediately began glowing. And he jumped over the counter.

Lucario's POV

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I raised my paw at him, but before I could land a hit, Zoroark grabbed my arm. "This isn't the way to do it," she said calmly. I growled and yanked my arm away. She's wrong! It's the only way! How else is he supposed to learn his lesson? "Aren't you supposed to be looking for someone," I asked, growling.

Zoroark's ears perked. "She's probably at the store looking for you," I said. Zoroark then seemed to be filled with confidence. "Alright. I'll go back and look for her!" "Good." "I'LL TELL YOU IF I FIND HER!!" "Yeah sure..." Zoroark ran out the doors. I looked back at Brooke and Miss.Coral. Surprisingly, Brooke was just fine.... Eh. He's probably watching YouTube.

Coral's POV

I put a small piece of paper on Brooke's laptop that said *I'm getting a snack. Do you want one?*. Brooke looked down at the note. He smiled, then nodded. Then he wrote on the note saying *Can you get cookies?* "Of course," I said quietly. I carefully got up, only to kneel to the ground feeling dizzy. Brooke took off his headphones, and sat on the ground next to me. " are okay, yes?" I slowly nodded, as I placed my hand on Brooke's shoulder. Surprisingly, he didn't flinch. "We are friends," said Brooke. "Yes Brooke," I said, sighing. I curl into a ball and rest my head on my arms.

Lucario's POV

I started to get a little hungry. I went to the vending machine, and at that moment, "IT STOPPED RAINING," shouted Buneary. She just now noticed?

Coral's POV

A few minutes go by. The bell is ringing. Brooke is in his favorite chair explaining to everyone that I fell out of mine when I stood up. My eyes start getting heavy. But I can't sleep during my job. Suddenly, I hear the sound of munching. I look up through my bangs that had fallen over my eyes, and I saw what seemed to be Lucario, staring at me, while eating a pack of goldfish. Brooke was also looking at me. He had a bag of cookies and was stuffing his mouth. I glared. "Lucario got you some gummies," said Brooke. I carefully stood up and noticed the pack of gummies next to my computer. "Thank you, Lucario."

I learned the facts for today from crazycatA. So full thanks to them.

-Adrenal Insufficiency is rare

-There are two varieties: primary, often called Addison's disease; and secondary.

-People with adrenal Insufficiency have to look out for adrenal crisis. This happens when their body, lacking cortisol, cannot handle stress.

-people who have adrenal Insufficiency also suffer from fatigue, dizziness, and low blood pressure.

-Unfortunately, there is no cure so people who have it, have to take steroids