Give a gift

While driving, JJ once again started listening to podcasts.

Hearing it, I kept looking outside, and when I had coffee, I asked, "about a gift."

"Thanks, Jack. I did not own this game. Console I had," he said.

"So you have next if yours will break down. It should work."

"It works. Still, this game is rare," he said. I could see his look in the mirror. Seeing it, I smiled and said, "Luck."

Hearing me, he nodded. To tell the truth. I had luck and spent a lot of money on it.

Thinking about this, JJ said, "Oh, I bought coffee but forgot to fill the tank."

"Oh, so stop. I will go pay and buy something."

"Company car. Company money. So I will do this," JJ said.

"Still, I will go to buy something," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded, and while looking outside, we had come to our destination.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after JJ parked, I came out and walked to buy water for later snacks and hot dogs.

When I had done this, I started eating it while coming out. Seeing JJ walking to pay for fuel, I nodded and walked into the car.

After sitting inside, I smiled and after checking if a gift was on my side with my diploma.

Looking at it, I pushed it a little away, and after ending up eating a hot dog. JJ came, and our trip once again began.

Driving there passed in a friendly atmosphere.

While looking at JJ, I could recognise where we are.

Seeing it, I smiled and said, "Stop not far away from the place."

"Ok," he said, and after I nodded, he came closer. Seeing it, I nodded, and after taking it all with me, I came out and started walking to the doors.

When I keep doing it, I finally get there.

Looking at home where I spend holidays from the moment I remember I come to the gate.

Car there I could always recognise. Family car.

Seeing it, I shook my head. Time to be prepared to meet with them once again.

Knowing it, I opened the gate, and after walking, I said, "calm down. It is me," while watching the dog running.

After kneeling, I smiled, and when I looked at him, I said, "Jonny. You missed me. I missed you too," and hugged him.

When I did this, he started licking my cheek. Feeling it, I smiled and said, "I will play with you later. Prepare a ball."

Hearing me, he started running away. I came to the doors. After a quick ring, I could hear steps coming.

"Who are you?" a boy my age said.

"Is grandpa here?"

"Who?" he asked.

"I came to give a gift. Oh, Jonny, I will play with you soon. Here, catch it," I said while grabbing the ball from him and throwing it to the side.

Seeing him running away, I could hear mom's voice. "Honey, that is here."

"Never for eighteen years called me like that" had I hummed.

Hearing me, he looked into my eyes and said, "So you are the adopted child of my parents."

"Not anymore," I said, and while seeing mom coming, she said, "Jack. Get the fuck away."

Hearing her, I looked at her and said, "I will give a gift to grandpa and show my diploma to grandma."

"Go away," dad's voice came. Hearing it, I looked into his eyes and said, "You kicked me from home once. This is not your place. Jonny, do not worry. I will play with you soon."

As I could feel that, he started going around my legs. Feeling him, I smiled, and when I patted his head. He looked at me. Seeing it, I grabbed the ball and threw it once again.

"Can you be human?" grandpa's voice came.

Hearing him, I could see that he slapped dad's head from behind. Seeing it, I smiled, and mom said, "Dad. What are you?"

"Jack was your kid for eighteen years. You kick him like trash. This is my place. Therefore, I can let him in. Jack comes."

"Ok," I said while looking into grandpa's eyes. Seeing me, he smiled, and after I came in. I took my shoes off, and after leaving them, I started following him.

When I came into the living room.

I could see grandma looking at me. Seeing her look, she said, "go out."

"Soon. Grandpa, this is a gift for you. Grandma, I wanted to show you I maxed math competition," I said while wanting to show her my diploma, but she turned away when she saw it. Grandpa looked at me and said, "Honey."

"No," grandma said while walking away. Seeing it, I shook my head and said, "I will go now."

"Oh, Jack. Let's talk outside."

"Ok," I said, and when he nodded, we came outside. Seeing grandpa checking what I had bought for him, he nodded while looking at it and started smoking.

Seeing it, I smiled, and as I started throwing the ball, grandpa said, "So with what I gave you."

"Made more."

"Great," he said.

"I will buy you something during the summer. Maybe vacations around the world with grandma," I said. Hearing me, grandpa smiled and said, "Her dream."

"So done. Curse around the world. All paid by me," I said. Hearing me, grandpa looked into my eyes. Seeing his look, I could see tears coming down.

"I am so sorry, Jack."

"Oh, grandpa do not cry. I can see you love me. This is enough. The pain in my heart is strong, but I need to live with it. Do not worry about anything. This will be bad for you," I said.

Hearing me, he nodded, and I added, "So be prepared."

"Still, Jack, it is," he started saying, but while I looked into his eyes, I smiled and said, "You need to have a break. This will be fun. Do not worry. Have a good time with grandma."

"Still. I can't."

"You will. Thanks to you, all is there. I started making it, just bigger," I said. Hearing me, grandpa nodded, and while my phone started ringing, I checked who and said, "Yes."

"Jack, where you are," mom's voice said.

"Visiting family," I said.


"Grandpa," I said.

"So you are at home. I want to have a word with you," she said.

"I am not with them. Grandpa Smith. I will be back in around two, maybe three hours," I said.

"Oh, so he is the only one who is nice. I understand. See you later, son," mom said. Hearing it, I smiled, and when I hung out, grandpa looked at me.

Seeing his look, he said, "Who?"

"Mom," I said.

"Biological," he asked.

"Yes. Somehow, they found me. Do not worry. All is going well. I am trying to not interfere in their lives. They in mine. We are family only by blood. Maybe with sisters, I am closer. Still not so much."

"Oh, you have sisters," grandpa said.

Hearing his words, I threw a ball and said, "Yes. Three. I am the youngest."

"Good to know. I hope all will go well with them," grandpa said. I could see that he does not want to go deep into who they are.

Seeing his look at me, I smiled, and he added, "Oh, I will need to come back."

"Ok. I will call you on New year's eve."

"Ok," grandpa said, and when I nodded, he walked inside. While seeing it, I smiled, and when he smiled, he hugged me. Feeling it, I smiled, and while feeling tears going down he said, "call for sure. You should know my number. Oh, right, what a math competition."

"Oh, similar to years ago. I can go study math with no problems," I said. Hearing me, grandpa nodded and said, "I know you are smart. Keep up with this all."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me grandpa hugged me once again, and when I smiled, I came out.

Seeing his look, he smoked and walked inside. While seeing it, I smiled and strolled out. Seeing Jonny running after me, I smiled, and when I patted him, I said, "I need to go. I will see you later. Be a friendly dog, and protect grandpa."

Hearing me, he started woofing. Hearing it, I smiled, and when I hugged him, I got up and came out. Seeing JJ not far away, I came to the car, and after sitting inside, he said, "So how it was."

"How I expected. We can come back," I said.

"Ok. Lunchtime should be soon. I bought a few things here," he said. While seeing that he visited the gas station once again, I nodded, and after taking the box with food, I asked, "Did you?"

"Oh, I did mine. Do not worry about this."

"Ok," I said, and when he nodded, he started driving once again. While seeing it, I could see that he kept driving peacefully. Seeing it, I smiled, and after opening the box with the food, I could feel that it was still a little hot.

Seeing it, I smiled and started eating it, as it was still hot.