No place to talk

After ending eating. I keep looking outside while JJ keeps driving back.

It took us a little longer than driving here, but after JJ drove into the main house, I smiled and said, "Thanks."

"No problem. I will stay here."

"Ok," I said, and while seeing him moving his seat back, I came out and walked to the doors. After seeing that they were close, I shook my head and rang.

Not long after, Joanna opened them. Seeing her smiling, she hugged me and said, "Come in."

"I am," I said. Hearing me, Joanna nodded, and as she looked at me, I could see mom walking toward us.


"Yes," I said.

"We will go out of the country," mom started saying. Hearing it, I remembered what Paula mentioned yesterday.

Hearing her words, I looked into her eyes.

Seeing my look, she said, "you are coming with us. We have important things to talk about with you."

"Wait what," I said, and Joanna's voice came, "do not tell me. We aren't in medieval times."

"Joanna is quiet. The decision has been made," mom said. Hearing her words, Joanna said, "No. I don't allow it."

Seeing her reaction, and as she hugged me, I said, "Which means."

"You will be engaged to Evans. No place to talk," mom said.

Hearing her, I looked into her eyes, turned, and walked away.

Almost ran.

While in the car, I looked at JJ and said, "Drive."

"Ok," he said while looking into my eyes.

Seeing him start the car, we come to the gate, and it has not opened.

Seeing it, JJ comes there, and behind us, the car stopped, and mom came out. She said, "Sorry son. You can't come out."

"But," I started saying, but while seeing a few bodyguards coming closer, one said, "Young master, please come with us."

"Ok," only escaped from my lips.

Looking at them, I said, "JJ, you can go now. Do not worry."

"Still Jack," he said while looking at Joanna's voice, and I came "mom. Why are you doing it?"

"We need to," mom said.

Hearing it, I looked at mom, and she added, "Rumours are that Evans' girl meets with the boy. They know this too. So the elders agreed to push it."

Hearing it, I looked at JJ. Seeing my look, he nodded. Good, that is slightly, so he will be quiet.

Knowing it, I said, "ok. So when will we go?"

"Tomorrow we are flying out," mom said, and as I nodded, I said, "I will go around here. I need to think."

"Ok. You cannot go out. Joanna comes with us. We need to talk," mom said. Hearing it, Joanna nodded and walked after mom.

Seeing it, I looked at JJ, and as he sat back in the car and drove to the main home, I started walking around.

Hoping that no CCTV is here.

Thinking about this, I could not believe that there are a lot of places.

Thinking about this, I took the phone.

Seeing that I can call, I choose to text Paula. 'Can we talk?'

After sending it, she called me immediately.

Seeing it, I answered, and her voice came, "put face cam."

"Ok," I said, and after doing it, I looked into her eyes.

Seeing me, she said, "Jack. What is happening?"

"I need to tell you something."

"You cheat on me?" she asked.

"Hell no. Something more important," I said.

Hearing me, Paula took a deep breath and said, "If you can't have kids, I will still be with you."

"Not this. You know that I was adopted," I started saying.

When she nodded, I continued, "after coming out from the hospital, my true family found me. First, it was my youngest sister, oldest, and after this middle one."

As Paula keeps looking at me, she added, "So you know your family. I can accept this."

"This part is becoming difficult for me. I know I lied to you about not having a family. On paper, I have. You know them well."

"Wait who."

"Williams. I am a young master of them. I am so sorry. As I lied to you about this. I am not like them. They might be my family, but I do not know. By blood, I am still. I don't feel like that" I could feel tears coming down.

Looking at the screen, I continued, "As you mentioned, you will have a meeting with Williams's family."

"Wait. I will have this with Williams. Don't tell me," Paula started saying, and as I nodded, I said, "yes. I am the son of Williams. Please do not hate me. I do not want to lie to you. Just the first lie came, and I continued the story about this."

"When we come to our anniversary."

"I never planned to go there. For the first time, I saw my grandparents. They don't like me," I said.

"Old folks. Jack, I understand you lied to me, but tell me why you are calling me."

"Oh, as you know who my family is, I do not know what is happening, but mom said that we will be engaged. I just found out about this a few minutes ago," I said, looking into her eyes.

Seeing my look, Paula said, "These old promises. Why are they doing it?"

"They found out that you are meeting with a guy," I said while stopping her words.

"So someone found out about this," she said.

"Yes. So they are pushing us together," I said. Hearing me, Paula started cursing. As she kept doing it, she had done it, and I said, "Once again, I am sorry about this lie."

"I hope this was the only one which you told me about."

"One more. About my investments. I never won the lottery. Long story short. I helped grandpa. He invested money. He gave it all to me, and now all that I own makes me a millionaire," I said.

"Good to know. So you will come here."

"Yes. No idea where I am going. I know I will go there tomorrow," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and she asked, "Where are you?"

"Oh, outside. Soon I will go in. Now I want to tell you all."

"Ok. So calm down. You look like shit. Come in, and we can talk," she said. Hearing it, I nodded, and after Paula sent me a kiss, I smiled, and she hung out.

I hope she does not hate me.

Paula POV

Jack's words just came to me.

They are forcing us to be engaged. Knowing it, I wanted to smash everything.

Thinking about this, I took a deep breath. Time to calm down.

When I do this, I am still surprised that Jack is Williams. So our paths were decided much earlier. Thinking about this, I shook my head. I need to drink beer and think about this.

After grabbing it, I opened it, and after one sip, I realised I did not know about this. Thinking about this, I can understand Jack about his lie. This would be a shock for me, too.

Thinking about this, I sat better while staring at the TV and sipping beer.

I need to think about a plan for later.

Jack POV

I walked around for some time.

A few times, I could see the staff. When I finally calm down and my face is as it should be, I finally come inside.

While there, I looked at Sophia, and she said, "Sorry, younger brother. We can't change this."

Hearing her, I nodded, and as I looked at the stairs, I said, "I will go now to my room."

"Ok. Keep up," she said while hugging me.

Feeling it, I nodded, and after coming up the stairs, I looked around and walked to my room.

Seeing the windows open fully, I shook my head.

It is cold here.

Thinking about this, I closed them, and when I checked the radiator, I could see that it opened.

Seeing it, I came to the doors, and after coming out, I could see Joanna. Seeing me, she said, "Something is happening."

"Is the house heated?"

"Yes. It is working. Too hot in your room" Joanna asked.

"Radiator doesn't work. It is cold," I said. Hearing me, Joanna looked at me, and when we came inside, she looked at me and said, "Cold."

"Yes," I said. Seeing Joanna's expression, I smiled, and when she looked at me, she checked everything and said, "I will go ask about this."

"Ok. Thanks. I will go to bed while watching TV," I said.

"Ok," she said. Hearing her, I nodded, and when I lay in bed, I covered myself and started the TV.

While letting cartoons play, I called Paula.

When she answered, I smiled, and while having once again the face cam started, we started talking about everything.

While this all keeps happening, time passes. I put my phone on my chest. Therefore, I can see her face and have a carton in the background.

As we kept talking, I could hear someone walking. Hearing it, I moved my finger to my lips. I hope Paula knows what I mean.

After moving the phone to the side, I could see Joanna coming in. Seeing me, she said, "Dinner. End this little brother. Still cold here."

"I know. That is why I will come down soon. Let me be like that."

"Good for you," she said and closed the doors. Seeing it, I waited for some time, and after taking the phone, I looked at Paula, and she said, "So dinner time. I will call you when I do mine."

"Ok," I said, and after she sent me a kiss, I smiled and ended the call. When I did this, I checked my phone, and when I put it to charge, I looked around and finally came out.

Feeling that it was cold, I shook my head. When I did this, I used the bathroom and walked downstairs to have dinner.