I sat on the couch as we waited for Aidan's father. He was upstairs, and only God knew what he was doing.

Aunt Elisa sat beside me with her legs crossed. She relaxed as if she were in her father's house. He bought me an expensive dress to put on.

I was pleased that he took me to the boutique to select the dress that would suit me. My whole body was covered, although it was a short sleeve gown, it extended to my ankle and the tip of the gown was touching the ground. My perfect way of dressing.

They didn't force me to wear what I dislike, and I was happy about that, not because I wanted to come and please Aidan's father, but because the dress style is also my identity. Dressing responsibly.

Aidan, on the other hand, was sitting opposite us. I can remember how he seriously warned me to behave before his father and if I dare to expose how our relationship came about, then he would make sure that he makes my life a living hell.

I could remember how Romeo left my house with disappointment. And my mom, hmm…


' See how this enormous living room is glittering like a diamond, yet, this fool called Ruby wants to miss her opportunity of marrying a rich, handsome man like Aidan.

If only she knew that I wish I were in her position, that she wouldn't dare to insult this privilege. Getting married to Aidan was my target. But since his father was looking for a well-trained lady who they can easily control like a remote, it was better for me to back off.

Though, I have nothing to lose because this fool girl would be my channel of income. I only pray she won't disclose our secret here because she is fun of doing that.

If not because I was well-educated to handle her whore mother, she wouldn't have allowed Ruby to follow me to this mansion.

But when I revealed to her the consequences of breaking the contract, she became jittery before releasing Ruby to me. I must say, I love the way she was shedding endless tears. Her tears won't help.

She was only wasting her precious time by crying her eyes out. Although, I like seeing her in that situation. Once her daughter leaves my father's house, I'm going to make their lives miserable, and that's a promise.

Yes, they were the reason I lost my only brother. It's time for vengeance!' Aunt Elisa grumbled inwardly.

' Ever since Ruby stepped her feet into this house this morning, my mind has been unsettled because she might reveal to my father what happened between us which would lead to her being my wife.

Wife? No, just a puppet. She would be more of a mAidan than a wife. Gold diggers have no place in my life, never!

But how many percent sure am I that she would adhere to my warnings? I always see fear written all over her, nonetheless, she talks as if she wasn't scared of me.

Although, that's not a big deal, let's just get the marriage done, and we would see into that. Let's see whether she fears me or not. No lady has ever crossed my path and proven stubborn unless she wants her head chopped off.

Here my father comes. Let's get into the game.' Aidan spoke inwardly.

Immediately Aidan's father entered, we all stood up and greeted him, but instead of answering us, he only nodded before heading to a seat.

After sitting on one of the couches, he took a good look at everyone's face, including Aidan, before resting his head on the headrest.

At this point, I sighted Aidan bending his head as he fixed his gaze on the ground. I think he fears his father more than anything, so this means I can easily report him to his father if he dares to mistreat me.

To my amazement, aunt Elisa wasn't crossing her legs anymore. She properly sat on the couch like an orphan who was begging for help on the roadside.

No matter how stubborn or wicked some are, another person is still higher than them. Life is level by level.

" Aidan," his father finally called for his attention, after a long silence.

" Yes, father," Aidan responded with a low respectful tone. I never knew he was this humble.

" You invited me. Here I am. Can you tell me why I'm here?"

From his father's speech, I could tell that Aidan inherited this particular statement, "can you go straight to the point?" from his father. Obviously, I do not doubt that.

"As you wish, father. Father, I have finally gotten someone I can call my w-wife…" he responded but ended up stammering and I wonder what made him do that.

On hearing that, his father took his gaze away from him and intensely gazed at us as if he were searching for a mustard seed.

" Who among them?" he finally asked after satisfying his sight.

" The one in a pink gown," Aidan replied with a disgusted look on his face.

His father stared at me for a few minutes. Even though I wasn't watching him, I could feel his eyes all over me.

" She must be a respectful lady. I like her," he admired and said," my dear, can you please raise your head?" he asked with a soft voice and without delaying a second, I raised my head, and we had eye contact. I immediately took my gaze away as I kept playing with my fingers.

" What's your name? If I may ask."

" M-my name is R-Ruby, sir," I stuttered.

" Come on, don't be shy. Feel at home and talk to me." He spoke with a smile.

" Thank you, sir," I responded, and he nodded. He signaled me to say my name again, and I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to speak.

" My name is Ruby Michael, sir."

"Ohh, Ruby? Such a wonderful name as you look," he complimented, and I wore a fake smile.

Aunt Elisa and Aidan sat quietly as they listened to our conversation.

" I must say, this is your elder sister, right?" he inquired, and I responded," No, she's my aunt. A sister to my late father." After saying that, aunt Elisa wore a fake smile at Aidan's father.

" Your father is late?" he asked with pity. And I nodded as I tried hard not to remember his last words.

" I'm so sorry about that. How about your mom?"

" My mom is still alive and healthy." I responded, but the mentioning of 'healthy' got me thinking of how this whole thing came into existence.

" Your mom must be a good woman. She really trained you well. I'm in love with your family. " he praised my mom as he wore a smiling face.

I knew aunt Elisa was angry deep down because of the praises my parents were receiving from this man. But she only pretended to be happy outside, while she was not. I love this.

" Thank you, sir." I slightly bowed my head as I appreciated him.

" My pleasure." he responded and added," by the way, I'm Mr. Grayson by name. One of the business billionaires in our great country, America.

It's a Pleasure meeting you both. I'm sure staying with my only son as his wife won't be an issue," that statement got me thinking about how my life will be after the marriage. I didn't reply, instead, I nodded as an assurance that all will be fine.

" Good. Make sure you obey your husband. Give your best in loving him. Nothing a man enjoys in his marriage than respect. A respectful and humble wife can never be mistreated or hated by her husband. Once there is obedience and love between the two of you, then everything is a counterfeit."

Mr. Grayson advised, and I raised my eyebrows to see if Aidan was listening to his father's advice. His face speaks of how uncomfortable he was with the whole thing, but happiness was my name at that moment.

" And don't worry about my son. I'm going to talk to him as a father." Aidan clenched his fist as he got tired of hearing his father's words.

After he had finished talking, he added," Aidan, I don't know how you will inform all your friends. But do well to tell them that tomorrow is your wedding." he announced with authority.

" What?!" aunt Elisa and Aidan said in chorus. Although I also said the same thing, mine came out like a whisper.

" But the marriage date has been fixed by Aidan, and I was going to receive the invitation cards to invite the necessary people." Aunt Elisa retorted, and I wondered where she got that nerve from.

" And who are you to respond to my statement?" Mr. Grayson spoke with an angry tone.

" I'm sorry, sir." Aunt Elisa pleaded.

" But father…" Aidan was about to say something, but Mr. Grayson cut into his words and said," Aidan, that's my final decision. I don't need any excuse." Mr. Grayson smirked and stood up from his seat.

" Excuse me, everyone," Mr. Grayson said and left.