" It's so shocking that you're getting married today without proper preparation." Clara's voice echoed in my ears. She felt pity for me. Nevertheless, she remembered clearly how she warned me to be careful of whom I ask for help.

" This is how my life will finally end like nobody. I can see danger staring at me right in the eye, but do I have a choice?" I replied with teary eyes as I stood in my wedding gown.

" But I warn you. Didn't I?" she scoffed.

" Clara, it has happened and no amount of talk can change anything. Let's forget about the past and focus on the future."

I tried hard to contain my tears, but suddenly let out a low sob. Clara embraced me and comforted me for a few seconds before letting go of me.

Then within a split of a second, the wedding ceremony commenced. On stepping into the enormous hall that was glittering and well-decorated, all eyes were on us. I mean, me and Aidan.

We entered the hall with dance as Aidan's rich friends splash money on us. I tried my possible best to wear a smile, yet, after a few minutes, it disappeared.

I sighted my mom, whose face was like that of a dark cloud. Her only source of joy was being taken away from her, and there was nothing she could do about it. She was looking depressed. At this point, I summoned the courage not to cry, but it was killing me inside.

My dream was to see my mom smiling all the time, but the opposite just happened.

Everyone was wearing his expensive outfit, except for the bride's mother, who was my mother. From the look of things, my family was the least among those that were there.

Aunt Elisa's joy was complete as her plan finally worked according to her wishes. Her wishes for me to get married to Aidan. I can tell that she's the happiest person on earth.

More hurting, aunt Elisa never fails to invite Romeo to the wedding. Ever since I set my eyes on Romeo, he had been bowing down his head as he avoided eye contact with me. He was crushed and badly hurt.

Aunt Elisa was such a wicked soul!

The ceremony was going as I wanted it. Everything was done with snappiness.

Putting on the wedding ring, taking an oath, and many other things were done quickly.

The ceremony was dismissed. That's when it dawned on me that I might not see my mom anytime soon. Without shyness, I rushed and engaged her in a tight hug. 'I love you, mom.' I whispered in her ears.

That's when she finally let out a drop of tears from her eyes. She was so sorrowful deep inside her mind and I could tell that from her heartbeat. I wonder how she will cope with aunt Elisa. Though Clara promised to take good care of her, I was glad about it.

After the wedding, I didn't see Romeo. It's painful seeing your lover marrying another person in your very eyes. What will he tell his friends, who kept advising him to break up with me before I crush his heart? It won't be easy telling them such stories.

I pray he finds the type of lady he needs.


' This gold digger almost disgraces me on the wedding ground with her childishness. I wonder what was making her cry. I hope this wedding won't bring insult to me.

Because I could tell from my friends' looks that this woman was no good to be addressed as my wife. I was almost mocked when I introduced her to some of my friends.

My father's desire is finally fulfilled. This is what he wanted, and it had been done. I now have the full right to claim his assets.' Aidan thought to himself.

' All I feel in my mind is, 'danger' but I don't know why. All I know is, he wasn't the man my daughter was destined to marry.

Elisa wants to see me die a miserable death, if not, I don't understand why she did this to me. Would she have done this if her brother, my husband, was alive? Not at all. She wouldn't dare.

I don't know where she heard the rumors that I was responsible for her brother's death. Why should I kill my husband, for crying out loud? I'm not stupid to do that.

Sweetheart, why did you leave us alone in this sorrowful world? Come and save your daughter as you always promised to protect her.' Mrs. Celina cried inwardly.

' How shameless were they to shed tears in the presence of everyone during the ceremony? They are too shameless for my liking.

Nevertheless, they are wedded. Now, it's time to play the game.' Aunt Elisa promised herself.


We got to Aidan's father's mansion, and on entering the house, numerous maidens came and welcomed me. I was led to Aidan's room as he stopped outside to have a word with some of his friends who followed us to the house.

Passing through the parlor, I saw decorations of different flowers, but they weren't there when we came to visit. Maybe, it was because of the wedding.

"Madam," a maid said," here is our boss's room, which is equally yours. Please wait patiently for his arrival. He is talking to his friends outside." the maiden explained, and I smiled at her, and she smiled back at me.

" Thank you,"

"My Pleasure," she slightly bowed down and also added," I would be going to my duty post, but should in case you need anything, call on any of the maid's attention." She said and I nodded. She must be a nice maiden.

After the maid left, I walked to the bed and sat on it. I looked at the ring on my finger and sighed with relief. I patiently waited for Aidan to come over. It was going to be our honeymoon after this.

I hate it!

After a few minutes of waiting, the door finally opened; the person who stepped in was no other person than Aidan. He entered the room and slammed the door behind him.

I fixed my gaze on the ground as he walked up to where I was sitting. He stood before me with his hands akimbo.

" Woman," he called for my attention, but I didn't raise my head. And then he said," Welcome to prison, where torturing would be your daily food."