"So, this is it. I have become a slave to Aidan."

It had been two days since I came into this mansion, but it seems to me like it was a year plus. The man I called my husband never cares about me. What he does every day makes me feel like a nobody.

Weren't we supposed to go on a honeymoon? But we didn't. Not because I was craving for it, but that's what newly wedded couples are supposed to do.

Everyone is out there enjoying life. But here am I, living as a prisoner. Indeed, he made the mansion become a prison for me. He threw me out of his room and gave me mine, where I will be sleeping alone like a widow.

As if that were not enough, he took off my SIM cards and broke them into pieces so that I won't have access to talk to my mom. And after our wedding ceremony, I never saw Aidan's father. Maybe he traveled because he was a businessman who might have many companies from different countries.


I sat down, thinking about my life. It was already 10 am and I hadn't been served breakfast. I wonder why the maidens were punishing me this much. I could have cooked for myself, but Aidan seriously warned me to stay away from the kitchen. The reason was that he was scared that I might poison him. Wicked people always have a wicked mentality about others.

My room door suddenly opened. It was Aidan. On sighting him, I froze on the bed. He forcefully slammed the door behind him.

He walked up to me as I quietly sat on the bed and fixed my gaze on the ground. Anytime he took a footstep, it gives me goosebumps in my heart. 'This wasn't a peaceful visit.'

He stood in front of me and studied my body for a few minutes before stooping low to say something.

Aidan used the tip of his fingers and raised my jaw and muttered," Look into my eyes and tell me something." he commanded, knowing fully that I can't withstand his eyes.

My heart was speedily beating in my chest as he forcefully raised my head to look him in the eye. Immediately we had eye contact, I shut my eyes and took a long deep breath before opening my eyes. He was still staring at me in the eye. His deep blue eyes made me wonder if he was from another planet. I haven't seen such killer eyes.

" How do you feel when you look into my eyes?" he asked with a chuckle, but I knew that he was trying to tease me. But I smiled at him and responded," I saw true love." Aidan was stunned to hear that. He wasn't expecting it.

" Huh! Love?" he sniffed. " I never loved you. And never can I love a gold digger like you," he smirked before standing up with complete hatred written all over his face.

I remained silent as I listened to his continuous noise. Lastly, he asked," Have you eaten your breakfast?"

His question made me wonder when he started caring about my feeding. This was the first time he asked me this since I stepped on my feet in this mansion.

" I haven't eaten, and I'm starving right now," I responded with a worrisome expression.

" I'm sorry about that," he pitifully muttered. " But I must say that I was the one who told the maidens not to provide you with food." He confidently announced with a chuckle.

" What?" I was confused as I widened my eyes at him.

" You are surprised, right? Well, don't forget the first thing I told you when you came to this house. This is a prison for you, and you haven't seen anything." he threatened me, and fear gripped me. He was too serious about the whole thing.

" But what have I done to deserve this treatment?" I asked with teary fill eyes as I quivered.

" Woman!" he called and paused for a second. " That title doesn't suit you. I think calling you by your name would be preferable." he clenched his fist and furrowed his brows as he intensively stared at me in disgust.

" You know what, sometimes I wonder why girls from poor backgrounds pretend to be nice when they are wolves in sheep's clothing. Look how innocent you are, but too stubborn for my liking. I never married you as a wife, remember?" he spoke as he walked around the room.

" I cursed the day my dad threatened me of not giving me my inheritance if I don't marry a decent lady. See who I finally brought home as a wife. This is a big slap to my face. Never can I take you along to any event when we are both needed." he cursed in rage.

I could see anger written all over his face, and I felt pity for him. But does he feel pity for me? No, he doesn't. I thought it was his choice to marry me, but it turns out that he married me because of his father. But punishing me is what I can tell why he was doing so.

" But…"

" Shut up, woman!" he smacked before stooping low and bringing his face closer to my ears and whispered," don't interrupt when I am talking because punishing you isn't a big deal to me." he coldly muttered.

He stood up again and glared at me for a few minutes. Aidan inserted his hand in his back pocket and brought out a folded paper. " Take this." he stretched forth his hand and handed the folded paper to me. I wanted to ask, but curiosity took the best of me and I quickly received the paper with shivering hands.

Aidan signaled me to open and read what was on the paper. Immediately I opened the paper, there was an encrypted write-up in capital letters at the top of the paper. It says," Set of rules to follow." I suddenly went cold, and I raised my head to look at Aidan, he had a smirk on his face.

" Read on," he ordered, and I took my gaze to the rules that were well-written down in a form of numbering.

No sooner than I went through it, my head almost exploded after reading everything.

" Why such hard rules? I was picked up from the dungeon. I was given birth by a woman who carried me in her womb for a good nine months. These rules are too much for me to adhere to. And…"

" Shhh…" he placed one finger on his mouth as he warned me to be silent.

" Let me sound this as a serious warning to you. Never! I mean never, should you tell my dad anything concerning these rules because if you do that would be the end of your life journey on earth." he warned, and I fearfully nodded, blinking repeatedly with teary eyes. My eyes were heavy with tears and I tried to contain them.

After seriously warning me, Aidan headed to the door, but suddenly stopped on his track. He turned around and said," be ready for me tonight! " he said with gritted teeth.

He opened the door and I heard it shut loudly. As soon as Aidan went out of the room, I angrily tore the paper into pieces.

I fell on the bed with my back as I faced the ceiling. I was bitterly weeping before the door finally opened again. This time around, it was aunt Elisa who just stepped into the room.