" Well! Well!! Well!!! Why is our precious wife crying?" She asked mockingly, and I sat properly on the bed.

" Aunt, what do you want from me? Haven't you done enough? Why being so wicked?" I screamed to the top of my voice because I was convinced that she can't lay her filthy hands on me. This wasn't her father's house. If anyone should claim the right to this house, I should be the one and not her.

Aunt Elisa shook her head and glared at me in anger. She was furious because she has no right to touch me.

" Mind you. Just because you have married, Aidan doesn't permit you to shout at me like a baby. You hear me?" she warned as she pointed her index finger at me.

" And what would you do if I shout at you? I have left your father's house, so what do you want from me?" I stood my ground and challenged her.

My response made her agitated, and she furiously clenched her fist and stared at me with disbelief. She finally calmed herself down and took a deep breath before uttering a word. " Is like someone has forgotten that her mother is in my hand. All these would bounce back to your mom. She's under my control, you know," she threatened with a chuckle, and I was upset.

" Don't dare do anything stupid to my mom, or…"

" Or what? Beat me, or kill me?" her irked voice cut in, and I stared at her. My hand was hungry for her cheek. I wanted to slap her, but then I maintained myself.

" I either sue you or I report you to Aidan," I mentioned his name, knowing fully that he might end up supporting her and not me. I was nothing to him. Aunt Elisa gave a hearted and annoying laughter which created a bitter gall in my mouth.

" What made you think Aidan will stand here and listens to your trash? If not for your childishness, you should have been kneeling before me to thank me. But no, you always prove stubbornness. You don't have to worry about yourself. By the time I grind you into particles of dust, you will know what am capable of doing. You daughter of a whore!"

On hearing the last statement, I was livid. I didn't notice what happened, but I can tell that something sounded like a slap in my ears.

" You dare to slap me?" her tone became agitated. That's when I realized that she received a hot slap kiss from my palms. Aunt Elisa threw her purse to the ground to fight me. Immediately she raised her hand to slap me, she lost her balance and she was about to fall to the ground.

At that moment, a maiden was coming into the room with lunch because I can tell that it was already noon. Immediately she stepped her feet into the room, aunt Elisa stomped on the lady, making her violently fall to the ground. Among the load, she entered the room with, was a jug of hot water which splashed on her face. The maiden screamed to the top of her voice, which almost vibrated the house.

'I wonder why she entered the room without knocking.'

It created a scene that calls for everyone's attention in the mansion. Some servants immediately took her downstairs, and they used the first aid box to treat her before the doctor arrived. The poor maiden was crying in agony. This was Aunt Elisa's fault, but she won't accept it even if she's blamed. She would rather say, I'm responsible for the accident.

Within minutes, some maidens came and cleaned up the mess.

" You see what you have caused?" aunt Elisa turned and accused me of being responsible for the accident. I couldn't utter a word, and neither was I properly breathing. I was panicking as I pray inwardly that the maiden shouldn't sustain a serious injury.

" How did it happen?"

I could hear Aidan's voice from downstairs as he raged, climbing to my room. Trouble was my surname at that moment. I didn't bother following them downstairs because the second rule in the paper Aidan gave me says," Don't step your feet outside this room, until I permit you."

I dare not go against that unless I want to get killed.

On reaching the door, he forcefully pushed it open and stumped into the room.

" What the hell happened here?" he raged at me. To my greatest surprise, Aunt Elisa responded and said," She pushed the young lady to the ground." she replied, pointing at me, and I was shocked to my bones. I was accused of what she did.

" What? Weren't you who…"

" Shut up!" Aidan smacked as I was trying to defend myself.

" I never knew you were this wicked and heartless. Why injured that poor maiden?" he yelled at me, and tears were beginning to gather in my eyes.


" I said, shut up! It's clear that you didn't understand the rules that were given to you," he yelled again.

I understand what he means. Among the rules, one says," Do not speak when I'm talking. Unless I permit you." That was the first rule he stated. Aidan took a few steps to where I was standing. And I flinched in fear as I shut my eyes.

He raised his index finger and pressed my forehead and whispered in my ears," What do you have to say?" After asking, he stepped back, and I slowly opened my eyes and raised my head.

" I-I am sorry," my voice broke as I talked, blinking repeatedly to hold back my tears.

" Good," he muttered and said," I shouldn't have told that maiden to bring that food for you if I knew this is what you were going to do." Aidan clenched his fist in anger before leaving the room. I heard the door shut loudly as I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

Aunt Elisa was still standing in the room with me as she waited for Aidan to vanish from the room.

" You have seen it. You have no say in this house. To have peace in this house, make sure that you give me the respect I deserve, or get ready to be tortured every day." she threatened with a chuckle. I guess what she wanted has been granted to her by Aidan.

She walked to the door as I stood there staring at her back. She suddenly stopped on her track as she held the door knob. Aunt Elisa turned around and said," You are not eating anything throughout today." she said before slamming the door behind her.

I fell to the bed as I embraced my pillow and sobbed endlessly. I wished sleep could come and take me.


'The game just started. She's such a fool to think that Aidan will listen to what she would say, rather than me. I'm so delighted by this punishment she's currently receiving. "No coming outside, and no food for her for the entire day." The next target now should be her mother. Believe me, I will make her have a sleepless night today, and nothing can stop that.'

Aunt Elisa promised herself to deal with Ruby and her mom.


'It's barely been three days since she stepped into this house, yet she has started causing trouble. How sure am I that she isn't going to cause more trouble in the future?

She shouldn't dare me because I'm in no position for mercy. Today's punishment was that she would spend the whole day without smelling any aroma of food. For this, she would learn to be more careful with the maidens next time.

There's no difference between her and the maids. So, I see no reason why she would do such a thing to any of them.'

Aidan muttered with gritted teeth as he clinch his fist.