" Welcome, ma'am," Angela welcomed Aunt Elisa. " Mom has been waiting for your arrival," Angela announced as she helped Aunt Elisa with her purse.

" And why was she waiting for my arrival? Am I owing her anything?" Aunt Elisa smirked and hissed irritably.

" Ma'am, I can't tell but…"

" But what?!" Aunt Elisa cut in her words, making Angela flung in fear.

" I have warned you to stay away from anything that might implicate you. You won't listen, rather, you eavesdrop on people's conversations. Don't dare try me, or I will throw you out of this house!" aunt Elisa warned, and Angela gripped the purse in fear and hurried away to aunt Elisa's room.

She can't afford to live in that house because she has nowhere to go. This family has become her family since relatives disowned her for no reason.

" I'm so happy that you're back," Mrs. Celina said with a smile as she gestured towards Aunt Elisa, who was about to sit on the couch in the living room.

" Why are you happy that I am back? Huh? Do I have any business with you?" Aunt Elisa snapped, and Mrs. Celina's smiling face disappeared.

" I was welcoming you in peace. What have I done wrong to deserve that response?" Mrs. Celina grieved. On seeing that, aunt Elisa was delighted deep inside her mind.

" Do I look like someone who needs your welcome? You can keep it to yourself in case you want to welcome me next time," she warned and hissed.

" I'm sorry about that," Mrs. Celina begged.

" Sorry for yourself," she smirked.

Mrs. Celina stood still in her position for a few minutes before clearing her throat and muttering," Elisa, I don't why you are angry at me, and neither do I know why you want to punish me and my daughter this way.

I don't know when you became a changed person. Since I lost my husband, you have been behaving strangely, and I have been wondering what happened. Have I done anything wrong to you? If yes, please voice it out so that I can apologize and make an amendment where necessary."

Mrs. Celina pleaded.

She waited for aunt Elisa's response, but only silence ruled between them for a few minutes. Aunt Elisa ignored her as she focused on her phone. When Mrs. Celina got tired of waiting, she said," Well, that's not what made me eagerly await your arrival." She said and continued.

"I have been trying to reach my daughter on the phone to know her well-being, but it has been showing me 'Unavailable'. So, I decided to ask if you are aware of her welfare." she added.

Aunt Elisa hummed and then sighed a relief before relaxing on the couch.

She crossed her legs and responded," I have your time now. Concerning your daughter, I guess she is fine as she was denied feeding throughout today?"

" Ahh!" she shrieked in dismay as she widened her mouth.

" But why?"

" Why are you asking me? Do I look like her husband? Well, to cure your curiosity, your daughter proved her family's true identity and her husband was trying to teach her some lessons." she shared and Mrs. Celina could feel her heart pounding inside her chest.

Her daughter's marriage wasn't up for a week, and problems had suffocated their marriage. Tears began dropping down her cheeks as she whimpered.

" But Elisa I warned you not to give out my daughter to this man, yet you hearken your mind and went ahead to do so. For this reason, I will sue you in court," Mrs. Celina threatened, and Elisa burst into hearted laughter. Mrs. Celina felt mocked and powerless. She doesn't have the power or the right to defend her daughter from this wicked lady called Elisa.

After laughing at her, Elisa responded," you're too funny, Celina,"

" What? Did you just call me by my name?" she raged.

" Who are you that I cannot call your name? Are you a god or what? Should I be addressing you as queen mother? Huh?" Elisa sniffed.

" You have lost your manners, Elisa," said Mrs. Celina with gritted teeth.

" Yeah, I have lost my manners since the day you and your daughter killed the only person I have on this earth," she responded with a frown face.

" What?" Mrs. Celina was stunned as she gazed at Elisa in disbelief.

Since she lost her husband, this is the first time she heard such a thing from someone she never expected could say that.

'Is this why Elisa has been behaving strangely?' Mrs. Celina wondered.

" Who fed you with these lies, Elisa?"

" Lies? Because of you, being a whore, you suffered in the hospital for a few days. Thanks for my help, if not, you would have been dead by now. You killed my brother because you wanted to follow men outside. Aren't you tired of following men around?"

" How dare you call me by my name, Elisa? Do you know it's a big offense to accuse someone of something he didn't do? Huh?" she got exasperated.

" Tsk…" was all Elisa could say.

" I promise to sue you for this. And I am not joking. Better watch your tongue, or you will end up regretting one day." Mrs. Celina threatened again, and Elisa shook her head with pity and replied," unless you would rather not see daybreak, Celina." Elisa warned, and Mrs. Celina became jittery.

Mrs. Celina glared at her for a few minutes. Her blood was boiling in anger, but there was nothing she could do. There was no way to fight Elisa, even if it meant taking the case to court. Who knows if she has some fake reports she can use as evidence?

Who knows the relationship she has with rich people, who can easily bribe the judge and the whole thing will turn against Mrs. Celina? No one knows. But Mrs. Celina couldn't stand to hear Elisa calling her a whore. It pierces her heart and hurts her so badly.



I wonder why madam Elisa is trying to maltreat this innocent woman and her daughter. Ruby told me how she lost her father a few years back, and I could tell from the affection she and her mom had for her father, they won't do anything to hurt him.

Even if someone tells me that they're responsible for her father's death, I won't believe it. I have been with this family for a couple of two years now, and I know what everyone is capable of doing. Mrs. Celina could never do such a thing.

Something is informing me that madam Elisa might be responsible for her brother's death out of her selfish interest.

But why can't she learn that no one was born to live on this earth forever? Death is inevitable, and some people fail to see that.

I should say, some people believe it, but when it touches a member of their family, they begin accusing people of being the reason for losing their loved ones.

This is not right!

I wonder who she blamed when her parents and grandparents died.


" So this is how you concluded everything, that I'm the one responsible for my husband's death," she muttered as she sobs uncontrollably.

" Yes! You're responsible for his death, and I can say that in the presence of everyone. I do not doubt it," Elisa confidently spoke out.

" And again, never should you call my brother your husband because you are not his wife. Just thank God that I didn't throw you out of this house. You should have seen yourself wandering in the insecure street. Looking for where to lay your head." Elisa added, and Mrs. Celina shook her head in disbelief.

" I should have known this before he died. He kept saying he wanted to leave this house to build his own house, but I kept stopping him. I was thinking that I was doing the right thing by making him stay in his family house with his only sister. But it turned out to be a big mistake. I should have known this," Mrs. Celina cried out in agony.

" Well, you are reaping what you sow. It's harvest time." Elisa mocked her, causing Mrs. Celina to shed more tears.

She thought living with her in-laws in the same house was the best option. Well, none of them was wicked even when her father and mother-in-law were alive.

Although her mother-in-law was a bit harsh to her, not that much. When they gave up the ghost, Mr. Michael, her husband, still insisted on building his house when he had the resources at hand, yet she declined him.