It has been a tough time for Romeo to get off what just happened to him. He was forced to attend his girlfriend's wedding ceremony.

' I feel weak. I feel despondent and… Gosh! Why has life decided to place me in this critical situation? I so much trusted and loved Ruby that I never thought something like this would happen. No…!'

Romeo bitterly cried out.

"Teessk…" he smashed a glass cup to the ground as he burned in anger while his left hand was on the counter.

He was in a wet bar where he went to drink alcohol and forget his sorrow. But can that solve his problem? No, it will only make him forget for a moment if he gets drunk.

" Sir, what's the problem?" a waitress inquired.

" Get the f**k off from my sight!" he yelled at her and without delaying a second, she disappeared.

" Bruh, what's the issue? You have been moody throughout the week. Common bruh, talk to me," Fred, who was a friend of Romeo came over and asked, but Romeo didn't respond, instead, he clenched his fist furiously.

" You have been behaving strangely, and I have been wondering what happened. I wanted to ask before we arrived at this bar, but it escaped my memory. Tell me, what's it?"

Fred stood in his front as he placed one of his hands on Romeo's shoulder to comfort him. Romeo shook his head and bit his lip in agony.

" Ruby," he mentioned as he clenched his fist more furiously.

" Ruby? What about her?" Fred asked. Romeo took a deep breath and muttered," S-she's married," he announced, feeling downcast.

Fred could either laugh or feel sorry for Romeo.

" Wait! Wait! Don't tell me you are serious. Is this some kind of joke or what?" Fred asked as he tried hard to suppress his laughter. Although laughing at Romeo currently wasn't a sin to Fred because he could remember clearly how he warned him to break up with Ruby, but he didn't listen.

He was blinded by love. All lovers are always blind, but some never allow love to blind their eyes. This happens mostly because of experiences.

" I was even forced by her aunt to attend the wedding ceremony. And failure to do that could attract serious punishment, which I don't know what she was planning to do." Romeo sorrowfully explained.

" Huh? Forced? Punishment? What's her position in society that she threatened you in such a way?" Fred began getting angry with the whole thing.

" I don't know her position in society, but Ruby told me that she was dangerous."

" Is she more dangerous than a lion? Though I didn't blame her. I blame you for not informing your only friend. Anything you are going through right now, it's your fault. You should have told me this, and I will know how to handle her." Fred sprang in bitterly.

" Fred, you won't understand even if I told you. The best I could do was not to inform you so that everything could end in peace, and that's all. You easily get angry, and I wouldn't want to engage you in any issue."

" I pity you, Romeo when you allow people to suffer you this much. Better wise up. This is a warning."

" It has happened, let it go. I now realize my mistakes and I have learned lessons from them. Never should I trust a lady or be a hundred percent committed to any relationship." Romeo mumbled.


' So this is Elisa's plan? She actually arranged a marriage between Ruby and Aidan so that she can torture her mother. What type of heartless human being is this?

I'm not sure whether she has a conscience. If she does, she wouldn't have done such a thing to poor Ruby. Finally, she stopped me from entering their house.

I can't afford to remember how she chased me out of their house like a dog because I wanted to console Mrs. Celina.

Never can I sit here and watch her killing my best friend's mother. I need to do something before it gets out of hand.' Clara worriedly spoke inwardly.


It was a beautiful morning and the sunrise shone through my window as it played with my sight. I woke up feeling happy, and I wondered why I was happy, but nothing interesting popped up. I stretched myself and yawned before climbing down the bed.

However, I headed directly to the bathroom to take a bath. After a few minutes, I came out of the bathroom and went up to my wardrobe to select a nice dress for myself.

After dressing up, I felt like going out of the room, but when I remembered that I wasn't allowed to go out, I became sad. I have no right of my own. I can't step out of the room until I'm permitted to.


Heading back to bed, I scanned the room as if I were searching for something, but I was just bored, which made me do that. I think I was looking for something that would keep me busy before breakfast arrived. At least, feeding punishment was over. Now, I can eat freely, but Aidan never ceased hurting me every day.

As I was wandering around the room, a knock finally came from the door. I knew it must be one of these maidens. If it were Aidan, he would never knock. He was the reason I never lock my door. He comes in anytime he feels like.

Likewise, he doesn't care if it was midnight or midday. Every so often, he comes to my room around 1 am and looks around the room before going back. I wonder if he sleeps.

Ever since I came into the mansion, he has never attempted to touch me. I mean to have s×x with me. Although it wasn't an issue for me, why he kept coming to my room just to disturb my sleep is what I can't tell.

" Yes, come in," I responded to the person at the door.

It finally opened, and it happened to be who I was thinking about. It was Suzy, my handmaid, but it surprised me when I saw her holding nothing.

" Suzy, am I not eating breakfast today?" I curiously asked.

" You will, madam. If you don't, then 'sorry' is my surname," Suzy responded with a smile.

She was a nice maiden who loved jokes and having fun. She keeps me company anytime I need someone to talk to.

" Your presence is required on the dining table," she said with a smile curved on her lips.

" What? How is that possible?" I was stunned because no one has ever invited me to the dining table to eat a meal. Aidan never does that, and his father has been away since the very day we got married.

Maybe he wanted to travel, that's why he rushed our wedding.

" Our boss's father is back from his trip, and he requested that you should join them in the dining room."

" Now I see. But when did he come back?" I asked with a happy face.

" Last night. Before he could arrive, you were fast asleep." Suzy responded.

"But the boss asked me to give you this," Suzy took out a folded paper from her pocket and handed it to me.

" What's it about?"

" I can't tell," she shook her head and slowly raised her shoulder.

I took the paper from Suzy, wondering what Aidan was up to. Immediately I opened the paper, my eyes went straight to the note. It says," Keep your mouth shut when you meet my father. Answer any question he asks you, but never should you tell him anything negative about me. Failure to do that… I won't say much."

After reading it, I sighed a relief and smiled at Suzy, and she smiled back at me.

' I can't keep silent when I'm dying.' I muttered inwardly.