Leaving the room, I followed Suzy as she led the way downstairs.

I was climbing down the stairs and my mind was thinking of something else. It might be about my marriage or Romeo, who might never forgive me for what I did to him.

Within a tingle of an eye, we were already downstairs. But something strange happened. On reaching the last step, I almost stumbled to the ground.

You won't believe what caused it. Aidan glared caused all this. Immediately I was about to climb down the last step, and we had eye contact, which made me lose my steps.

My eyes were already shut, thinking that I'm going to find myself lying on the ground. To my amazement, I felt someone's hands on my waist and back. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Aidan holding above me.

' How did he manage to be here? He was sitting at the dining table with his father, but….' I couldn't believe it.

" Promise me that you won't reveal anything to him, or I'll let you fall to the ground and the whole servants will laugh at you," he threatened with a whisper.

" I…" I swallowed hard before completing the statement," I won't." I finally promised, and he gave me a satisfied smile before standing me up.

More shockingly, he carried me in his arms and took me to the dining table, and sat me down like a baby. He was pretending to be a caring husband in the presence of his father, which was a lie.

I dare not tell his father the truth unless I want to be slaughtered tonight. I greeted Mr. Grayson in a well-mannered way, as I was taught by my parents.

" You look more beautiful than I knew you," he complimented, but I think he was too blind to see that the hardship I was going through was showing on my body.

Although I was eating healthier food than before, that doesn't mean I was becoming beautiful. Love and care were what I ever demanded, and not food. Food wasn't my concern.

" Thank you, sir," I appreciated as I took a glance at Aidan, who was pretending not to hear our discussion. Trust me, his ears are like an antenna that receives signals even from far places.

" Common, enjoy your breakfast before it gets cold," Mr. Grayson caringly said before giving attention to a plate of food that was placed even before I came to join them. While discussing with Mr. Grayson, my breakfast was already served.

I was shy to eat in his presence, but I was avoiding him to notice that. I had no option but to summon the courage and start eating.

In the process of eating, Mr. Grayson turned to Aidan and said," Son, I hope that you are taking good care of her." He praised Aidan for nothing he knew about. Aidan has to glare at me before responding to his father.

" Sure, father, she's my wife." he courageously announced. It was more surprising that he referred to me as his wife. He was afraid of his father, and no doubt about it.

" When was the last time you took her shopping?" Mr. Grayson requested.

" Last weekend," he lied to his father, and immediately after he said that my expression changed. When Aidan saw the look on my face, he kicked my leg that was under the dining table. I knew that it was a warning not to say anything.

Mr. Grayson nodded to Aidan and responded without uttering a word as he struggled with the food that was in his mouth. Although, we shouldn't be eating and having conversations at the same time. But this might also be the only opportunity we have, to discuss with Mr. Grayson.

He was always busy…

Silence reigned amidst us for a few minutes.

" By the way, how is your mom, my dear?" Mr. Grayson asked with a deep, caring voice. He cared about mom, but Aidan never cared. I can't believe I'm still staying without a phone.

He broke my previous phone, yet he refused to buy me a new one.

" M-my mom is fine," I sadly answered, and I could tell that Mr. Grayson saw the expression. Aidan, on the other hand, was burning with anger deep down. He was afraid that I was going to tell the father that I had been denied seeing my mom by him.

" You look sad. I hope all is well,"

" I'm fine. It's just that I have missed her a lot," I confessed, but I don't think it has anything to do with Aidan.

" So sorry about that. But I believe you communicate with each," Mr. Grayson inquired.

" I… yes! Yes! I do," I replied as I forced myself to smile just to hide my pain.

" Alright. This is what you will do for me. Invite her for dinner tonight. She's going to have dinner with us here." Mr. Grayson offered, and I was stunned and at the same time happy.

I felt like hugging him, but he wasn't my biological father, who I can easily hug like my husband. This made Aidan angrier.

He kept playing with the spoon in his hand with anger. Despite the anger, he managed to hide it and smiled at his father as if he were supporting it.

" Thank you, sir. I do appreciate it. I can't wait to see my mom again after a couple of weeks." I muttered with happiness.

Aidan started coughing unnecessarily and placed his hand on his chest.

" Take water," before the kitchen maid could arrive, I handed a cup of water to him. He wasn't going to receive that water from me if his father wasn't around.

He quickly gulped down the water.

" Are you okay?" Mr. Grayson asked, and Aidan nodded before taking an excuse from his father to leave. He stood up and went to his room.

Well, I think he was only pretending to be choked by food, but he was lying. It was because my mom was going to have dinner with us tonight, and he wasn't happy about it.

However, he would either go to my father's house to bring my mom or send his guards to bring her. He has no choice but to do it. I wasn't the one who said so. If anyone should be blamed, then he should blame his father and not me.

After eating, I had a few conversations with Mr. Grayson, but most of the things I told him were lies because I was being warned by Aidan not to reveal anything. And most of Mr. Grayson's questions were about our relationship with my spouse, Aidan.

I fear Aidan more than Mr. Grayson, and that's the truth.


After the discussion, I left for my room. On stepping inside the room, someone grabbed my wrist and immediately placed me against the wall. I tried to scream, but my mouth was shut closed by the person's wide palms.

The room was dark when I entered, but I can't remember switching off the lights before leaving the room.

My breath skipped a bit and my heart was pounding heavily inside my chest as I struggled to kick the person to free myself, but he seemed too strong for me to get rid of.

I could tell that he was taller than me because I could feel him above me like a roof. His broad chest pressed against me. Which couldn't give me the chance to move.

Who will save me now?

After so much struggle, I finally gave up and stood still. The person slowly loosened his grip on my hand. I wasn't having any strength to fight any longer. I was exhausted.

The room lights suddenly turned on. My heart skipped after sighting the person standing before me.