It was Aidan. He stood with a pale face and gritted teeth as he clenched his fist in anger. I was heavily panting as I stooped low to get some relief.

Aidan has never done this to me before. Why now? I can't remember doing something wrong to him. His father came back, and I thought I was going to have peace for the main time before he travels again, but my reasoning was wrong.

The opposite is what I'm seeing right now.

" What did you tell my father?" his angry voice echoed in my ears. I kept dumb because I was still managing to breathe.

" Aren't I talking to you? Speak now, or I cut off your throat!" he yelled as he raised his hand in the air as he attempted to slap me. I almost screamed, but he warned me never to try it.

Aidan is more dangerous now than before. I never knew he could do this to me. He was a killer!

I gathered all the strength I had and stood on my feet. The whole of my body was shivering like a dry leaf. Even a two-year-old boy can deal with me as it is right now.

My head began itching. That must be a headache.

" I don't know what you are thinking, but I didn't reveal to your father anything concerning you and me," I managed to speak.

He took a step closer to me and stopped an inch away, and he said," I don't trust you." he whispered, inching his face closer to mine.

Out of fear, I took a step backward, and he followed. I took another step backward, yet he still followed me. At last, I couldn't go back anymore because my back was already against the wall.

He never lets the space between us pass an inch, as he maintains it. I shut my eyes as he leaned closer.

" What are you doing, Aidan?" I asked in a whisper, but it was clear enough for him to hear. He tightened his grip on my wrist and spun it to the wall.

It was too painful to endure. Tears started dropping down my cheeks as he spun them more. He wasn't ready to let go of me. I don't know what I did to deserve this punishment.


' With this, she would regret lying to me in her entire life. I knew she told my father everything I have been doing to her, yet she was denying it.

I won't kill her, but the pain would reset her brain if she has lost her memory.

She has successfully made my father invite her mother over for dinner.

It has become a must for me to get her to this mansion for dinner. I wish my father could change his mind.

This little brat was busy exposing her brown teeth outside because she was happy. She will regret this, and that's a promise!'

Aidan mumbled.


" Now, promise me you won't tell your mom bad about me if she eventually steps her filthy legs here," he spat out, and without delaying a second, I nodded," I promise not to tell her anything."

He nodded and said," Good girl. Little girls like you need to be fed with candy," he teased with a chuckle.

After allowing me to pass through so much pain, he freed me from his cage of anger.

" W-why do you marry me if you know you don't love me?" my voice broke as I asked, blinking repeatedly to hold back my tears. My clothes were already soaked from the previous tears.

Instead of answering my question, Aidan broke into a burst of heavy and annoying laughter.

" Hey woman!" he sharply called for my attention. " Look me in the eye and check if you will see any sign of affection in it," he commanded, knowing fully that looking at him in the eyes was the worst thing I hate doing.

But this time around, I summoned the courage and raised my head, and stared directly into his eyes. " This woman has grown wings. She has no fear for me anymore," he spoke with a grin on his face.

" Why should I be afraid of you when you don't have a human's heart? Your heart is made of stones that don't have a conscience." I smirked.

" Wait! You have the nerve to raise your voice at me?" he was shocked to see the boldness in me.

" Who are you? Are you a god that someone can't tell you the truth?" I retorted, wondering where the courage was coming from.

On hearing that statement, he was outraged, and he rushed to slap me. Out of fear, I covered my face, trying to defend myself.

Luckily for me, a knock came on the door, which made Aidan pause like he was being controlled by a remote.

I could feel his heart beating extremely fast as he burned in anger. His hand was still in the air as he was furiously glaring at me.

The person who was at the door kept knocking, but there was no response coming. The best the person could do was to deliver the message, though no one answers.

" I'm sorry, sir. Your dad sent for you and I went to your room, and you weren't there. He said he needed to see you, and it's urgent," the person spoke and without waiting for a reply, the person left.

That message just raises his anger the most.

Aidan furiously turned around to leave, but suddenly stopped on his track. " Pray that it isn't what I am thinking. And if it happens to what I'm thinking, consider yourself dead tonight," he warned before gesturing to the door.

He opened it and forcefully slammed it after stepping out.

' At least, I can have some peace in the meantime.'

I took a good look at my wrist, and it was reddish and a bit swollen. My hands were still painful because of the spinning.

Gesturing to the dressing room, I look at myself in the mirror. My hair was messed up, but that's not a big deal. The main thing was my hands. They were seriously hurting me.

After being satisfied with the mirror, I sigh in relief and go back and embrace my pillow as I lay on the bed. Sadness was the only thing in my heart, but when I remembered that I was going to have dinner with my mom tonight, happiness took over.

I just hope Aidan won't make his father change his mind because he might manipulate him to cancel the dinner.

And if that happens, Aidan will never get any single respect from me.

And that's a promise…


" You requested my presence. Here I am, father." Aidan stood and spoke to his father, who sat on the couch while operating a system. He was going through some of his company's documents.

Although Aidan was supposed to be doing this, but he wanted to prove stubbornness by not marrying a well-mannered lady as instructed by his father, which he later did.

Nonetheless, not because he doesn't want a well-mannered lady as his wife, but because most of the ladies he mingles with are celebrities, and it would be hard for any of them to give him the respect he deserves.

Mr. Grayson, on the other hand, doesn't want his son to squander everything he had worked so hard for. He thought of many ways to make his son keep these things, and the best option he could come up with is a 'WIFE'.

Because good wives support their husbands to go higher in life, but a wife that only has the mentality of spending without plans won't build her home. She would destroy it rather.

And such wives that can support their husbands to any length are those ladies who were brought up by good parents. Teaching them how to go about life.

Life is not about having money all the time. Having someone who can make you smile even during trials is what matters.

Money doesn't buy happiness, but good people can make you feel relevant and peaceful, even with or without money.

" Aidan," his father began," A billionaire's lifestyle cannot remain a secret forever. You know that right?" his father asked and Aidan nodded. " Yes, father."

" Good. A forum has been organized by many billionaires and the country's government. With the aim of growing the country. But after some discussion, every family introduced themselves one after the other. And this is going to take place in the next two days," Mr. Grayson explained.

" No issue, father. I'm always ready."

" Good. Also, get your wife ready because you're going to properly introduce yourself as the heir of my assets and your wife who will always stand by you. This is mandatory for every family for a reason best known to the government."

" Father, why? Why must I introduce her?" Aidan was unhappy.

" Well, you might not know why, and you might not understand what I'm talking about, but you will understand later. As I said, it's a reason best known by the government."

Mr. Grayson spoke and without waiting for Aidan to say any more words, he signaled him to take his leave.

Never did Aidan want people to know that he was married and the worst was that he was married to this gold digger, according to him. He feels like he was going to be mocked by many of his celebrity friends.

After flirting with all these young rich ladies and ending up marrying a nobody was a big slap to his face. He was currently having more than eight ladies from different countries whom he called his girlfriends.

"This will be a big disgrace to me," Aidan grumbled.