" Hey, mom," I screamed with excitement as I attempted to stand up to welcome my mom.

" Madam, be careful," Suzy said as I almost stumbled because of the long gown I was wearing.

Aidan finally went and bring her by himself, escorted by his bodyguards

On reaching my mom, we both engaged in a tight hug. Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks as we remained in that position. My eyes were shut, closed as I buried my face in her shoulder.

Immediately I opened my eyes, I had eye contact with Aidan, and he gave me a warning signal saying I should warn my mom to stop crying before his father comes out and asks why. He knew he was going to face his father's wrath, and he was trying everything possible to avoid it.

But when Aidan saw that my mom wouldn't stop crying, he came over and gently removed my hands from my mom's shoulder and signaled me to move away, which I did.

Aidan took her two hands and placed them on his palms like a true caring son-in-law, but he was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

" Mom, can you stop crying, please? I'm so sorry that you have been unable to see your daughter for these past few weeks, but I promise you that from today, there's going to be a change." he sarcastically said.

Aunt Elisa, on the other hand, sat on a couch as if it were her father's house. She was glaring at my mom with a disdainful expression. I didn't greet her nor did she say anything to me when she came in.

I wonder why Aidan brought her for the dinner. Because I can't remember his father telling him to bring her.

Aidan ordered a handkerchief from one of his bodyguards, and it was brought to him.

" My father won't be happy if he sees you in this condition," he pleaded with my mom as he wiped away her tears.

I placed my right hand on her shoulder and said," Mom, I'm here, and you can see that I am doing fine. You don't need to bother yourself about me. As you can see, my husband is taking good care of me."

Even though I knew that everything I was saying was a lie, I just have to say it so that she can calm her temperature.

I slowly raised my head to see Aidan's expression after saying that, and he gave me a thumbs up, which means I was doing the right thing.

My mom was sniffing as she tried hard to stop crying, but it was hard for her to stop.

" What a dummy girl," aunt Elisa scolded and added," if you claim to love your mom truly, why suffer her by keeping her in that position? Can't you offer a seat?" Aunt Elisa was right, but the happiness of seeing my mom made me forget about that.

" Thank you," I appreciated her, and she irritably rolled her eyes.

I ushered my mom to a seat and sat her. I sat beside her as I comforted her. The dinner was ready even before they came in, but we were waiting for Mr. Grayson to arrive before it could commence.

After a few minutes of waiting, Mr. Grayson stepped out of the room and gestured to the living to meet us.

On stepping into the living room, we all stood up and greeted him. They exchanged greetings with my mom before turning to others to apologize. " I'm sorry to keep you waiting for me so long. Can the food be served please?" he said before seating in his usual position as the head of the family.

We all sat around the table like one family. Varieties of food could be seen on the dining table ready for devouring on our tongues.

My mom was wearing a smiling face now, as she sat staring at her beautiful daughter. She couldn't stop staring because she has missed me a lot. The reason is I was the only source of her happiness as her only child.

Although Aidan made her a promise that she would be invited occasionally to visit me. I don't think he meant what he said. He only said it so that my mom could stop weeping.

Everywhere was silent as we patiently waited for the mAidans to finish serving us. After being served, we started feasting on the food.

" So… Mrs. Celina, how have you been doing?" Mr. Grayson inquired while eating.

" I have been fine." My mom responded with a slight smile.

" Your daughter, Ruby, has told me a lot about you. And I can tell that you are a good woman." Mr. Grayson praised her, and my mom got fed up and responded.

" With due respect, sir, can we please maintain table manners by keeping silent in respect of the food we are eating?" mom smirked.

She was a woman who wasn't scared to tell you the truth to your face unless she saw danger, which would make her reserve it to herself.

My dad once warned her," Be careful of where and how you speak the truth. Because you can find yourself in trouble for voicing out the truth." but my mom smirked," I forever remain like this. I will always tell you the truth to your face, whether you like it or not."

" I'm sorry about that. I wish I had this training when I was small, but no one was there to correct me. My parents were always busy with one thing or the other." Mr. Grayson explained, but my mom kept dumb without uttering a word.

Aidan, on the other hand, was burning with anger because he wasn't supporting my mom in coming for the dinner. But right now, I can't tell if he was only angry at my mom.

Because he was glaring at both his father and my mom.

'This woman has the guts to tell my dad to keep silent in his house? Although I don't blame her. I blame my father who invited her to the house and I wondered what he was expecting from someone of her category.

Poor people are full of disrespect!

I can't wait for her to step her filthy legs out of this house. I don't know what I have put myself into.' Aidan wondered.


After having dinner and so much fun together, Aunt Elisa followed Aidan to his room like she was his wife. Aidan couldn't do that until he waited for his dad to leave with my mom because Mr. Grayson wanted to discuss something with her.

My mouth was itching to ask Aunt Elisa why she was following Aidan up and down, but then I remained silent. I wanted to avoid additional punishment from Aidan.

Besides, they know each other before I get to know Aidan. But I had strong feelings that they were up to something. They were either planning something evil against me or my mom.

A ray of reasoning hit me to go and eavesdrop on their conversation, but I was too afraid to do that. The best thing to do right now is to wait for my mom to finish discussing with Mr. Grayson so that I can have a word with her before she goes back home.

It was getting late and might be dangerous going back home at night.

My mom finally came back when she was done discussing with Mr. Grayson.

I took her to my room where we can discuss privately without being heard.

" Ruby, I know how bitter and sweet marriage is. My advice to you is, to be patient and obedient. No matter what happens hereafter, continue to love him as your husband. But I'm glad to hear that he treats you like a queen."

My mom spoke with a happy expression, but I don't think she was happy. She was only forcing herself to smile at me after feeding her with so many lies.

But I almost lost what to say when she asked me about being denied food a few weeks ago. " That's a lie, mother. Aunt Elisa only told you that just to disturb your peace of mind." I retorted when the question came up.

After so many lies, my mom finally felt relieved.

" By the way, your number has been switched off since the very day you got married. What happened?" Another challenging question arises.

" Ohh, that? I-I…." I paused as I thought of what to say.

" Did you lose the phone?" she asked to cure her curiosity.

" Exactly," I said, but then I shook my head and said," Mom, don't worry about me. I'm fine, and I will always be fine." I assured her as I held her hands in my palms.

" What happened to your wrist?" she asked after seeing my reddish and swollen wrist that I covered with my long sleeve shirt.

I wondered how her eyes got there.

" I'm… i-it's nothing," I stuttered, and she began to suspect something.

" Ruby, you are hiding something from me. Tell me what exactly happened to your wrist," She insisted and as I was about to open my mouth to talk, a knock came from the door.

This person must be my savior!

I stood up from the bed and walked to the door and opened it.

" Yes," I said to Suzy, who was standing at the door entrance.

" Ma'am, the boss sent me to call your mom," she responded as she bowed her head.

" Alright, you can take your leave now. She would follow behind you." I replied to her and she nodded and left.

I didn't hesitate to rush mom so that she could go home because it was already late at night. Without telling her what happened to my hand, I escorted her downstairs until she entered the car, and they took off.

Tears were dripping down my cheeks as I waved my hand at her. I couldn't go back to the room until the cars were not to be found in the mansion.