The American billionaires' forum meeting has arrived and every faithful billionaire in the country was present with his family to partake in the meeting. Massive people were entering the enormous conference hall as they settled for the meeting to commence.

It was a gathering for the growth of the country. The billionaires' forum was held annually every year and this was the first gathering so far.

" Let me warn you now before we get there. Don't dare to misbehave when we get there. Do you hear me?" he yelled at me with gritted teeth. And all I could do was nod my head.

I could cry if I opened my mouth to utter a word. At least he should have considered his bodyguards that were in the car with us.

How would he feel if someone yelled at him in the presence of his servants?

Two cars were before us. The one leading the way was for bodyguards, and the second was for Mr. Grayson inside. The third car was the one I and Aidan were in, the fourth car was for bodyguards who were guiding behind us.

The four cars were moving in the same direction as we headed to a government headquarters.

On arriving there, countless expensive cars could be seen parked at the appropriate position. We were directed by some security agencies to where we should park our cars.

Immediately, the car stopped, and the bodyguards hastily came and opened the doors for us. But as I was about to step out, one of the bodyguards said," Sorry, ma'am. I think you are sweating, and it would be better if you clean your face." he shyly spoke.

It turned out that it wasn't sweating. It was tears that were dropping, but he decided to call it 'sweat' so I won't feel embarrassed. I grabbed my purse and took out a handkerchief and cleaned my tears.

We waited for Mr. Grayson to drop from the car.

As we were waiting, I sighted a popular American female musician walking down to the hall where the meeting was supposed to be held. I couldn't control myself as I screamed her name, ' Keylian!' because her songs always touches my soul whenever I listen to one.

It's best to describe me as her fan.

After screaming her name, which I wasn't convinced whether she heard or not, all eyes were fixed on me. Both Aidan and his bodyguards were staring at me in stunned silence.

" Whose name did you just mention?" Aidan curiously asked, as if he had something to do with the name.

" K-Keylian," I responded with stammering.

" Did you see her around here?"

" Yeah, I saw her walking down the hall with some bodyguards around her."

I calmly replied and Aidan's face became pale in anger, but this time around, he wasn't directly staring at me. Instead, he was looking somewhere different as he clenched his fist.

I was fed up with the whole thing and I decided to ask," What have I done wrong?"

Aidan didn't say a word, instead, he turned around and glared at me with gritted teeth.

No sooner than ever, Mr. Grayson came over and led us to the conference hall.

The bodyguards were doing their usual job as they held their umbrellas above us until we stepped into the hall.

We were ushered to sit in one place as a family. As we walked up to where we were being directed to sit, Aidan was scanning the hall as if he were looking for someone. His mind was unsettled, and I could see it on his face.

Although, he had been angry at his father because I was coming to the gathering with them, but this was not how his reaction was. He was angrier than before.

We reached where we were supposed to sit down, but before Aidan sat down, he waved a hand at someone, but I didn't bother to check who the person was. Although, something was suspicious about that waving.

Within a tingle of an eye, the meeting started, in which the president welcomed every family to the meeting. Never in my life did I believe I would see the president with my very eyes like this.

I never thought of entering such a place as this. I was filled with happiness and I studied everything with my eyes in the hall with admiration. Every angle was glittering.

' Money is good. ' I muttered.

The meeting went according to the way it was programmed. It finally reached the time for the family's introduction. This was a time when every firstborn who was the heir to his father's assets would come up and introduce themselves.

All they needed to do was to tell the audience about how they would add to the growth of the country after they have gained full access to their parents' wealth.

Secondly, those that were married must introduce their wives who would be the backbone of them carrying this promise to fulfillment.

Many men believe that if a man wants to achieve something and his wife isn't supporting that plan, he might end up achieving nothing.

Although some men are courageous enough to carry on any assignment and achieve it, regardless of what their wives try to stop them.

Many made their speech, and it was Aidan's time to make his speech. He took me in the hand like a caring husband, and we walked up to the podium. People excitedly clapped as we climbed the steps.

Everyone was thinking we were a happy couple. If only they knew what was happening in the marriage, they wouldn't dare to clap.

That's the fake life some couples show outside, but they never live in peace at home.

Aidan went ahead and presented his speech with full confidence, but when it was time to introduce me as his wife, he began to stammer.

While introducing me, something shocking happened. I sighted Keylian, the popular American female musician who I saw outside earlier.

She was so surprised that her mouth widened in disbelief. It was clear to say that there was something secret behind that surprise.

Everything was done within a few hours and the meeting got dismissed. Aidan refused to smile even for a second after presenting the speech.

We got in the cars to head home. Surprisingly, Keylian appeared from nowhere and stood before us.

" Aidan, are you married?" she curiously asked as she waited for his response, but silence followed. He was short of words, and the only thing I could do now was to watch their drama.

Keylian, who I have been dreaming of seeing, was standing right here in my very eyes to question my husband. Well, I must say they are having secret affairs. But I never bothered to say a word.

" Aidan, answer me!" she called out with force as she grew exasperated.

" Keylian, we are matured enough for us to discuss such things right here." Aidan gave an unnecessary excuse.

" Aidan, you haven't answered my question," she shrieked angrily.

" Can you please go home? I don't want my father to come and see you talking to me like this. He would suspect something."

Aidan pleaded as he was a hundred percent ready to deny me as his wife.

" I don't care," she snapped, and Aidan clenched his fist furiously to a point that he almost punched his car.

All this was happening as we waited for Mr. Grayson, who was discussing with an old friend of his.

" I hate you and never do I want to see you in my entire life," she said, scolding him to the bones with tear-filled eyes as she furiously turned around to leave.

Aidan couldn't help seeing her leaving him like that. He quickly grabbed her left hand and made her swiftly turn around. Immediately she turned, she landed him a hot slap to his face.

The sound of the slap made the passersby stare at them. It was such an embarrassment for someone like him to be treated like this.

" Never in your life should you touch me with your filthy hands, or you would regret it. I regret the day I accepted you as my boyfriend." she spat out every word with anger before turning to leave.

Out of anger, Aidan turned and ordered his bodyguards to take him home because he couldn't stand the shame.

" Sir, I'm sorry your dad hasn't arrived," one of the bodyguards informed him. Before the bodyguard knew it, a hot slap had landed on his face, which made him violently fall to the ground. Poor kid…

" I said take me home!" he yelled, and in no time the bodyguards got into two cars, ready to take us home.

" Get into the car!" he spoke with anger, and I winced inside, thinking he was going to slap me the way he did to his guard. Without delaying a second, I quickly entered the car.

I had to follow him home, but I was afraid that he might strangle me to death if we reached home.

How will it end at home? Or what will be his father's reaction after hearing this?