On reaching home, Aidan didn't wait for anyone to open the car door for him, instead, he forcefully opened it and stepped out with anger.

With haste, he went into the house. Immediately he went in, he came out and warned all the servants, including me.

He said," no one should dare tell my dad anything and if anyone dares me, then consider yourself fired."

" We would forever remain silent like the graves." They responded in chorus.

Aidan turned around to leave and suddenly turned back and faced us. His eyes came directly to me, and he said," I don't have to warn you. You know what will happen to you if you voice out anything your eyes saw in that place. Don't say I didn't warn you."

He warned, inching his face closer to mine with gritted teeth. My heart was beating extremely fast as he yelled at me. My eyes remained shut that I wasn't aware of when he left.

Without requesting anything, Aidan went directly to the kitchen and got some red wine for himself, and went to his room. He locked the room after entering inside.

'This is the worst embarrassment ever! No….'

Tssk… [smashed a bottle on the ground]

' Dad, you caused this. I hate you with all my heart. I never thought for a second to take Ruby anywhere to introduce her as my wife. See the result. This is all my father's fault and for this, someone has to suffer. Ruby should be ready for me.

This is the first time a lady laid her filthy fingers on my face and I couldn't do anything. To worsen the whole thing, it was in the public. What a disgrace…'

The red wines Aidan took to his room were three in total, but out of anger, he smashed one to the ground, making the broken pieces splash in the room.

He opened one bottle of red wine and poured it into a glass cup until it was filled up. Aidan emptied the glass cup and gulped down everything inside it.

I was unsettled as I stood at his door's entrance and listened to his raging inside the room. Seeing this situation made me pity him, even if he deserves it. But I can tell that this can make him run mad if care isn't taken.

" Ahh!" Aidan shrieked in horror inside the room. Something bad must have happened.

I tried to open the door, but it wasn't showing any sign of opening. I screamed his name to come and open the door for me because I knew he needed help, but he refused to open the door.

All the servants were outside and none of them heard my scream to come to check what was happening. Tears began flowing down my cheeks as I silently sob while forcefully knocking on the door.

When Aidan couldn't bear the noise coming from the door, he opened it and yelled," What the hell do you think you are doing?"

I stepped back with fear. He hid his left hand behind him as he stood at the door entrance. Then something dropped from the hand he was hiding.

It was blood.

" Your hand is bleeding," I spoke with pity as I gestured towards him to check the hand as I ignored his scolding words.

But then he shoved me out of his way as he ran downstairs, and I followed behind him. I stay behind to see him passing through such pain.

On getting downstairs, I saw Suzy, my handmaid, cleaning the wound with the family first aid. With haste, I ran to where they were. On reaching them, I asked Suzy to inform the cleaner to clean the mess in Aidan's room.

I counted it as an opportunity to show him how much I love him, but he insisted that Suzy should continue cleaning the wound, and I stood my ground as his wife to take up that responsibility.

Not because I was thinking that Suzy was trying to snatch away my husband from me, but because I can't stand doing anything when I can render help.

Aidan finally agreed for me to clean. A stool was brought for me and I sat on it as I took his hand into my palms and began cleaning it.

He sat still without making any movement as I cleaned the injury. I could feel his eyes on me. He must have been wondering about something in his mind.

Using this very opportunity, I asked," Has the pain reduced?" I asked but there was no response and looked up only to discover that Aidan was lost as he studied my body.

I couldn't believe that he wasn't aware that I had raised my head. He was lost in thought until I waved my hand at his face and called for his attention.

" Yes! Yes! You were saying something. What's it?" he calmly replied with confusion and smiled at him as I tried to hold my laughter.

" Huh? Why are you smiling?" he sniffed and furrowed his brows.

" Nothing," I muttered and took my gaze back to the injury, which was no longer bleeding as I bandaged it.

" Thank you," he muttered a word of appreciation.

Surprisingly, Aidan held my head and kissed my forehead in the presence of all the servants that were present in the living room. I couldn't believe that this could happen after so much anger.

I wish this love could continue like this, but Aidan was like a chameleon who changes at any time without giving a second thought to his actions. This is what I always pray for in my home.

A happy home.

I can't wait for the day Aidan will finally decide to make peace with me. Or could this be the genesis of my happy marriage?


As he was about to set off, Mr. Grayson entered the living room. The first thing he set his eyes on was the first aid box.

" What happened here?" Mr. Grayson's worriedly asked.

The best thing Aidan did to calm his father was to rush and welcome him with a tight hug. " Welcome dad," he said with a slight smile.

" Aidan, you are behaving strangely. What's the problem? And why is the first aid box here?" he inquired suspiciously.

" Dad, nothing strange is happening. I was curious to come back home to have some rest because of the long meeting we had today.

But when I arrived home, I couldn't sleep. And I decided to pick a bottle of red wine to drink, and the glass cup mistakenly got broken in my hand and I sustained an injury, but it isn't that painful."

He lied as he showed his father the injury. Aidan raised his head and glared at me, just to remind me of what he told me earlier. No one should tell his father what happened between him and Keylian…

After studying the injury for a few seconds, Mr. Grayson said,'' I don't trust you, Aidan. Believe me, I saw everything that happened. I can tell you the causes of this injury." He announced, and we were all flabbergasted.

Does that mean that Mr. Grayson saw what happened between Aidan and Keylian?