" Father…" Aidan widens his mouth with shock. " But how?" he curiously asked, and Mr. Grayson smiled at him and said," I was only joking."

Aidan sighed in relief as if a knife were taken off from his throat. We both engaged in a fist of laughter. I was so glad to see this happy moment. I pray it continues like this till eternity.

Aidan walked up to me and romantically held my hand and took me to his room along with him upstairs.

' Huh? Did he suddenly change because of what happened today? Or he was doing this because of his father?' I thought inwardly as I followed him.

Instead of taking me to my room, he decided to take me to his room. It was a shock to me. This was the second time I entered his room. The first time was the first day I stepped into the house as his wife before he chased me out to stay in a separate room.

Although, since Mr. Grayson came back from his trip, he never bothered to know where I lay my head every day. Because of his old age, he wasn't having enough strength to be climbing stairs now and then. And for that reason, his room was located downstairs. Which includes his study room.

Aidan opened the door and slightly bowed down and ushered me into the room like a princess. I smiled at him before stepping into the room. The mAidans already cleaned up the room.

Stepping into the room, he smiled at me and muttered," I love you, Ruby." and it sounded in my ears like a joke. Instead of being happy, I was scared because I couldn't believe that someone who had been rude to me suddenly changed, and started treating me like a queen after being annoyed a few hours ago.

He began to come closer and fear gripped me.

" Aidan, what are you trying to do?" I fearfully asked as I took a few steps backwards, but he kept on coming closer.

He was biting his lips lustfully. That's when it dawned on me that he was craving for something else. But I wasn't convinced that that's actually what he needed.

Before I knew it, he had unbuttoned halfway of his shirt, but I kept on moving backward until I was unable to move anymore. I could feel the bed behind me. But I wasn't ready for whatever he was craving for.

My mind was unsettled at this point. He might use this as an opportunity to hurt me.

" Aidan, what are you doing?" I asked with a cracking voice.

" Play my role as your husband," he responded with a chuckle.

" And what if I said I'm not in the mood?"

" Huh? You are not, what? You must be kidding, and never should you try to say that," he smirked and came closer.

His shirt was fully unbuttoned and his broad chest was exposed, making me shiver. He took the shirt off and threw it away, and then grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

My heart was speedily beating inside my chest as I discovered what he was about to do. Aidan whispered in my ears. " Are you ready?" he asked, and I shook my head indicating 'no!'

Aidan got angry and pushed me to the bed and I violently fell on it, and it bounced me in the air twice. I was thinking he was going to climb the bed, but then I saw him moving to the walk-in closet.

He took a white T-shirt and put it on before gesturing to the door.

" Where are you going?" I inquired, which made him stop in his tracks. He swiftly turned and warned," Don't ask me more questions unless you want me to cut off your head."

" I'm sorry. It isn't my fault, I haven't done this before, that's why I'm scared." I innocently pleaded.

He was calm a bit after hearing the statement.

" Do you mean you are a virgin?" he asked and chuckled.

" Y-yes, I am." I shyly answered as I lowered my gaze to the ground.

I thought he was going to spare me after hearing this, but the opposite just happened. He locked the door and walked up to me again and said," I understand you but believe me, I won't hurt you. This is the time to show you how much I love you." he said.

Aidan went ahead and turned off the room lights and everywhere became dark, so I couldn't see anything.

" Don't be afraid, I'm here with you." he encouraged me and I nodded. Nevertheless, I was still afraid.

Before I knew it, something happened in the darkness. He has taken away my virginity!

The lights finally turned on as I lay down on the bed, covering myself with the blanket. I was so weak that I couldn't move on the bed.

" I assured you that you would be fine," he said as he cared for my hair. Aidan went ahead and said," I'm coming. Let me get you a coffee."

I was unable to answer him because I was passing through pain as if I were being beaten by someone.

Within minutes, Aidan came back with a mug that contained coffee. He placed it on the table and then went ahead and brought a towel for me, which I wrapped around my chest before climbing down from the bed and walking to the table.

" I never knew you were this caring?" I muttered with affection.

" Caring? I don't think so. I did it because of what I needed, and I have gotten what I wanted."

" What do you mean by that?"

" I mean, finish taking your coffee and leave my room because you are of no use right now," he smirked.

It was sounding like a joke, but it wasn't. Aidan was serious about it. I can tell that from the look on his face.

He left where I was standing, climbed onto the bed, and lay down.

" Make sure to go back to your room, once you are done," he warned again.

" But why this, Aidan?" I asked with teary eyes.

" I married you as my puppet, remember? I believe you know what that means. Controlling you like a remote is all I want."

He just reminded me of the contract I signed, but some rules weren't effective and this was because his father was around. I don't know what will happen once Mr. Grayson travels.

I wish he wouldn't travel again…

" Aren't you done?" Aidan called me back to earth as I have gone far in thoughts. Far away to a fantasy world. Yes, a world full of evil, monsters, and all manners of things beyond imagination. My thoughts right now have no limit.

Aidan was a monster in human form. His next move can't be predicted.

" I'm almost done. Just a few minutes and I'm done. Sorry for the inconvenience." I innocently pleaded for doing nothing wrong. Instead of replying to me, Aidan remained dumb as he concentrated on the phone in his hands.

Maybe I should say, he was chatting, and his attention was on his phone.

I tried to remain calm, but I couldn't. Happiness was far away from me. We were laughing together a few minutes ago, and now everything just turned around against me.

Every sip I took from the coffee reminded me of what just happened. He inserted pain on me, and he wasn't passing through any pain, and he never bothered about it.

I tried to finish the coffee, but I couldn't. I stood up from the seat and wore my clothes on, and Aidan pretended as if no one was with him inside the room.

When I was done wearing my clothes, I gestured to the door. Immediately I held the doorknob, he said," know what you would do to take care of your pregnancy and the baby after giving birth. I'm not ready to be called a father, nor am I ready to provide shelter for anything you are going to bear as a child. "

He seriously warned and my eyes widened in shock. 'How can he say that?'