It has been three days since Mr. Grayson traveled for his business trip and since then, I haven't set my eyes on Aidan. Not because he doesn't sleep in the mansion, but because he always leaves early and comes back late. Even when I try to stay awake and wait for his arrival, sleep always snatches me away, and before I could open my eyes in the morning, he had gone out.

I wonder why he was hiding away from me. Have I done something wrong?

" Is my husband back?" I asked one of the guards who stood by the door entrance.

" No, madam," he responded.

" Why does he come back late these days?"

" I have no idea, madam."

Leaving the door entrance, I left for my room and sat down as I began to imagine how life would have been if I were still single or married to the right person. This is a prison that has no date of being freed. I have to endure all these pain until they are no longer effective in my life.

I have been enduring to see his arrival but right now, my eyes are heavy with sleep and I don't think I can continue waiting. Likewise, I won't kill myself for someone who feels nothing for me.

Before I could think twice, I had taken off. I lay on the bed as I snored my life out.

Opening my eyes, my gaze went straight to the wall clock hung close to the wall mirror. It was midnight, which was exactly seven minutes past midnight.

It is unclear to me why I was curious to see Aidan, but all I feel is I want to see him, regardless of what would happen hereafter. Ignoring the heavy sleep in my eyes, I climbed down the bed to head to Aidan's room.

On reaching Aidan's room, I was shocked by the sound coming out from the room.

'A woman having affairs with my husband in his room?' I couldn't believe it as I felt goosebumps in my chest.

I don't know if I should cry or break the door and chase the woman out of my husband's room.

' So this is why he stays up late at night and none of the house servants bothered to inform me.' I cried inwardly as I fell to my knees and bitterly wept.

Although I wasn't supposed to be crying because I knew the type of person he was before coming into this house.

Moreover, he seriously warned me not to interfere whenever I see him with a lady, so what am I thinking? Should I call it a waste of time or what?

Because my tears won't solve anything, but something was seriously bothering my mind now. The woman who is in there isn't my problem.

The issue here is, since the day I and Aidan had an affair, I have been horny, and I couldn't control myself any longer. Of course, I am a married woman now, and I'm no longer a virgin.

The desire to have him in my arms was itching my body, and I was beginning to run out of patience as I could no longer control my feelings.

Not because I am obsessed, but because I feel he should perform his duty as my husband and not go out there to flirt with other ladies.

I sat outside the door entrance as I buried my face in my thighs and tirelessly wept. But then the moaning coming out from the room was unbearable, which kept adding diesel to a burning fire.

The more I heard the moaning, the angrier I got. The best option I had was to leave to my room, but I also wanted him to come and see me crying outside.

At least he might have some pity on me even though he has an iron heart, which I know would be hard for him to do. But sometimes things that you don't expect someone to do can happen.

After so much endurance and ignoring everything that was going on inside the room, I finally decided to leave and go to my room and sleep for the remaining few hours before daybreak.

'I can't be killing myself outside for someone who doesn't care about me.'

But when I got up from the floor, I was shocked to see Aidan's room open. I was scared at first when I found out that the door was open, but inside was dark.

How possible this was is what I can't tell. Because I can't remember seeing any room light turn off, not to mention Aidan's room. It was confusing.

Maybe he wants to play with my senses…

Ignoring the fear in me, I stretched my hand to switch on the room's lights because the switches were closer to the door wall so that one can easily switch them when standing outside.

Immediately I switched on the lights, everywhere became bright, and I slowly moved closer to the door and peep if I would see someone, but no one was there.

" Good morning, ma'am."

' Huh? Good morning? How? Is it already morning and the maidens are awake? No, this must be a dream.'

Turning around, I found Suzy, my handmaid, standing in shock.

" Good… morning…" I wasn't convinced if it was Suzy. I was afraid that it might be a ghost because I wondered why she would be awake by this time of the night.

Seeing the surprise on my face, Suzy went ahead to explain. " Ma'am, I went to your room to inform you about the already made breakfast, but you were nowhere to be found. So, I went to the garden where I thought you might be there, but you aren't, and I decided to come to check on you here." Suzy was lost by the look on my face as she knew that something was wrong somewhere.

" Are you okay, ma'am?" Suzy finally called for my attention when she saw me deeply thinking.

" Yeah… Sure, I am." I responded as I tried to plaster a fake smile on my face, but my answer did not satisfy her.

" What's the time, please?" I curiously asked to confirm that what I was thinking wasn't true.

Checking her wristwatch, she raised her head and responded," This is exactly 8:30 am, ma'am."

" Eight what?"! I was stunned. " Thirty…" Suzy completed the statement.

" It means I spent the night sleeping in this very spot. What happened to me? How was this possible?" I murmured, but it was enough for Suzy to hear what I was saying.

" Ma'am, you mean, you slept outside throughout the night?" Suzy asked as she couldn't believe what her ears heard.

Ignoring her question, I asked," How about Aidan?"

" Ohh… he? He had gone out as usual."

As soon as she said that, it dawned on me that Aidan came out and saw me sleeping outside here, and he never bothered to wake me.

This is a big slap to my face. Now he would have more reasons to keep flirting with other ladies. Who knows what he is going to tell the lady he brought here yesterday about me?

Although, that's none of my business about whatever he is going to tell her about me. All I'm concerned about is the fact that he saw me snoring here, and he joyfully passed without helping me.

I was lucky that I woke up earlier before any of the servants came and saw me helplessly snoring here. I would have lost my reputation in the sight of his annoying bodyguards.

Wait! His briefcase. One of his bodyguards always came and got it for him whenever he was going out. Does that mean he also saw me when he came to carry the briefcase?

' Gosh, what have I gotten myself into?'

" Ma'am, you seem to be bothered. What's wrong? I might help," Suzy spoke with a caring voice.

I stared at her for a few minutes as I lacked what to tell her. After a few minutes of silence, I asked," Suzy, are you aware of where he goes often? I mean my husband."

" I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm not aware of where he often goes, but I believe that some male servants might have a clue of where he goes."

Suzy explained, and without delaying a second, I pleaded with her to take me to any of them who she thinks might be aware of his whereabouts. I need to go there right now.

" Ma'am, won't you eat your breakfast before going?" Suzy suggested and I swiftly shook my head.

" Aren't you taking a shower too?" she asked again, as she wasn't supporting what I was about to do.

Nevertheless, my answer remains 'no'.

" Don't you think he would get mad at you when you pop up without being invited by him?"

" No…. Suzy. I said no and I stand by that. Stop asking me silly questions." I stopped halfway down the staircase as I angrily responded to Suzy.

She almost killed me with a series of questions. Although I knew that she was only concerned about the result of my action, that's none of my business right now…!