Taking the young man with me as a driver, he drove around the city, as he tried to locate his boss.

" But ma'am, you are putting me at risk. I might lose my job after this." the young man cried out as he knew how cruel his boss, Aidan, was.

" Don't be bothered, I would stand for you if that ever happens."

I assured him, even when he knew that I was only using sweet words on him, but there was nothing I could do if such a thing came up.

Nevertheless, I knew that the young man wasn't convinced by the promise, but he just had to let it be, as I had insisted on seeing Aidan.

We drove as if we were traveling to another country that was far away from ours.

After entering a well-designed gate with beautiful colors, the car finally stopped at a car park where other cars were parked. But before the car was parked, there was a signboard which had some inscription on it as 'Reserve'.

The signboard was immediately removed by a security man when my driver was heading to that particular spot. Well, I can tell that they were aware of the car owner. Aidan.

Before I could hold the car door knob, one of the security personnel opened the door for me and saluted. They were all behaving like they knew that I was coming.

The saluting all started from the gate.

Stepping out of the car, what I saw sent a shock to my spine. A skyscraper. Never in my entire life have I entered a skyscraper before. Well, this would be the first time I will do that.

" Ma'am, here is the way to his office," Mike, the driver who brought me slightly, bowed down and stretched forth his hand to show me the way to Aidan's office.

He called for my attention after waiting for me to satisfy my sight with whatever I was staring at, but he got tired of waiting and decided to bring me back to my right senses.

" Yeah. Sure… lead the way," I responded as I took a step to follow Mike behind.

Mike stood up and started to gesture towards the skyscraper down floor entrance. And the security personnel who had just opened the car door earlier for me saluted once more before leaving.

As we were moving toward the entrance, I decided to ask Mike to cure my curiosity.

" Mike, where is this?"

" Ma'am, this is one of our bosses' companies. And he has many more across the country and many others across the continent," he explained.

" Wow! That's great," I gasped, not minding what Mike would think about me.

Although, I don't listen to what others say behind me as long as it pleases me, and it isn't considered an offense. As long as you can't face me and say it out loud, then it's none of my business.

Entering the down floor, we went directly to the counter, where some gallant youths were rendering services to their customers.

" Hi, Mike," a lady called out for his attention before we could get to the counter.

" Hey, good morning," Mike and the lady both exchange some greetings for a few seconds so as not to delay my time.

After a few seconds of greetings, the lady also turned and rendered some greetings to me. And after the greetings, Mike asked," Can you ring our boss, please?"

" Hmm… I wish I could, but he is currently busy." the lady responded with a chuckle.

" Busy with what?"! I shrieked angrily.

The lady was stunned to hear that from me and tried to react, but Mike stopped her. How I wish she knew me, but she doesn't know who I am to her boss.

" This is…" Mike was about to introduce me to the lady, but I stopped him from doing so.

" No need for explanation," I snapped and then turned and faced the lady and said to her," I need to see him right away, and don't ask me why."

" But…"

" Just do what she asks of you." she was about to say something and Mike sharply cut into words.

" Hmm… I'm sorry to announce to you that he's in a conference with some traders who came for business matters. And they are currently in a meeting." she calmly explained.

" Ma'am, I suggest you have a seat before the conference ends," Mike suggested and I nodded.

A seat was offered to me, which I sat on. It wasn't up to a minute, and the lady called for my attention, informing me that their conference had come to an end.

She pressed some numbers on the telephone as she tried to place a call. But before the lady could inform Aidan about my presence, she demanded to know who I was and what I am there for.

" Please ma'am, may I know your name and the reason you want to see him?"

" Why should I include the reason?" I inquired.

" The reason is that not everyone is allowed to see him without a genuine reason. And due to security purposes, he always demands to know the person's name before the person can be allowed to go in."

" I see…" I muttered as I nodded my head.

Mike, on the other hand, stood speechless as he listened to our conversation. He wanted to introduce me to the lady to avoid all unnecessary questions, but I stopped him.

Although I have no reason for stopping him, I don't just want him to introduce me to anyone.

After thinking for a few minutes, I replied to the lady and said," Tell him that Elisa is here to see him." I lied so that I can be granted access to go and see him.

" Alright, ma'am, I will do just that." the lady responded and placed a call to Aidan.

He picked up the call and a few questions were asked to the lady, and she answered them according to what I told her.

After the call, the lady said to me," You are free to go now, ma'am."

I nodded after hearing that, and I asked Mike to lead the way.

We went to a door, where he pressed some buttons before it opened. It was an elevator. We entered the elevator and the door got closed and within seconds it started moving.

I was overwhelmed because it was the first day of entering an elevator in my entire life. Funny right? But that's the truth due to the background I came from.

You don't expect someone like me to have passed through this expensive life. Wait! I just remember again, it was my first time entering a skyscraper.

First time in history…

This is so good to experience at this moment.

My anger immediately reduced a bit after getting to this place because of the beauty of it.

The elevator finally stopped after a few minutes of riding. I wish it could continue until dawn, and I won't regret coming to this place, regardless of what might happen hereafter.

Immediately the door got opened, Mike ushered me to move out of the elevator, which I did and he followed behind. But as soon as he stepped out, he made sure he was the one leading the way.

Stopping before a beautiful and attractive door, Mike slowly pressed a button, which, I think, was meant for an alarm to inform the person inside the office that someone was waiting outside.

We patiently waited for Aidan to come over to the door and as soon as he opened it, he couldn't wait, instead, he attempted to embrace me, but suddenly stopped.

Nevertheless, I still embraced him so tight like a rope. He thought it was aunt Elisa which made him act that way, but when he noticed that I was the one, he wanted to withdraw back.

" Wait! What? Mike, how dare you bring her to my office? And you both had the guts to lie to me?" he yelled, and I could tell that Mike was shivering and scared.

" No, sir. I'm innocent," Mike responded with a cracking voice as he tried to prove that he wasn't responsible for anything.

" Don't blame Mike over anything. Am I not worthy to come to your office as your wife?" I inquired as I still held him so tight in my arms.

" You know what, Mike, get out of my sight and close my office, but be sure to hear from me when I get home," Aidan warned.

" Please, sir, I don't want to lose my job. I have a family who looks up to me every day to put food on their table. Don't sack me, please. Ma'am, help me talk to him."

Mike pleaded with teary-filled eyes, but I assured him that all would be okay, right before Aidan. At last, he was relieved when I said so, and Aidan didn't argue about it.

Immediately as Mike left the office, Aidan forcefully removed my arms from his body and pushed me and I violently fell to the ground.