Aidan was burning in anger, as he never expected Ruby to locate his office. Never in his life has he ever thought of showing her any of his father's company.

But then the blame was on the driver that brought her. Aidan had sworn to deal with him no matter what. Nothing was going to change his mind.

' I hate it when someone disobeys my order.' Aidan grumbled inwardly.

Looking around the office, Ruby could be seen on the floor as she was forcefully pushed away by Aidan.

Ruby whimpered on the floor as she passed through pain. She almost hit her head on the wall when Aidan pushed her.

Luckily for her, she didn't.

" What have I done to deserve this treatment?" Ruby asked with tear-filled eyes.

Aidan was wandering around in the office with angee, but after hearing that, he gestured toward Ruby and stood above her.

" I hate disrespectful people like you." he spat with gritted teeth as he raised his index finger and pressed it on her forehead.

Rising her head, Ruby met his deep blue eyes, which always made her shiver.

With haste, she took away her gaze as she shed more tears.

" Everything about you is just so annoying. I hate the day I signed those papers. I never wish to have someone like you as a wife."

Aidan raged as he stood before a wall and started punching in.

Out of pity and fear that he might injure himself, Ruby attempted to stop him from punching the wall. His anger was uncontrollable.

She stood up from the ground and gestured toward Aidan, but suddenly stopped as Aidan warned her not to come anywhere closer to him.

" Don't dare come closer to me because you are badly stinking like a waste bin." He warned.

" Honestly?" Ruby snorted.

" Was that why you didn't wake me up when you saw me outside your door this morning?" she inquired.

" You brat, are you out of your mind? How do you expect me to wake you up? Did I ask you to sleep outside?"

He smirked as he turned around to face her.

" Because I'm your wife," Ruby boldly responded.

" Listen, woman, I'm afraid that you won't be able to bear the consequences of your action. How dare you try to challenge me?"

Aidan spoke, inching his face closer to hers. His voice was beginning to become unusual and alarming.

Ruby flinched in fear as she blinked her eyes repeatedly even though Aidan didn't attempt to harm her.

She was at the verge of breaking down as she held her breath waiting for Aidan to shift backward.

Immediately, Aidan took off his face and was a few inches away from her, she was relieved.

Ruby was able to hear her heartbeat, which was speedily pounding inside her chest.

Silence reigned between them for a few minutes, only her heartbeat could be heard, and Aidan was convinced that he had successfully inserted fear in her.

Despite having tear-filled eyes, Ruby took a deep breath and asked," Who was the woman you spent the previous night with?"

Her ear were itching to hear his response, even when she knew that she was inviting another trouble for herself.

" You have no right to question me about whomever I spend my time with. You are beginning to grow wings that you have the guts to question my actions."

Aidan yelled at her.

" You want to start crossing your boundaries and take this as a warning; 'you are digging your grave' if you continue with this habit."

He clenched his fist as he spoke.

" Aidan, you haven't answered my question." she boldly spoke out as she ignored his warnings.

Definitely, she is no longer afraid of Aidan.

He nodded his head with a chuckle as he mockingly clapped for her.

" It's clear that you are indeed a stubborn woman. You broke the rules I gave you by leaving your room. As if that weren't enough, you left the mansion just to come and spoil my day."

He responded as he walked up to her and stood before her.

He lowered his head as he was taller than her and whispered into her ears.

" Among my rules, don't forget that I warned you not to interfere in whatever I'm doing. Including the woman, I flirt with. Can you remember that part?"

" I'm not concerned about your so-called rules. You are my husband and I have every right to question your actions."

Without fear, she replied to him and Aidan was shocked, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground after hearing that.

Aidan glared at her for a long time as they both remained silent. And Ruby, on the other hand, was also mesmerized by her actions.

She never believed she could one day raise her voice at Aidan. She wouldn't have believed it if someone told her in the past.

" I now know why Elisa hates you this much," Aidan muttered as he continually swung his head.

" You seem to forget that you signed those contract papers to become my puppet and not my real wife."

" Yes, that's what I signed up for. But we also signed our marriage papers in which you made a promise to take me as your wife, no matter the condition."

Ruby reminded him and it got Aidan wondering.

After thinking for a while, Aidan went back to his executive chair and sat down.

' She is creating sense out of nonsense.'

Aidan thought to himself as he sat and crossed his legs on the table before him.

" I think I would need to talk to my father about you. He is the reason behind your boosting. You are no longer the Ruby I knew." Aidan spoke with a calm voice.

" I'm still Ruby, you know. I haven't changed, and I never wish to change, but your behaviors toward me have left me with no option apart from saying what's in my mind."

Ruby responded, and a smile curved his mouth.

" Then be ready for a divorce letter since you can no longer stay with me," Aidan announced.

" Please do that at the earliest so that I can get my freedom. And also know that I have nothing to lose."

Ruby responded with a chuckle and a slight smile.

" And I have nothing to lose either because my father's documents which contain the license for me to take over after him have been signed since the day we got married."

Aidan shared and sniffed.

" Ohh, really? Then we are both free to go our separate ways." Ruby excitedly spoke and Aidan shook his head.

" No. We are not parting ways."

" Why?"

" Because your father-in-law won't allow it. I mean my dad."

" And what if I convince him to let us decide on what we want?"

Ruby asked as she tried to locate a chair and sit down.

" Hey! Hey! Never should you sit on any of these chairs. I didn't permit you. This is my office and not your room." he warned, but Ruby ignored his warning and went ahead and sat down.

' She has arrived. She no longer fears me, but I won't be gentle on her because it's clear that she wants to see my true color.'

Aidan thought inwardly as he stood up from his chair and gestured toward Ruby, who was sitting opposite him.

On getting close to her, he got carried away by what he was seeing before him. Her beauty and body shape.

As Aidan tried to move closer to her and kiss her, he remembered that she was stinking, which was clear that she hadn't taken her morning bath.

Fighting the urge not to touch her, he responded to her previous question.

" Don't even waste your time convincing my father about anything because if something bad happens to him, you would regret knowing me."

He warned before turning around to walk back to his seat.

" A gold digger like you is wishing to go back to her poor background. What a shame."

" Stop referring to me as a gold digger. I didn't look like one." Ruby retorted.

Immediately, she closed her mouth, and the telephone on the Aidan office table started ringing.

He picked up the phone call, and the voice that echoed happened to be the lady at the reception.

" Hi," Aidan picked up.

" Hello, sir, a lady is here to see you." the receptionist's voice echoed.

" What's her name and her reason for coming?"

" It's Elisa, the lady who often comes to visit you in your office."

The lady responded and Aidan became speechless.

Now that Ruby was beginning to question his actions, he wasn't ready to let her know that Elisa knew his office, or she would suspect something.

And again, Elisa was a troublesome lady and anything can happen if she enters his office and sees Ruby.

' I'm sure she would try to mock Ruby about seeing her helplessly sleeping in the corridor the previous night. What should I do now?'

Aidan thought as he gazed at Ruby.

He always claims that no lady can ever challenge him or make him sad. What's happening now?