After thinking for a while, Aidan finally speaks up.

" Tell her that I'm busy at the moment."

" Okay sir," the receptionist responded before hanging up the call.

But before the receptionist could raise her head, Aunt Elisa was nowhere to be found.

' What! Where has she gone? I hope she isn't already on her way to the boss's office. I might end up in trouble.'

The receptionist thought inwardly.

Taking the phone in haste, she dialed a few numbers and called Aidan.

" Sir, the lady is nowhere to be found. I think she has taken the elevator."

" Are you this dumb? Didn't I warn you to inform her that I'm busy? Why do I like making someone talk too much"?

Aidan yelled, but with a whispering so that Ruby wouldn't question him.

" But sir, before I could end the call, she was gone. I don't think she's coming to your office. She might have gone out."

The receptionist tried to create sense out of it when she noticed that Aidan was angry at her.

Although Aidan wasn't satisfied with her response, he decided to agree with what the receptionist said.

However, he took the telephone and rang his bodyguards who were a few offices away from him.

" Yes, boss," one of the bodyguards picked up.

" Come to my office entrance right away. Stop anybody who comes to see me, no matter who the person is. I'm I clear?"

" Yes, boss. Consider it done."

" Good."

Aidan hung up the call and breathed a sigh of relief before taking his seat.

All this while Aidan has been on the phone, Ruby never bothers to eavesdrop on his discussion.

She believes that it was his office and she has no right to interfere with whatever discussion he is in.

They might be his business customers and it might result in a serious conflict if she interferes.

With haste, the bodyguards who were four in number did as he instructed.

They found themselves standing at the office door.

No sooner than they got there, Aunt Elisa arrived.

" Boss said we shouldn't allow anyone in." one of the guards hastily stood before her in the middle of the entrance.

" Do you realize who you are talking to?" Aunt Elisa rolled her eyes.

" Yes, ma'am. I do, but we were ordered to stop anyone from disturbing his peace of mind as he is currently busy."

The guard announced and Aunt Elisa had a smirk on her face.

" Are you kidding me? Aren't you the same one that got slapped by Aidan when you tried to stop me from entering his office?"

On hearing that question, the man before her got scared after remembering what happened that day.

Aunt Elisa shoved him out of the way and pressed the alarm button at the door.

" Oh my goodness… who the hell is this? Didn't these boys understand English anymore?"

Aidan raged and stood up from his seat and headed to the door.

He opened the door and his eyes met who he was already expecting to see.

" Hey, Aidan," Aunt Elisa waved.

" Hey, Aunt Elisa. Welcome." Aidan responded and hugged her.

He had a smirk on his face as he glared at his bodyguards who were standing outside the door.

They all knew they were in serious trouble as they disobeyed his order but it all happened because of past experience.

On hearing Aunt Elisa's name, Ruby swiftly turned around.

' What the hell is this? Aunt Elisa also came to his office. But why?'

" What is this forbidden fruit doing here?" Aunt Elisa sniffed.

" How dare you refer to me as a forbidden fruit? You have no right to address me like that." Ruby retorted as she stood up from her seat to face Aunt Elisa.

" Hey! Hey!! Hey…!" Aidan stood in between them as he warned them to stop talking.

" Are you all insane? This is my office and not your home. None of you have the right to fight in my office. Get that into your empty skull."

Aidan yelled with gritted teeth.

His eyes turned red as he burned in anger.

One doesn't need to be told that he was mad at the two women before him.

" And you, have you lost your manners? Didn't you realize that you are talking to your aunt?" Aidan turned to Ruby and quarreled.

" Why do you always support her even when she's doing the wrong thing? If there's anyone you should support even with fault, then it should be me and not her."

Ruby boldly responded. But this time around, she was looking at him directly in the eye even when his eyes were burning in flames.

" I'm shocked that she has gotten the nerve to shout at you like that." aunt Elisa muttered.

" Yes, I have. For God's sake, I'm also a human being with feelings like any of you. Do you think I can remain silent forever when I'm dying?"

Both Aidan and Aunt Elisa kept dumb as Ruby was outraged.

" You know what, you need to leave my office right away. I have had enough of this."

Aidan said as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the door.

" Free my hand, I'm going nowhere! She came and met me here and she's leaving before me…"

" Then you must be dreaming."

Aidan replied as he dragged her to the door.

Ruby tried to get her hand off his grip, but she couldn't.

Aunt Elisa on the other hand was pleased with what her eyes were witnessing.

When Ruby knew that Aidan wasn't letting go of her, she swiftly turned around and warned Aunt Elisa.

" You would regret this and that's a promise."

" You shall do nothing, brat. You are like an ant to me and I can easily smash you at any time." Aunt Elisa retorted.

Aidan opened the door and threw her out and she almost fell to the ground.

She was lucky enough that one of the guards standing outside speedily held her arms and prevented her from falling.

On seeing this, Aidan was furious. He walked up to the young man who had already helped Ruby to stand on her feet and landed him a hot slap.

" How dare you touch my wife?" he raged.

" I'm sorry, boss. It was a mistake." The bodyguard apologized.

" All of you are going to face my wrath today! Now, take her to the car and take her home right away. And I don't want to hear any excuses." he commanded.

Ruby knew that the guards have respect for her which would be hard for them to force her to move.

Instead of waiting for any of them to say anything, she led the way.

Before she could get to the elevator, it was already opened by one of the guards.

Ruby was taken home by the same driver that brought her in the first place.

' I have been nice to this little rat. I would have to look for a better way to deal with her.'

Aunt Elisa thought inwardly.

Immediately Aidan closed the door and turned around, aunt Elisa hugged him so tight, but Aidan was still angry.

" This is why I told you not to pamper her." Aunt Elisa spoke as she buried her face in Aidan's broad chest.

" I don't pamper her and never did I wish to. She's just being stubborn these past few days."

" Then you should have…"

" Hey… listen attentively," Aidan cut into her words as he removed her hands from his waist and pushed her away.

" Is anything wrong?" she curiously asked as she was lost.

" Yes, everything is wrong. You all came and spoiled my day." Aidan smirked.

" But…"

" I don't want to hear any excuses. There is a way out. Now, get out of my office." Aidan commanded as he pointed in the door's direction.

" Tell me you are joking, Aidan."

" Do I look funny to you? Don't let me call my boys for you. Get out before I pour my anger on you."

He warned and she couldn't believe that Aidan was chasing her out of his office.

" No, you don't have to call your boys. I will do what you ask me to do. But don't forget to give me a call when you need me."

Aunt Elisa responded and Aidan nodded.

As she was about to go out, he held her back. She excitedly stopped, thinking that he was going to apologize.

But no, it wasn't an apology. She was given what she must love in life.


He took out some bundles of dollars and handed them over to her and told her to go.

Aunt Elisa appreciated and tried to hug Aidan before leaving the office and he declined.

That got her more furious that Aidan shouted at her because of Ruby, and now, he just declined her hug.

This was the first time such a thing is happening between her and Aidan.

' Death awaits someone. Someone is going to regret this life. No one touches me and goes freely.'

Aunt Elisa promised herself as she walked to the elevator.