Aidan was troubled after everyone was gone.

He always leaves home early because he doesn't want Ruby to see him. And he comes back late because he always goes to a hotel before going home.

However, Ruby wasn't aware of the lady that was with her husband the previous night.

If only she knew that Aunt Elisa was the lady Aidan took home yesterday, then the issue would be serious when they met in Aidan's office.

Aidan wasn't in a good mood and he decided to go home directly without taking a turn to any hotel.

On getting home, Aidan didn't wait for his guards to come open the car door, instead, he opened it by himself.

Every servant in the mansion was shocked to see Aidan coming back early and angry.

He gestured toward the main house entrance and the guard at the entrance gently bowed down and opened the door.

The guard was waiting for Aidan to pass before closing the door, but the unexpected happened.

Aidan landed him a heavy slap on the face.

" I never asked you to open the door for me!" he yelled at the young man at the entrance.

Although they all knew that Aidan was hot-tempered, his behavior toward everyone that day left everyone asking different questions.

After Aidan had passed, a guard came with his briefcase to take it to his room. But the guard at the entrance stopped his colleague and asked.

" Is the boss drunk?"

" Well, I can't tell. I guess he had a hectic day or maybe he is drunk as you said."

" But he has never behaved like this before."

" I'm also lost by this action of his." The guard with the briefcase responded and left.

" Inform Charlie that I want to see him right away," Aidan ordered the man who was about to pass the living room with the briefcase.

" Yes, boss." the young man answered as he trembled.

Within a few seconds, Charlie could be seen standing before Aidan with his gaze facing the ground.

" Tell all the mansion's servants that I want to see them ASAP…" Aidan commanded as he clenched his fist furiously.

" As you wish, boss." Charlie slightly bowed down before leaving to deliver the message as the chief guard of Mr. Grayson's mansion.

Many of the servants were shivering as they stood before their boss. They all knew that something terrible was going to happen, but no one had a clue of what might happen.

As he was about to speak, Ruby arrived in the living room. She walked up to where he was sitting and stooped low and kissed his forehead as a welcoming sign.

She smiled at him after kissing him but the anger on his face didn't change.

" Get out of the way before I do something stupid," he smacked with gritted teeth.

With speed, Ruby left his presence and found a seat for herself. She was tired of receiving insults from her husband in the presence of their servants.

Ruby sat quietly as she watched the drama that was about to display before her.

Everywhere was silent as the servants were worriedly waiting to hear what they had to say.

After what seems like an eternity, Aidan finally speaks up.

" You! You!! You!!! And you… take your bags and leave the mansion. You are sacked!"

Aidan ordered as he pointed at the four guards that failed to stop Aunt Elisa from knocking on his office.

" Please, boss, forgive us. We won't make that mistake again." The four guards pleaded as they knelt on the ground, but Aidan had made up his mind to sack them.

" Don't let me get you arrested. You have a good opportunity to leave now before I take serious action. I can see that you are no longer ready to work for me. So it's best to get rid of you before you graduate to another level."

" Please… boss, such a thing won't repeat itself and that's a promise." the four victims cried.

" Charlie," Aidan called.

" Yes, boss," Charlie responded as he stepped forward.

" As the Chief guard, I don't expect you to stand here and be staring at these fools without doing anything."

" I would do the needful, boss."

Charlie replied and turned to his four colleagues who were on their knees pleading for mercy.

" Move!" Charlie chased them out of the living room and they all went to where their luggage was.

After ensuring that the men left the mansion, Charlie went back to the living room.

" They are gone, boss," Charlie informed him.

" Good. Call the company that sent them and inform them that four of their boys are sacked and we need replacement as soon as possible."

" Your wish is my command, boss."

Charlie responded and Aidan nodded his head.

" And for the four boys who left, let them know that I'm paying their wages for this month."

" I would do that right away, boss."

Aidan was always pleased with Charlie's service that's why he made him the Chief guard of the mansion.

He was someone anyone can easily trust because he always delivers his job smoothly and without grudges.

Charlie was a young kindhearted man.

" Mike," Aidan called and Mike breathlessly skipped after hearing his name.

" Yes… yes, boss," he answered with a creaking voice as he stepped forward.

Mike turned his head and stared at Ruby as he expected her to come and defend him as she promised.

" Look here," Aidan called for his attention and Mike turned his gaze to his boss as he swallowed hard.

" You and I know that you are the reason behind those four guards being sacked right?" Aidan asked with a grin and Mike shook his head.

" No, boss. I don't," he responded and buried his face in the ground.

" Now you know. And for that reason, you are…"

" Stop!"

Ruby interrupted as she stood up from her seat and gestured toward Aidan. At that moment, Mike got relieved from the fear that has caged him since they were assembled.

" Mike did nothing wrong. If anyone should be punished, then it should be me and not help." Ruby boldly announced.

" Woman, you have no right to tell me what to do and what not to do. This is my house and I can do whatever I feel like doing." Aidan retorted and Ruby shook her head.

Ruby glared at him and rolled her eyes. Aidan on the other side was clenching his fist furiously.

" Listen, Aidan, I know he disobeyed you by doing what you asked him not to do. But Aidan considers the fact that I'm also your wife and he had to obey my order too."

" I'm being patient with you. Don't let me show you my true color because you would hate me for your entire life." Aidan warned.

All the servants stood speechless as they listened and watched the drama happening at the moment.

Some were enjoying watching the drama, while some weren't.

" Let this be the last time you will address me as your husband."

" Huh? You aren't my husband?" Ruby sniffed in confusion.

" Don't ask any further questions. I'm not here to answer those silly questions of yours."

" Well then, give me a divorce letter and let it be confirmed that I'm no longer your wife and I will take off the useless ring on my finger," Ruby smirked and crossed her arms over her chest.

" Look!" Aidan said sharply and as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Charlie.

" Boss, the company demanded a sack letter from us," Charlie said.

" Then go ahead and write."

" But I don't know their offense."

" They disobeyed my order. Do that and use my stamp pad for the signature." Aidan ordered and Charlie nodded and left.

Aidan turned to Ruby to continue from where he stopped. As he was about to speak out, his phone started ringing.

He brought the phone out of his pocket to check the caller.

It happens that it was his father's manager who managed all his father's companies.

On seeing the caller ID, Aidan asked everyone to leave and they were all relieved.

They have been in high tension and it has been holding them captive since they were summoned up.

" Good day, Mr. Aidan." the caller's voice echoed.

" Good day, Mr. Austin. Any issue?" Aidan responded.

" No issue, sir. I called to inform you that your dad would be coming tomorrow." Mr. Austin announced.

" Ohh, that's good to hear. What time will he arrive?"

" Approximately, it should be at noon."

" Alright, thank you for the information," Aidan responded before hanging up the call.

' Ohh gosh, he is coming back again. How long should I continue to pretend to be a good husband to Ruby in the presence of my father.'

Aidan murmured inwardly.

' I wish he can travel and never return. He is pressuring me. I want to do things on my wish and not pretend to do what I dislike.'

Aidan muttered as he shook his head worriedly.

Ruby was still sitting in the living room as she stared at Aidan grumbling. She wanted to comfort him and know what was wrong with him, but she was afraid to approach him.

' Well, he doesn't want me beside him. So, I can't go close to him for some comfort unless I want to get killed.'

Ruby thought.