It was a beautiful and blessed morning, and Ruby found herself vomiting inside the toilet.

' I can't remember eating something that could make me have a running stomach. I feel weak and tired, and have pain in my stomach. What's wrong?'

Ruby wondered and then ordered the family doctor to be brought. Dr. Eric ran a test for her and after the test, he announced.

" Ma'am, I have good news for you," he said with a smile.

" And what could that be?" Ruby curiously asked as she waited for his response.

" You are…" he paused to cause tension.

" Speak out, doctor. I'm what?'' She was desperate to hear the cause of her dizziness.

" You are pregnant." Dr. Eric announced with a wide smile, and Ruby was lost.

" Huh? Pregnant? But how can I be pregnant when…" she paused as she intensively stared at Dr. Eric.

" Well, a married woman like you isn't supposed to be surprised why or how she is pregnant. Has any doctor told you that you can't get pregnant? Because only that can make you wonder how possible you can finally get pregnant."

Dr. Eric asked, but Ruby shook her head as tears trickled down her cheeks.

" How should I inform Aidan about this?" Ruby muttered.

" Ma'am, what do you mean? Isn't he your husband?" Dr. Eric was lost.

" You won't understand what I'm saying. You can go now. Thank you."

" No, you can keep such a thing to yourself alone. If you can't tell him yourself, then I can help you do that." Dr. Eric spoke with pity.

" Doctor, I appreciate your kindness, please you can go now."

Ruby responded as she felt her heart shredding into pieces.

Aidan's statement kept repeating itself in her head.

" Know what you would do to take care of your pregnancy and the baby after giving birth. I'm not ready to be called a father, nor am I ready to provide shelter for anything you are going to bear as a child. "

How can she forget that statement? It would take an eternity for the statement to erase from her mind.

Dr. Eric left the room, feeling sorry for Ruby.

Ruby climbed to her bed and began to cry her eyes out. No one was there to comfort her, she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone either.

After weeping for almost an hour, she made up her mind to tell Aidan about it, no matter what will happen thereafter.

' I'm carrying his child. He has no right to deny it. I must tell him about the pregnancy, regardless of what might happen.'

Ruby told herself and stood up and gestured toward the door.

Luckily for her, Aidan was still at home, but he was at the dining table having his breakfast before leaving for his office.

Ruby went to his room and he was nowhere to be found.

' I don't care if he has gone to his office because I must tell him about this pregnancy before his father arrives.'

She muttered as she climbed down the staircase to the living room.

Ruby sighted him eating at the dining table, and she paused for a moment and stared at him as many thoughts ran through her mind.

She can only imagine what he was going to say or do to her. He didn't speak with her after making the phone call last night because he was angry.

The only thing he said to her the previous night was a warning on how to keep silent about certain things between them.

The usual warnings were not to expose to his father how he was maltreating her.

That's when Ruby knew that Mr. Grayson was coming home, and she was happy about it.

But the issue of her pregnancy, she wasn't ready to keep secret from Mr. Grayson. It can't be possible.

Ruby motioned toward Aidan, and as she took every step, she felt frustrated and scared.

" Uhh! Uhh…!" Ruby cleared her throat as she stood beside Aidan.

Aidan, who was sipping his tea, suddenly stopped and raised his head. He Sighted Ruby, who was looking in a different direction instead of looking at him.

Without giving a second thought, he took away his gaze as he continued with what he was doing.

" Good… Good morning, Aidan." Ruby greeted with a cracking voice, but Aidan ignored her.

She patiently waited for him, thinking that he was going to respond. When she couldn't wait anymore, she spoke.

" We need to talk."

" Talk about what? About my father's arrival or what?" he shouted at her as he furrowed his brows, but she ignored his tone of voice.

" It's something important, and I will want us to discuss it privately." She responded as she scanned around and saw the servants who were busy moving up and down, doing their daily routines.

Aidan nodded with a chuckle on his face, and Ruby decided to keep shut so that he could finish eating his breakfast.

After Aidan was done eating, he stood up and motioned toward the door, and Ruby hastily ran and stopped him from taking any further steps.

" What are you up to, woman?" Aidan asked as he inched his face closer to hers.

" Aidan, you need to hear me out, please," she pleaded with him, but he shoved her out of his way.

" I'm pregnant," she announced, and Aidan abruptly stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around to face her.

He walked up to her and spoke.

" Can you repeat what you said earlier?" he lowered his gaze to her, and she swallowed hard before replying.

" I'm pregnant."

" For whom? Because it can never be my child," he said with gritted teeth.

" Huh? What are you trying to say? That I'm having affairs with another man outside?" Ruby was lost.

" Your guilty conscience has revealed it to you, so you don't need to ask me that silly question." Ruby could see the anger in his eyes.

Although she knew that he had warned her about any pregnancy that might come up, and now that it has happened, he was talking about something else.

He was accusing her of sleeping with another man.

" Can you excuse us for a moment, please?" Ruby spoke to the servants, who were busy with one thing or the other in the living room.

The servants left and only the two of them could be seen in the enormous living room.

" See I don't know, and I don't care to know what you are talking about, all I know is I'm pregnant for you."

" Your foolishness is beyond imagination. Can you even remember the last you entered my room? Huh?"

" Aidan, sleeping with a woman only once can lead to pregnancy. I don't know if you weren't taught during your schooling days." She smirked and rolled her eyes angrily.

At first, Aidan thought that she was joking, but when he saw the seriousness in her, he became anxious.

The room became silent for a few minutes before he finally speaks.

" Well, it has happened, and I have nothing to do, but accept it as it is," Aidan muttered, and Ruby was amused.

She was overwhelmed with joy as she rushed and engaged him in a tight hug, and Aidan hugged her back and kissed her hair.

After a long hug, they got separated and Aidan left for his office and Ruby went back to her room with peace of mind.

At least, she has nothing to worry about.

' I don't know which gender is in my belly, but I pray you shall be the source of happiness in this marriage.'

Ruby prayed inwardly as she sat on her bed with a smile curving her lips.

As soon as Aidan had gone to his office, aunt Elisa arrived at the mansion gate.

She dropped from the taxi she took on her way to Mr. Grayson's mansion.

" Good morning, ma'am," one of the gatekeepers greeted Aunt Elisa when she came closer, but she didn't respond. Instead, she brought out a piece of paper from her handbag.

" Take this to Ruby," Aunt Elisa spoke as she stretched out the paper to the gatekeeper.

" I'm sorry, ma'am, I don't know anybody by that name here."

" Are you kidding? Alright, Ruby is your boss's wife," she smirked.

" Alright, ma'am."

" Now that you know who she is, take this letter to her."

The gatekeeper stared at the letter for a while, and he remembered what happened to his colleagues the previous day, he was afraid to collect it.

" With due respect, ma'am, I can't receive this letter, but I can inform the receiver that you are here so that she can permit me to receive it for her."

" You must be stupid for saying that." she rained insults on the gatekeeper.

" I'm only doing my work as a security officer and I must act as my boss commanded," he responded, and Aunt Elisa shook her head for a few minutes.

" Don't you know me?" she asked.

" I do, ma'am, but I wasn't informed that you were bringing any letter. And I'm scared to lose my job as my colleagues did."

I'm hearing this, aunt Elisa decided to use it against the young man.

" Do you know that I was the reason your colleagues were sacked? So if you know what is better for you, accept this letter right now before I inform your boss about it."

That statement inserted fear in the young man and without any further argument, he received the letter and delivered it to Ruby.

After receiving the letter, Ruby quickly went through it as she was informed that aunt Elisa sent it.

She was shocked to read the letter heading.


The heading was boldly written in capital letters, and Ruby was lost in thought.

' What's aunt Elisa up to?' she wondered.