With haste, she went through the letter, and it says.

" If I were you,I wouldn't waste time pleasing Aidan alone; I was told by Aidan that Mr. Grayson was coming back from his trip today." 

Ruby paused and thought about why Aidan should inform Aunt Elisa about the coming of his father. 

"What business does she have to do with that?" Ruby mumbled before fixing her gaze on the letter once more.

"This is my advice to you; make a delicious meal for Mr. Grayson for him alone, but let him know that you were the one that cooked it."

"Let's see what she's driving to." Ruby muttered and continued reading.

" With this, Aidan will be glad and so will Mr. Grayson. I know that Aidan doesn't allow you to cook for him. Although you have maids who take charge of that aspect." 

"What's aunt Elisa trying to say? That I should be cooking for Mr. Grayson? Never! Unless I want Aidan to kill me when his father travels again." 

Ruby grumbled and opened the letter again.

" I know you would be scared to do that, but I got this idea from Aidan who shared it to me yesterday that if only you could do that, he will forever remain faithful to you." 

' Huh? Aidan told her this? But how true is this?' 

Ruby was confused, but she decided to finish reading the letter before she would decide on what to do. 

" I saw it useful to tell you so that your husband, Aidan, can love you and take you as his wife. Do this and you will have a peaceful home, that's a promise. I love you. Kisses…" 

The end of the letter was more confusing for Ruby as she wondered when aunt Elisa started to care for her happiness.

Although she was mesmerized by what she saw, but she was afraid if it was a trick or something.

"I just wish this is true because Aunt Elisa isn't someone that I can easily trust." she muttered.

Ruby concluded on cooking lunch for Mr. Grayson. Well, she always wish to cook but Aidan do stopped her. So, she counted it as an opportunity to do so since it would pleased Aidan.

After taking her final decision to cook for her father-in-law, she thought of calling her handmaid to show her the letter, but later changed her mind.

' It isn't a must for Suzy to see the letter, I can do that with my mouth.' 

Ruby thought to herself as she climbed down the bed.

She dropped the letter on the bed and went to her walk-in closet and wore a simple dress for the cooking.

Ruby left her room and called Suzy and informed her about the letter. Suzy was glad to hear that.

" At least, you would be free from any trouble that might rob your peace of mind." Suzy gladly spoke and Ruby smiled at her.

Ruby was a good cook and she was always gladdens her heart when she sees herself in the kitchen. 

" When will you open a restaurant for business, Ruby?" her father will always teased her up whenever he eat her food.

He always claim that Ruby can cook better than his wife or any of his female family members. 

It was time to showcase her gift as a good cook to her father-in-law alone and be graded, if he wish to.

Ruby entered the kitchen and the maids in the kitchen were flabbergasted to see her.

" You all can cook for others, but I will be preparing Mr. Grayson's meal tonight. And only me is doing that. I don't need help." she told them and their eyes widened.

" What's happening? Is this some kind of punishment from our boss?" 


The maids in the kitchen began to whisper to each other as they were unsure about what was going on.

Ruby prepared her father-in-law's lunch alone without asking for help. 

Immediately she was done cooking, she served the food on the dining table by herself before leaving to her room to take a shower.

Luckily enough Mr. Grayson and hi son, Aidan, arrived home when she was done bathing and dressed up.

 She climbed down the stairs to come and welcome Mr. Grayson as she has missed him a lot. 

Before she reach the living room, Mr. Grayson was already resting on one of the cushion and Aidan sat on another.

She walked directly to where Mr. Grayson was sitting and bowed down and greeted him as a sign of respect.

Mr. Grayson stood up and engaged her in a tight hug before taking his seat.

" I have prepared lunch for you. Will you mind eating now, or later?" she spoke to Mr. Grayson.

' What! When did she start cooking for my father? What's her plan?' Aidan was uncomfortable.

" You mean, you entered the kitchen?" Mr. Grayson and it seem to Ruby that he wasn't happy about it.

" Yes," she nodded.

" Then what were the maids doing? You aren't meant to enter the kitchen; they are supposed to cook for you and everyone." his voice became unusually and alarming and fear gripped Ruby.

" Actually, I… I decide to cook for you so that you can at least taste my cooking skills or maybe… I just thought I should cook for you, sir." 

Ruby was shivering as she explained.

On hearing this, Mr. Grayson was delighted.

" Oh, I'm sorry my dear. I never knew you intentionally cooked for me. In that case, I would like to have a shower and then come back to the dining." he responded with a curved smile on his face.

Mr. Grayson stood up and went to his room to have a shower before coming back to devour the food.

At least, Ruby was happy now and she knows that he won't reject her food. In fact he might even ask her to continue cooking for him and she would gladly do so.

That's her best area of specialisation in the family.

Aidan waited for his father to disappear from the living room before walking up to Ruby.

" How dare you cook for my father? Haven't I warned you to stay away from that kitchen?" Aidan gripped her wrist and spin it as he spoke with gritted teeth.

" Isn't it your wish for me to cook for your dad?" Ruby inquired as managed to ignore the pain on her wrist.

" Me? When did you and I discussed about such a thing?" he loosed his grip on her and lowered his gaze on her.

Ruby was lost after hearing this.

' Doe that mean aunt Elisa was lying to me? Or Aidan is just pretending to be angry?' Ruby wondered as she moves backward.

Aidan was inching his face closer to hers as if he wants to bite her neck like a vampire or maybe he want to k*ss her.

Ruby couldn't move any further when she felt a cushion behind her. 

" Won't you answer me?"! Aidan yelled as if he want to slap her and she fell on the cushion as tears trickled down her cheeks.

" Don't let loose my anger on you. If you know what's best for you, clean that tears and answer my question." 

He clenched his fist as he spoke, but Ruby couldn't utter a word, rather weeping.

Aidan was burning in anger as he try to figure out why she purposely cook when he had warned her never to go close to the kitchen.

" Aunt Elisa asked to cook the food according to your discussion with her." Ruby finally responded.

" Huh? Are trying to accuse Elisa of being responsible for this nonsense you just did?" he smirked.

" She sent a letter to me and I can bring it to you so you can read it yourself." 

" And she mentioned anything about me?" he sniffed and Ruby nodded as tears continued dripping down her cheeks.

As Aidan was about to order Ruby to bring the letter, he heard his father's footsteps approaching and he quickly took out his handkerchief to clean her tears.

He was avoiding his father to see it and when Mr. Grayson came down and saw him in that position, he was overwhelmed, thinking that his son was a good husband.

Ruby and Aidan plastered fake smile on their faces, pretending not to be aware of Mr. Grayson's presence when he came in.

" Oh, father, you are already here." 

" Yeah, I need to the delicious food your amiable wife cooked for me." Mr. Grayson responded and gestured toward the dining table.

" You all can come let's eat the lunch together." Mr. Grayson called the both of them and Ruby sheepishly smiled and stood up to serve the food.

She served Mr. Grayson the one she cooked and the maids served them the one they cooked.

After eating a spoon, Mr. Grayson spoke.

" You are best cook ever. In fact, the best cook in the entire universe." he complimented the food and Ruby was glad to hear that, although she knew that he won't despise the food.

Aidan on the other hand was also smiling along with everyone, even though he wasn't happy deep down of him.

He still has a thousand and one question to ask Ruby after the lunch.

Before Mr. Grayson could eat up to five spoons of the food, he began to cough heavily and he was given water to drink but it didn't stop after drinking the water.

Suddenly, he began to cough out particles of blood. Within seconds, he fel

l off his chair to the floor.

" What have you done to my father?" 

Aidan screamed out in anger after seeing his father trembling on the floor.