It was two days after Mr. Grayson's burial, which took place in his hometown, Aidan made sure everything went well without any interruption.

All Mr. Grayson's friends and relatives, who were out of town, were informed, but most of these things were done by Mr. Austin, who worked tirelessly to make sure his boss was given a befitting burial.

Everything was done within a few hours. And because the burial wasn't announced a long time before the day, some close relations couldn't make it, but they didn't forget to send their consolation messages to Aidan.

Although many complained about how late they got announced, Aidan gave them deaf ears as he never cared about what they were saying and proceeded with the burial.


After Aidan's father's burial was over as he planned, he sued Clara to the court, which she was called upon.

This action was taken two days after the burial.