The police were informed, and all investigations were made, but they couldn't catch any of these thugs.

The security cameras that were being installed in every corner of the hotel were of no use because the thugs never allowed any of the cameras to capture them.

Moreover, they covered their faces, which protected them from being noticed.

" Argh…" Aidan screamed in agony as the doctor tried to take off the bullet from his arm.

Charlie and aunt Elisa were busy pacing up and down in the corridor as they were unsettled hearing Aidan wailing on the sick bed from inside.

" Were you able to catch up with any of them?" Charlie curiously asked the officer on the phone.

" No, sir, we couldn't trace them," the police officer's responded from the phone.

" Please keep investigating."

" We would do that, but aren't you suspecting anyone?"

" Hmm…" Charlie paused for a while." Are you suspecting anyone for this?" he asked Aunt Elisa as he put the call on hold.