Romeo became scared after seeing Aidan groaning on the ground. He was lost whether he should help him up or run away.

Running away was the best option for Romeo, but he wouldn't want to leave Clara here, and he was sure that Clara wouldn't follow him if he asked her to. 

This made Ruby begin sobbing, but she couldn't utter any word as she was going through pain. 

However, Ruby hasn't discovered that she had a miscarriage because she thought the pain she was passing was caused by her falling on the doorpost.

It was her first time being pregnant, so she was unable to tell if she still had a life inside of her womb or not.

Although, the pain and the fighting going on between Aidan and Romeo didn't allow her to think about that. 

" Forgive me," Romeo apologized and ran out of the room. 

If he dares wait for Aidan to recover, then he's going to be in trouble. Aidan will either call the police or inform his bodyguards to beat him up.