Where have you been?

Clara took a taxi that conveyed her home. During the short journey home, Clara was lost in thoughts. She felt she was dying inside, and no one could feel her pain. 

She was in a crucial situation that she can't even explain to anyone. Even if she explains, no one will understand her. 

Such is life… 

To inform Ruby that she was dating Romeo wasn't the issue here, neither does the proposal Romeo did. Not even about Kate.

She couldn't tell what was happening. Her life was a mess at the moment.

Everything seemed meaningless under the sun, including the life she has in her.

The best thing to do now was to cry her eyes out. Even though she needed a shoulder to cry on, but whose shoulder? Definitely not her mom's or dad's shoulder, nor Romeo's shoulder because of the numerous questions they might come up with and she wasn't in the mood to explain things.